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[quick start of Digital IC Verification] 12. Introduction to SystemVerilog testbench (svtb)

2022-07-07 08:13:00 luoganttcc

Reading guide : The author has the honor to be a pioneer in the field of electronic information in China “ University of electronic technology ” During postgraduate study , Touch the cutting edge Numbers IC Verification knowledge , I heard something like Huawei Hisilicon Tsinghua purple light MediaTek technology And other top IC related enterprises in the industry , Pairs of numbers IC Verify some knowledge accumulation and learning experience . Want to get started for help IC Verified friends , After one or two thoughts , This column is specially opened , In order to spend the shortest time , Take the least detours , Most learned IC Verify technical knowledge .

One 、 Column Overview

Column outline

  • The column covers the functional verification process and technology of digital integrated circuits
  • Logic simulation , Incentive generation , Results check , coverage , Debugging technology , Assertion Technology
    • Usually verified “ Results check ” Don't check the timing , Just check the logic function . Because if you want to check the timing , With DUT Changes in timing , The timing of the environment will also change .
    • Usually check the timing in the assertion
  • Apply the verification knowledge learned to solve the problem of functional verification in digital circuit system

Preliminary knowledge

  • be familiar with Verilog or VHDL Hardware description language
  • Linux Basics
  • gvim Basics

SystemVerilog The outline

  • 1、 Verification plan and verification environment
    • Verification Plan It is very important at the beginning of the project !
  • 2、SystemVerilog Verification properties of language
  • 3、SystemVerilog Testbench
  • 4、 Interface Interface
  • 5、 object-oriented programming OOP
  • 6、 randomization Randomization
  • 7、 Threads Threads
  • 8、 Internal communication Interprocess Communication
  • 9、 functional verification Functional Coverage
  • 10、 Assertion Assertions

Reference books

  • 1、SystemVerilog for Verification, third edition, Springer 2012.
  • 2、SystemVerilog Assertions, Springer 2005

notes : Just as a reference book , Don't gnaw at books , Waste energy , Use more !

Two 、SystemVerilog TestBench function

  • Generate incentives
    • The motivation is divided into two layers , The first layer is function ( The source of the ), The other is Driver.
    • For example, to generate messages , This layer determines the message Head It's production 55AA still 0033
    • such as Transport apples , This layer is only responsible for packaging
  • Drive drive
    • Driver Specifically to produce with DUT Interface related signals sequential
    • Driver Equivalent to physical channel
    • Such as transporting apples , This floor is only responsible for transportation , As for the choice of transportation mode, it has nothing to do with the previous packaging !( Higher reusability
  • Sampling response
  • Check the correctness of the response
  • Evaluate the validation progress according to the validation objectives
    • Collection coverage ( Code - That's ok 、 Conditions 、FSM、Toggle; function ), Let's see the completeness of verification

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3、 ... and 、 be based on EDA Digital system design (SoC Design based on EDA)

  • in super-large scale SoC System chip design depends on : Electronic design automation tools (Electronic Design Automation,EDA)
    • be based on CMOS Building circuits cannot be made on a large scale , So there are tools
    • RTL --(MAP) --> Netlist --(Implentation)–> GDSII
  • Three big EDA manufacturer :Synopsys、Cadence、Mentor
  • Digital logic simulation tool :VCS、IES、Questasim
  • Digital logic simulation tool :DC、Genus
  • Formal verification tools :Formality、Conformal
    • Formal verification is the verification process MAP After that Netlist Is the function correct OK
    • It's about STD CELL Data analysis is more complicated , If you use it directly EDA It will be slow to check tools , This process is also a dynamic verification ( The validation case keeps going with time )
    • Formal It is static verification , spot ( Such as RTL And gate ) Point to point ( Such as Netlist And gate ) Verification logic function of , It doesn't involve timing
  • Static timing analysis tools :PrimeTime、Tempus
  • Testability implementation tools :Tessent
  • Digital layout design tools :ICC、Innovous、Olympus
  • Digital physical verification tool :Calibre

Four 、 Digital chip design process

  • Mainstream technology :28nm CMOS
  • Advanced technology :16/14nm 3D
  • 2017:16/14nm process
  • 2018:10/7nm process

notes x nm refer to CMOS Transistor's The diameter of .

The smaller the tube , The smaller the volume , Power consumption also has corresponding benefits !

5、 ... and 、 The language often used in digital chip design process

  • Hardware description language

    • VHDL( The European 、 India )
    • Verilog( China 、 The United States )
    • SystemVerilog Design( Rarely used )
  • Hardware verification language

    • SystemVerilog Verification(OOP: object-oriented ; attribute 、 Behavior ;Random Constraint With restraint )
    • SystemVerilog Assertion( measuring sequential Design Can also use ; Verify use Assertion Most of them use it Cover To make up for the description of functional coverage - This is usually the case SV It's hard to describe )
    • SystemC( Very few )
    • C/C++( Rarely used )
  • Scripting language

    • Shell(Bash shell)
    • Makefile(Questasim)
    • Perl( It was popular a few years ago )
    • Python( popular 、AI)
    • TCL( It was also popular in previous years )

6、 ... and 、 Digital chip design method

  • The top-down ( framework )
  • Bottom up ( circuit )
  • reusable
    • A parameterized ( Such as : A wide )
    • IP turn (DIP - RTL One of the IP)
  • Low power design
    • Clock gating( Use more )
    • Power gating( do MCU、 Mobile phone chips will be used more ; Save electricity )
  • Validation methodology
    • VIP
    • AIP

7、 ... and 、 Develop validation plan and layered validation platform

7.1、 Content

  • Verification Plan Validation plan
  • Verification Environment Verification environment
  • Verification Guidelines Verification principle

7.2、 Validation strategy

How to validate RTL Design code ?

  • What is needed resources
    • How much hard disk space ( Usually TB Level )?CPU Is there enough resources ?EDA License Is it enough ?
  • What needs to be verified Content
    • RTL characteristic ? Different features are implemented on different platforms .
    • EDA What to test ?FPGA What to test ? Application platform (EMV) What to test ?
    • Decompose the test points of each platform , Plan test cases
  • Whether to input all the possibilities corresponding to the application scenario ?
    • The input conforms to the actual application scenario
    • Other corner( The border )case
    • Other anomalies case
  • How to find errors ?
    • Look at the waveform and automatically compare ( In principle, automatic comparison , It is necessary to look at the waveform )
  • How to measure the verification progress ?
    • Coverage driven The verification strategy of ( Code coverage 、 Functional coverage )
  • When does the verification end ?
    • coverage 100%( Or points that cannot be tested can be explained )

7.3、 Verify progress

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  • Regression: Return to , Put all the use cases together and run round by round , The random seeds of each run are different , Instilled incentives are also different , The verification points hit are also different .

7.4、 Verify the contents of the plan

  • Verification hierarchy description ( unit -> modular -> IP)
  • Tools needed : Logic simulation tool 、 Self developed tools 、 Hardware and software collaboration
  • Risks and prerequisites
  • Verify the function point
  • Specific verification methods
    • Generally, the coverage driven verification strategy (CDV,Coverage Driven Verification)
  • Coverage requirements : Code coverage + Functional coverage
  • Application scenarios of test cases : Power on reset 、 The data transfer 、 Command processing 、 Fault tolerant processing
  • Resource requirements : personnel 、 Hardware 、 Software
    • The validation team leader will consider
  • Time arrangement :TestBench、TestCase( Use cases )、Regression( Return to )

7.4.1、 Verification level

  • The design hierarchy should be detailed :unit -> block -> ip -> SoC
  • Combine different circuit hierarchies into functional components
    • The complexity of each functional module
      • Complex functions require high controllability and observability
      • Simple functions do not need , It can be controlled and observed in other different hierarchies
    • The interface definition and design specification should be clear
      • The function of the variable interface must be independently verified
      • The stable interface with simple function can be combined with other modules for verification

7.4.2、 Needed EDA Tools

  • Logic simulation tool :QuestaSim、IES、VCS
  • Formal verification tools :Conformal、Formality
  • Assertion based tools (System Verilog)
  • Debugging tools :VSIM、Verdi、DVE
  • Hardware acceleration simulator :Veloce、Palladium( Bigger FPGA array , Can eat into the whole system , The running speed is usually dozens KHz, Weaker than FPGA, be better than EDA; The high cost )
  • Hardware and software co simulation :FPGA Prototype verification (FPGA Usually module level functions , The simulation speed is fast , The maximum running speed can reach 200M)
  • Advanced verification language :SystemVerilog、SystemC、C/C++
  • Library files ( It has something to do with the process library )

7.4.3、 Risks and prerequisites

  • Tool risk
    • EDA Purchase of tools 、EDA The problem of tools
    • EDA Training on the use of tools
    • There are problems with self-developed tools
  • RTL Timely release of design code
    • First release the first version of the simple function RTL, Then release the complex RTL Code
  • Rely on an independent validation team
  • Convergence of design architecture
    • Pending design requirements
  • Whether the resources are sufficient ( Hard disk 、CPU)

7.4.4、 Function point division

  • Key functions
    • Design functions that must be used
  • Secondary function
    • For streamers , Not key functions
      • Performance related functions
      • Functions that can be realized in the next version
      • Functions that can be realized by software
    • In the next verification level , Non critical functions
      • It can be at different levels , Functions that can be verified in parallel
      • Corner condition
  • Common functions
    • Operations that will not occur during normal operation
    • System reset and clock generation
    • Error handling
    • System debugging
  • Functions that do not need to be verified at this level
    • During logic simulation , Can be in Lower level Validation of the , You can also verify functions at a higher level
    • Functions not used at this level

7.4.5、 Specific verification methods

  • Verification type

    • Functions that need to be verified ( normal )
    • internal structure ( Design )
    • Error phenomenon ( abnormal )
    • Resource availability
  • Validation strategy

    • Deterministic simulation - Simple design
    • randomization Simulation - Complex design ( Time for space ; Hit the unexpected point of the human brain )
    • Formal verification
  • Random validation

    • Because of circulation hang( Hang up )
    • Low probability application scenarios
    • Specific direct test cases
  • The level of abstraction

  • Detection strategy

    • White box verification (SVA)
    • Gray box verification
    • Black box verification ( contrast RM)

7.4.6、 Coverage requirements

  • Define coverage targets : Through the feedback mechanism to determine the incentive generation quality of the verification environment ( completeness -> coverage
    • All command and response types
    • Specific data types and numerical ranges of data
    • All effective incentives
    • Fault tolerant processing ( Abnormal scenario )
  • Statistical coverage
  • Analyze coverage vulnerabilities
  • If necessary , Write directional test cases

7.4.7、 Test case application scenarios

  • List all the actual application scenarios ( Principle of decomposing test points
    • Configuration items to be verified ( Configuration register )
    • Verify the data variables in the environment
    • Important attributes of data ( Range 、 With or without symbols )
    • all DUT Enter the actual sequence of ports
    • Error condition (Error handling)
    • The boundary conditions (Corner case)

7.4.8、 Resource requirements

  • human resources
    • Verify the environment type ( Complexity )
      • Manual inspection and comparison of reference models require more people
      • A transaction level authentication environment requires fewer people
    • Engineer's project experience
  • Computing resources
    • The running time of the test case multiply Number of test cases , Determine the amount of hardware and software resources ( In fact, it may not be so mechanically operated
      • CPU + Memory + disk
      • EDA Tools License

7.4.9、 Time arrangement (Schedule)

  • List the timing of different validation activities
    • Verify the results and contents submitted by the team
    • Verify the main work 、 Processes and standards
  • The project schedule includes
    • Official release time of design architecture and documents (Specification Delivery)
    • Verify platform development (Verification Environment Development)
    • The first edition RTL Release time of design code
    • Run through time of a basic test case (Base Flow)
    • Time to start the regression test (Regression Run)
    • The time of streaming (Release to Manufacturing)
  • The project schedule needs to consider the design hierarchy (each level of hierarchy)
  • When the verification finds RTL When the probability of problems decreases , The verification work must be carried out to the next level ( Especially for inherited projects )
    • Bug Rate

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  • IC Design engineers go back to check the code (Code Review)
  • Unit level verification (UT)、 Module level verification (BT)、 System level verification (ST)
  • Low level verification is not conducive to finding more RTL Code problem , Because these problems appear in the early stage of the whole design cycle , Each design engineer's verification or unit level verification is developed in parallel . Practical experience shows that : When RTL When the probability of problems decreases , The verification work can be transferred from a low level to a higher level , For example, from unit level verification to module level verification .

7.5、 Verification environment

  • Verify the components of the platform (TestBench Components)
    • The verification platform surrounds DUT Around
      • Generate incentives (Generate stimulus)
      • Get a response (Capture response)
      • Check for correctness (Check for correctness)
      • Measure validation progress by coverage (Measure progress through coverage matrix)
  • Verify the properties of the platform (Features of an effective Testbench)
    • Reusability , Easy to modify
      • object-oriented programming (Object oriented programming)
    • The layered verification platform is easy to reuse
      • The flat verification platform is difficult to modify and maintain
      • The layered verification platform separates the code into independent modules , Put common functions in a piece of code
    • Get information quickly and achieve high coverage quickly
      • Randomized validation techniques (Randomize!!)

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  • DUT

    • It is the actual circuit that will eventually be produced , Usually RTL Level description , Use Verilog Description language
    • comprehensive -> Net watch -> GDSII -> Chip
  • TestBench

    • Behavior level Description of , More is software simulation

7.5.1、 Layered verification platform

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  • Signal layer (Signal layer)
    • DUT and TestBench The connection of (interface, Detailed introduction later )
  • Command layer (Command layer)
    • Driver (Driver)
      • Command as send()、read()、write Convert to signal , drive DUT
    • Receiver (Receiver or Monitor)
      • take DUT The output signal of is converted into a command
    • Writing assertions (Assertions)
      • Assertions can model system behavior based on clock cycles
      • Most comparisons do not have timing , Compare with RM result . But assertions can see timing !

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notes : Can't understand the code , Don't go into it first !

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  • Functional layer (Functional Layer)
    • Transfer transaction level information (transcations) Convert into command driven to DUT, such as DMA readoperation
    • Agent (Agent)
      • Temporarily store transaction level information , Send these messages in a certain order
      • Don't pay attention to the actual timing , The actual timing is lower Driver To focus on !
    • The viewer (Checker)
      • receive DUT Output data of , And compare with the expected results
    • scoreboard (ScoreBoard)
      • Feed back the comparison results in the scoreboard

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  • application layer (Scenario Layer)
    • generator (Generator)
      • Generate directed data
      • Directional test
      • Random tests with constraints

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  • push_back() yes SV Squadron (queue) Supported system functions , You can insert objects at the end of the queue (object)

attach : Understand the relationship at all levels :

analogy : Send a pile of fruits , Fruit contains apples and bananas

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  • Generator Take charge of Apple 、 Pick bananas and give them to Agent
  • Agent Be responsible for sending such as first 5 Send an apple 5 Organize and pack bananas , After packing, give it to Driver
  • Driver Be responsible for selecting the mode of transportation , It's the train , Or the ship
  • DUT Represents specific means of transportation , Train or ship

It is not difficult to see from the above description that , Due to layering , When a certain layer changes , Just change some layers , Other layers can be reused .

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  • Test layer (test)

    • Test cases can control all the input into the verification environment
    • Set constraints for the input incentive information
    • Combine multiple test cases
  • Functional coverage (Functional Coverage)

    • Use the statistical results of function coverage to adjust constraints , Generate the next input excitation

attach : Understand the relationship at all levels :

analogy : Compare verification to a Symphonic Concert ,Generator、Agent、Scoreboard、Checker、Driver、Receiver Make different proportions Musical Instruments , that Test Is that conductor , The source of the whole concert !

7.5.2、 Benefits of a tiered verification platform

  • Update the validation environment Less time
  • Through the top-level file, you can It's easy to configure Verification platform
  • All valid configurations during the test ( Randomization strategy is of great relevance )
    • Choosing different design configurations allows regression testing
    • Randomized configuration object with constraints
  • Improve Reusability Maintainability

8、 ... and 、 Summary

  • Verification hierarchy

    • unit level (arith-alu/shift-alu/Preprocessor)
    • block level (ALU)
    • IP level (ALU+Preprocessor)
  • Verification language :SystemVerilog

  • Verification tool :Questasim

  • Coverage statistics : Functional coverage + Code coverage

