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Quick analysis of Intranet penetration helps the foreign trade management industry cope with a variety of challenges

2022-07-07 08:07:00 Fast parsing

In recent years , China's foreign trade development opportunities are unprecedented , The total volume of trade in goods and services jumped to the first place in the world , Trading partners expanded to 230 Multiple countries and regions . China has issued several rounds of policies and measures to stabilize foreign trade , The progress of export tax rebate is accelerating , The trade facilitation agreement has been fully implemented , The level of cross-border trade facilitation continues to improve , To build “ the Belt and Road ” Step into a high-quality development stage , The level of opening up has been comprehensively improved , The international community hopes to better share China's development opportunities , China is expected to play a more important role in global economic governance , China's international cooperation space is still vast . And on the other hand , The growth rate of China's foreign trade fell , Face greater pressure . meanwhile , Sea freight is soaring , The cost pressure remains high .

The main challenges faced by the foreign trade management industry mainly include the following aspects : One is Difficult management and operation . Facing a huge amount of foreign trade information and many information nodes , Even build overseas operation websites as their own external platforms , How to synchronize website information at home and abroad , Information management for transnational transportation , Accurate troubleshooting has become an industry problem . Second, high security requirements . The data transmission of foreign trade transactions is close , The amount of data generated is large , Involving a lot of privacy , High safety requirements , In the transmission process, we should not only be stable, but also prevent privacy leakage . Third, network communication technology is insufficient . The programming of data acquisition for multiple sites is complex , On the other hand , In network communication, there are often many kinds of structures coexisting , When involving multiple enterprises, it is limited by different operators , The internal and external website information is not synchronized , Traditional network communication technology cannot solve . The complex current situation of foreign trade poses a great challenge to the foreign trade management industry , How can the foreign trade management industry withstand the epidemic 、 Russia Ukraine war 、 Growth is slowing 、 The loss of demographic dividends and other problems , Continue to be one of the carriages that drive China's economic development , In the age of the Internet , The foreign trade management industry needs a solution .

Fast parsing intranet penetration can help the foreign trade management industry achieve centralized management , Remote maintenance  . Fast parsing Simple deployment , When data transmission exception occurs , It can be managed and maintained in the cloud , Realize accident early warning 、 equipment Remote maintenance equipment ; Fast parsing Data transmission is safe and stable . Bank level data Transmission encryption , Protect data from tampering , Relevant data and the whole process of transactions are fully protected . Fast parsing can be achieved Multi industry service support . Intelligent product upgrade , Software or hardware solutions can be adopted according to environmental requirements , Improve big data analysis ability , For mobile 、APP、IoT Terminal devices such as the device end are provided based on DoH(DNS over HTTPS) and DoT(DNS over TLS) Fast 、 Stable 、 Secure terminal resolution service . Fast resolution intranet penetration technology can provide a reasonable solution for the foreign trade management industry .1. stay The information system of the company headquarters 、 Each management terminal install Jinwanwei quick parsing client .2. Sign in Fast parsing Manage adding mappings , Set mapping , Map the intranet server to the Internet .3. Branch personnel can access the information system according to the generated domain name , The data will also be synchronously transmitted to the headquarters server .


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