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2022 National latest fire-fighting facility operator (primary fire-fighting facility operator) simulation questions and answers

2022-07-07 07:57:00 100% question bank app

The 100% question bank provides Fire service operators Examination questions 、 Fire service operators Test prediction questions 、 Fire service operators The real exam question 、 Fire service operators Certificate examination question bank, etc , Provide online questions and brush questions , Online mock exam , Help you pass the exam easily .


One 、 Single topic selection

1. The inspection of the effectiveness of fire extinguishers does not include ().

A. Visual inspection

B. Tightness check

C. Strength check

D. Quantity check

answer :D

analysis : Check the effectiveness of fire extinguishers :1、 Visual inspection ;2、 Tightness check :(1) Check the leakage of carbon dioxide gas cylinders by weighing .(2) Pressure measurement method should be used to check the leakage of pressure storage fire extinguishers . The annual pressure reduction value of the fire extinguisher should not be greater than 10%.3、 Strength check .

Two 、 Multiple choice

2. The inspection of the effectiveness of fire extinguishers includes :().

A. Visual inspection

B. Tightness check

C. Strength check

D. Fire resistance inspection

answer :ABC

analysis : The inspection of the effectiveness of fire extinguishers includes : Fire extinguisher identification 、 Visual inspection 、 Tightness check 、 Strength check 、 Check the filling amount of extinguishing agent .

3. The effectiveness inspection of fire extinguishers includes ().

A. Visual inspection

B. Tightness check

C. Strength check

D. Fire resistance inspection

answer :ABC

analysis : The effectiveness inspection of fire extinguishers includes visual inspection 、 Tightness check 、 Strength check .


3、 ... and 、 Judgment questions

4. The water-based fire extinguisher has changed the extinguishing agent every time or has been out of the factory for three years , And after that, the fire extinguisher shall be subject to hydraulic strength test every two years , Only after the water pressure strength is qualified can it be used .

answer : error

analysis : Cleaning and maintenance requirements of fire extinguishers :: Water based fire extinguisher :(1) Place in a cool place 、 dry 、 ventilation 、 And take convenient parts .(2) Regularly check whether the nozzle is blocked , Keep it unobstructed .(3) Change the extinguishing agent every time or leave the factory for three years , And after that, the fire extinguisher shall be subject to hydraulic strength test every other year , Only after the water pressure strength is qualified can it be used .(4) The inspection should be carried out by trained professionals , The maintenance should be carried out by the professional unit that has obtained the maintenance license .

5. The fire extinguisher should be refilled when it is found that the extinguishing agent needs to be replaced after use or during maintenance . Filling must be carried out by professionally trained personnel .

answer : correct

analysis : Precautions and methods for cleaning and maintenance of fire extinguishers :1、 Fire extinguisher identification content :2、 Precautions and methods for cleaning and maintenance of fire extinguisher signs :3、 Precautions and methods for cleaning and maintenance of the appearance and structure of fire extinguishers :4、 Refill : The fire extinguisher should be refilled when it is found that the extinguishing agent needs to be replaced after use or during maintenance . Filling must be carried out by professionally trained personnel .

6. Check the leakage of carbon dioxide gas cylinders by weighing .

answer : correct

analysis : Check the effectiveness of fire extinguishers :1、 Visual inspection ;2、 Tightness check :(1) Check the leakage of carbon dioxide gas cylinders by weighing (2) Pressure measurement method shall be used to check the leakage of pressure storage fire extinguishers . The annual pressure reduction value of the fire extinguisher should not be greater than 10%.3、 Strength check .

7. The annual leakage of carbon dioxide fire extinguisher shall not be greater than the rated filling capacity of the fire extinguisher 10% or 100g( Take the small value of both ).

answer : error

analysis : Cleaning and maintenance requirements of fire extinguishers : Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher :(1) It should be placed in an obvious 、 A convenient place to access , It should not be placed near heating or heating equipment and in places with strong sunlight ;(2) Regularly check the carbon dioxide storage in the bottle , The annual leakage of the portable carbon dioxide fire extinguisher shall not be greater than the rated filling capacity of the fire extinguisher 5% or 50g( Take the small value of both ), Trolley type should not be greater than 5%, If it exceeds the limit, refill it in time .(3) In the course of carrying , Handle with care , Pay attention to the impact .(4) Five years or before each refill , And every other 2 Hydrostatic test shall be carried out in , And mark the test year 、 Lunar steel seal .


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