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Ks003 mall system based on JSP and Servlet

2022-07-06 03:45:00 Programming thousand paper cranes

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Xiaomi mall project

One 、Get Xiaomi mall project

be based on Servlet+JSP The Xiaomi shopping mall project , This project has realized the relevant purchase process of front-end users , Background product and user management functions are not implemented , The background management page has been reserved (web/admin Catalog ), It can be realized by itself according to the program structure , Suitable for graduation design or course design .

Two 、 Xiaomi mall project process display

Be careful : jsp page 、 Database and part of Utils Tools provided , We just need to create the project import, create and write other code . The place where the page display process is enclosed by a red line frame is the mall entrance we need to do , Click this entry to complete the jump to other pages , According to others jsp The content displayed on the page and the corresponding business logic code are written .

Registration function page (register.jsp)
Registration success page (registerSuccess.jsp)
Unlisted mall page (index.jsp、header.jsp、footer.jsp)
The login page (login.jsp)
Log in to the mall homepage (index.jsp、header.jsp、footer.jsp)
Paginated list of products (goodList.jsp)
Product details page (goodsDetail.jsp)
Successfully joined the shopping cart (cartSuccess.jsp)
Shopping cart list (cart.jsp)
Order list (order.jsp)
Order submitted successfully (orderSuccess.jsp)
Wechat payment (payWeixin.jsp)
Successful payment (message.jsp)
 Successful payment
Homepage address management (header.jsp - > self_info.jsp)
Home page my order (header.jsp - > orderList.jsp)
Order details (orderList.jsp - > orderDetail.jsp)
Be careful : Interested partners expand by themselves , Optimize the details !

3、 ... and 、 database

Introduction to database tables

  • Address table (tb_address):  contain id、 Address information (detail)、 full name (name)、 Telephone (phone)、 user id(uid)、 Default address tag (level)
  • Shopping cart table (tb_cart):  contain id、 goods id(pid) Number (num)、 Subtotal (money)
  • Commodity list (tb_goods):  contain id、 Name of commodity (name)、 Add cart date (pubdate)、 picture (picture)、 The unit price (price)、 The star (star)、 describe (intro)、 Commodity type id(typeid)
  • Commodity type table (tb_goods_type):  contain id、 Commodity type name (name)、 Product type level (level)
  • The order sheet (tb_order):  Include orders id、 user id(uid)、 Subtotal (money)、 The order status (status)、 Order time (time)、 Address id(aid)
  • Order details sheet (tb_orderdetail):  contain id、 Order id(oid)、 goods id(pid)、 The number (num)、 Subtotal (money)
  • User table (tb_user):  contain id、 user name (username)、 password (password)、 mailbox (email)、 Gender (gender)、 Account activation flag (flag)、 Administrator tag (role)、 Activation code (code)

matters needing attention :

  • Account activation flag flag=1 Is active ; The default tag address is marked as 1
  • code The activation code can be used UUID To generate , Remember to put UUID In the yard "-" Remove it
  • Order ID It's a UUID Generated 32 Is a string type ID, Also want to put "-" Removed
  • Order status we only use two statuses , If you need to view the status , It can be found in our project utils Enum classes in tools OrderStatus
  • The order time in the database is time type , This type includes date and time .java.utils.date It contains date and time , and java.sql.date It only contains the date , Not including time . All we need in this project is to use java.utils.date that will do
  • The subtotal in the shopping cart table is empty , It's because you store the subtotal once you add the goods to the shopping cart , But when you submit the order, change the quantity , The subtotal should also change . So this causes the subtotal in the shopping cart to be different from the subtotal in the order
  • Emptying the shopping cart and deleting the items in the shopping cart are not direct delete Delete , Because of the value of user data , Therefore, we only need to operate the quantity of goods purchased by users
database model

Four 、 Project requirements analysis

Project requirements analysis
 Demand analysis

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