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敏捷认证(Professional Scrum Master)模拟练习题-2

2022-07-03 02:57:00 zoobuzas

敏捷认证(Professional Scrum Master)模拟练习题-2

Which two of the following are appropriate topics for discussion during a Sprint Retrospective? (Choose the best two answers.) 以下哪两项适合在 Sprint 回顾中讨论?

A. Identifying high priority process improvements for the next Sprint.确定下一个Sprint的高优先级流程改进。

B. The order of items in the Product Backlog.

C. How the team collaborates. 团队如何协作。

D. Documenting acceptance criteria for items in the next Sprint.

Correct Answer: AC

When should a Sprint Goal be created? (Choose the best answer.) 什么时候应该创建 Sprint 目标?

A. It should have been created in the previous Sprint during Product Backlog refinement.

B. It must be established before Sprint Planning in order to begin planning.

C. A Sprint Goal is not mandatory in Scrum.

D. At any time during the Sprint.

E. During Sprint Planning. 在 Sprint 计划期间。

Correct Answer: E

During a Sprint Retrospective, the Development Team proposes moving the Daily Scrum to only occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Which two are the most appropriate responses for the Scrum Master? (Choose the best two answers.) 在 Sprint 回顾会议期间,开发团队建议将每日 Scrum 改为仅在周二和周四举行。 哪两个是最适合 Scrum Master 的回应?

A. Consider the request and decide on which days the Daily Scrum should occur.

B. Coach the team on why the Daily Scrum is important as an opportunity to update the plan.

C. Have the developers vote.

D. Learn why the Development Team wants this and work with them to improve the outcome of the Daily Scrum.

E. Acknowledge and support the self-organizing team’s decision.

Correct Answer: BD

As the Development Team starts work during the Sprint, it realizes it has selected too much work to finish in the Sprint. What should it do? (Choose the best answer.) 当开发团队在Sprint期间开始工作时,它意识到它选择了太多的工作来完成Sprint。它应该怎么做?

A. Inform the Product Owner at the Sprint Review, but prior to the demonstration.

B. Find another Scrum Team to give the excess work to.

C. As soon as possible in the Sprint, work with the Product Owner to remove some work or Product Backlog items.

D. Reduce the definition of “Done” and get all of the Product Backlog items “Done” by the new definition.

Correct Answer: C

In accordance with Scrum theory, how should a group of 100 people be divided into multiple Development Teams? (Choose the best answer.) 按照 Scrum 理论,一个 100 人的团队应该如何分成多个开发团队?

A. Understanding the product, the product vision and the rules of the Scrum framework, the group divides itself into teams. 了解产品、产品愿景和 Scrum 框架的规则后,团队将自己划分为团队。

B. It doesn’t really matter because you can rotate the teams every Sprint to spread knowledge.

C. Check with the allocation department to see who has worked together before and make these the first teams.

D. Create a matrix of skills, seniority, and level of experience to assign people to teams.

Correct Answer: A

A Sprint Retrospective should be held: (Choose the best answer.) 应举行 Sprint 回顾会议:

A. At the end of each Sprint.在每个 Sprint 结束时。

B. At the beginning of each Sprint.

C. Only when the Scrum Team determines it needs one.

D. At the end of the last Sprint in a project or a release.

Correct Answer: A

A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating a hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the team member? (Choose the best answer.) 一位新开发人员与现有开发团队成员不断发生冲突,并创造了一个敌对的环境。 如有必要,谁负责移除团队成员?

A. The hiring manager is responsible, because he/she hired the developer.

B. The Scrum Manager is responsible, because he/she removes Impediments.

C. The Development Team is responsible, and may need help from the Scrum Master. 开发团队负责,可能需要 Scrum Master 的帮助。

D. The Product Owner is responsible, because he/she controls the return on investment (ROI).

Correct Answer: C

Which three purposes does the definition of “Done” serve? (Choose the best three answers.) “完成”的定义服务于哪三个目的?

A. Guide the Development Team on how many Product Backlog items to select for the Sprint.

B. Create a shared understanding of when work is complete. 就工作何时完成达成共识。

C. Describe the purpose, objective, and time-box of each Scrum event. 描述每个 Scrum 事件的目的、目标和时间框。

D. Describe the work that must be done before the Sprint is allowed to end. 描述在允许 Sprint 结束之前必须完成的工作。

E. Increase transparency.

Correct Answer: BCD

The Product Owner makes sure the team selects enough from the Product Backlog for a Sprint to satisfy the stakeholders. 产品负责人确保团队从产品待办列表中选择足够多的 Sprint 以满足利益相关者。

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer: B

the dev team is responsible on how much it can take on the sprint

Which statement best describes the Sprint Review? (Choose the best answer.) 哪个陈述最能描述 Sprint 审查?

A. It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it forecast, or to punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its forecast.

B. It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to check on the work done.

C. It is a mechanism to control the Development Team’s activities during a Sprint.

D. It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of a Sprint and figure out what to do next.这是 Scrum 团队和利益相关者检查 Sprint 的结果并确定下一步该做什么的时候。

Correct Answer: D

Who owns the Sprint Backlog? (Choose the best answer.) 谁拥有 Sprint Backlog?

A. The Scrum Team.

B. The Product Owner.

C. The Scrum Master.

D. The Development Team.

Correct Answer: D

When might a Sprint be abnormally cancelled? (Choose the best answer.) 什么时候可能会异常取消 Sprint?

A. When the Development Team feels that the work is too hard.

B. When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete.当 Sprint 目标过时时。

C. When the sales department has an important new opportunity.

D. When it becomes clear that not everything will be finished by the end of the Sprint.

Correct Answer: B

Every Development Team should have: (Choose the best answer.)

A. At least one representative from each major software engineering discipline (like QA, Dev, UX). 每个主要软件工程学科至少有一名代表

B. The competencies and skills needed to deliver a Done Increment in a Sprint.

C. One Lead Developer and no more than 8 other members.

Correct Answer: B

Why does the Product Owner want the Development Team to adhere to its definition of “Done”? (Choose the best answer.) 为什么产品负责人希望开发团队遵守其“完成”的定义?

A. To have complete transparency into what has been done at the end of each Sprint. 在每个 Sprint 结束时完全透明地了解已完成的工作。

B. To be able to reprimand the team when they don’t meet their velocity goal for the Sprint.

C. To know what the team will deliver over the next three Sprints.

D. To predict the team’s productivity over time.

Correct Answer: A

During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Scrum Master responsible? (Choose the best answer.) 在 Sprint 回顾期间,Scrum Master 负责什么?

A. Prioritizing the resulting action items.

B. Participating as a Scrum team member and facilitating as requested or needed. 作为 Scrum 团队成员参与并根据要求或需要提供协助。

C. Acting as a scribe to capture the Development Team’s answers.

D. Summarizing and reporting the discussions to management.

Correct Answer: B

The Development Team should have all the skills needed to: (Choose the best answer.) 开发团队应具备所有必要的技能

A. Turn Product Backlog items into an Increment of potentially releasable product functionality. 将产品待办列表项转化为潜在可发布产品功能的增量。

B. Do all of the development work, except for specialized testing that requires additional tools and environments.

C. Complete the project within the date and cost as calculated by the Product Owner.

Correct Answer: A

### cQUESTION 117
The Scrum Master observes the Product Owner struggling with ordering the Product Backlog. What is an appropriate action for the Scrum Master to take? (Choose the best answer.) Scrum Master 观察到产品负责人为订购产品待办列表而苦苦挣扎。 Scrum Master 应该采取什么适当的行动?

A. Suggest the Product Owner extend the Sprint, so he can have more time to order the Product Backlog.

B. Suggest that the Development Team does the ordering to be sure that it is a feasible ordering of work. 建议开发团队进行排序以确保这是一个可行的工作排序。

C. Offer the Product Owner help in understanding that the goal of ordering the Product Backlog is to maximize value.

D. Present the Product Owner with an ordered Product Backlog to use.

E. Encourage the Product Owner to work with the Development Team to see which items technically are fastest to implement.

Correct Answer: B

Which two things are appropriate for a Scrum Master to do if the Scrum Team doesn’t have the tools and environment to completely finish each selected Product Backlog item? (Choose the best two answers.) 如果 Scrum 团队没有工具和环境来完全完成每个选定的 Product Backlog 项目,哪两件事适合 Scrum Master 做?

A. Coach the Scrum Team to improve its skills, tools, and infrastructure over time and adjust the Definition of “Done” accordingly.指导 Scrum 团队随着时间的推移改进其技能、工具和基础设施,并相应地调整“完成”的定义。

B. Encourage the Product Owner to accept partially “Done” increments until the situation improves.

C. Refocus the current Sprint on establishing the Scrum Team’s infrastructure instead of delivering an increment.

D. Declare the Scrum Team not ready for Scrum.

E. Have the Scrum Team establish a Definition of “Done” that is actually possible to achieve given current circumstances.让 Scrum 团队建立一个“完成”的定义,该定义实际上可以在给定的当前情况下实现。

Correct Answer: AE

When is implementation of a Product Backlog item considered complete? (Choose the best answer) 产品待办列表项的实施何时被视为完成?

A. At the end of the Sprint.

B. When the item has no work remaining in order to be potentially released.当项目没有剩余工作以便可能发布时。

C. When Quality Assurance reports that the item passes all acceptance criteria.

D. When all work in the Sprint Backlog related to the item is finished.

Correct Answer: B

Choose two responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team. (Choose the best two answers.) 选择一个自组织开发团队的两个职责。

A. Reorder the Product Backlog.

B. Pull Product Backlog items for the Sprint.

C. Do the work planned in the Sprint Backlog.

D. Increase velocity.

E. Report daily progress to stakeholders.

Correct Answer: BC

If two Scrum Teams are added to the development of a product that previously had only one Scrum Team, what will be the immediate impact on the productivity of the original Scrum Team? (Choose the best answer.) 如果在以前只有一个Scrum团队的产品开发中加入两个Scrum 团队,那么对原始 Scrum 团队的生产力会产生什么直接影响? (选择最佳答案。)

A. Its productivity is likely to decrease. 它的生产力可能会下降。

B. Its productivity is likely to stay the same.

C. Its productivity is likely to increase.

D. We do not know until a Sprint has run

Correct Answer: A

A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Development Team. The Development Team has decided that a Sprint Retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take? (Choose the best answer.) Scrum Master 正在向新的开发团队介绍 Scrum。 开发团队认为 Sprint 回顾是不必要的。 Scrum Master 应该采取什么行动?

A. Call a meeting between the Development Team and senior management.

B. Comply with the decision of the self-organizing team.

C. Consult with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation.

D. Begin facilitating productive and useful Sprint Retrospectives. 开始促进富有成效和有用的 Sprint 回顾。

Correct Answer: D

Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role? (Choose the best two answers.) 关于产品负责人角色,下列哪项是正确的?

A. The Product Owner is one person.

B. The Product Owner is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog. 产品负责人负责订购产品待办列表。

C. Multiple people can share the Product Owner role on a Scrum Team.

D. The Product Owner role can be played by a committee or a team of people.

Correct Answer: AB

True or False: When multiple teams work together on the same product, each team should maintain a separate Product Backlog. 当多个团队一起开发同一个产品时,每个团队都应该维护一个单独的产品待办列表。

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer: B

When does the second Sprint start? (Choose the best answer.) 第二个 Sprint 什么时候开始?

A. Once the architectural changes for the second Sprint have been approved by the senior architect.

B. After the Product Backlog for the second Sprint has been selected.

C. Immediately after the first Sprint.

D. After the customer completes acceptance testing of the first Sprint.

Correct Answer: C

What is included in the Sprint Backlog? (Choose the best answer.)

A. User Stories.

B. Tasks.

C. Use Cases.

D. Tests.

E. Any of the above (or others) which are a decomposition of the selected Product Backlog items. 以上(或其他)中的任何一个,它们是所选产品待办列表项的分解。

Correct Answer: E

What enhances the transparency of an increment? (Choose the best answer.) 是什么提高了增量的透明度?

A. Doing all work needed to meet the definition of “Done” 完成所有需要满足“完成”定义的工作

B. Reporting Sprint progress to the stakeholders daily

C. Keeping track of and estimating all undone work to be completed in a separate Sprint.

D. Updating Sprint tasks properly in the electronic tracking tool.

Correct Answer: A

Who determines how work is performed during the Sprint? (Choose the best answer.) 谁来决定 Sprint 期间工作的执行方式?

A. Architects.

B. The Development Team.

C. The Scrum Master.

D. Subject matter experts.

E. Development Team managers.

Correct Answer: B

Why should the Product Owner be present at the Daily Scrum? (Choose the best answer.) 为什么产品负责人应该出席每日站会?

A**. He/She doesn’t need to be there.**

B. To hear about impediments in functionality.

C. To represent the stakeholder’s point of view.

D. To participate as a Scrum Team member.

Correct Answer: A

What two techniques could the Scrum Master use when the Scrum Team gets caught in an internal disagreement about which development techniques to apply? (Choose the best two answers.) 当 Scrum 团队陷入关于应用哪种开发技术的内部分歧时,Scrum Master 可以使用哪两种技术?

A. Involve the complete Development Team. 让整个开发团队参与进来。

B. Use coaching techniques; such as open questions and active listening. 使用教练技术; 例如开放式问题和积极倾听。

C. Ask an external technical specialist to make the decision.

D. Send every team member to the company’s Human Resources department to express their concerns.

Correct Answer: AB

Who is responsible for clearly expressing Product Backlog items? (Choose the best answer.) 谁负责清楚地表达 Product Backlog 项目? (选择最佳答案。)

A. The Scrum Master, or the Scrum Master may have the Development Team do it.

B. The Scrum Master.

C. The Product Owner.

D. The business analyst who represents the Product Owner in the Development Team.

Correct Answer: C

What is the best suited structure for Development Teams in order to produce integrated Increments? (Choose the best answer.) 为了产生集成增量,最适合开发团队的结构是什么?

A. Each Development Team works only one technical layer of the system (e.g. GUI, database, middle tier, interfaces).

B. Each Development Team develops functionality from beginning to end throughout all technical layers. 每个开发团队都在所有技术层中从头到尾开发功能。

Correct Answer: B

What are three benefits of self-organization? (Choose the best three answers.)

A. Increased creativity. 增加创造力。

B. Increased rule compliance.

C. Increased accuracy of estimates.

D. Increased self-accountability 增加自我责任感

E. Increased commitment. 增加承诺。

Correct Answer: ADE

Which three of the following are time-boxed events in Scrum? (Choose the best three answers.)

A. Release Testing.

B. Release Retrospective.

C. Sprint Retrospective.

D. Sprint Planning.

E. Sprint Testing.

F. Sprint 0.

G. Daily Scrum.

Correct Answer: CDG

At the end of a Sprint Product Backlog item worked on during the Sprint does not meet the definition of “Done”. What two things should happen with the undone Product Backlog item? (Choose the best two answers.) 在 Sprint 期间完成的 Sprint Product Backlog 项目结束时不符合“完成”的定义。 撤销的 Product Backlog 项目应该发生哪两件事? (选择最佳的两个答案。)

A. If the stakeholders agree, the Product Owner can accept it and release it to the users.

B. Put it on the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with it. 把它放在产品待办列表中,让产品负责人决定如何处理它。

C. Review the item, add the “Done” part of the estimate to the velocity and create a Story for the remaining work.

D. Do not include the item in the Increment this Sprint. 不要在本 Sprint 增量中包含该项目。

Correct Answer: BD

Which two of the following are true about the Scrum Master role? (Choose the best two answers.) 关于 Scrum Master 角色,以下哪两项是正确的?

A. At the Sprint Review, the Scrum Master identifies what has been “done” and what has not been “done”.

B. The Scrum Master teaches the Development Team to keep the Scrum meetings to their time-box. Scrum Master 教导开发团队将 Scrum 会议保持在他们的时间范围内。

C. The Scrum Master helps those outside the team interact with the Scrum Team. Scrum Master 帮助团队以外的人与 Scrum 团队互动。

D. The Scrum Master assigns tasks to Development Team members when they need work.

E. The Scrum Master is responsible for updating the Sprint Burndown.

Correct Answer: BC

If burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what does a trend line through a release burndown chart indicate? (Choose the best answer.) 如果使用燃尽图来可视化进度,那么通过发布燃尽图的趋势线表示什么?

A. The evolution of the cost spent on the project.

B. When all work will be completed to the Scrum Team can be released for other work.

C. When the work remaining will likely be completed if nothing changes on the Product Backlog or the Development Team. 如果产品待办列表或开发团队没有任何变化,剩余的工作可能完成的时间。

D. When the project will be over if the Product Owner removes work that is equal in effort to any new work that is added.

Correct Answer: C

Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders? (Choose the best answer.) 谁负责让利益相关者参与?

A. The Business Analyst.

B. The Development Team.

C. The Team Manager.

D. The Project Manager.

E. The Product Owner.

Correct Answer: E

How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects for a Sprint? 开发团队必须为 Sprint 选择的 Product Backlog 项目做多少工作?

A. A proportional amount of time on analysis, design, programming, testing, and documentation.

B. As much as it can fit into the Sprint. Any remaining work will be transferred to a subsequent Sprint.

C. All development work and at least some testing.

D. As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition of “Done”. 正如它告诉产品负责人将按照“完成”的定义为它选择的每个产品待办列表项完成的那样。

Correct Answer: D

Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of the Sprint Planning? 哪个陈述最能将Sprint Backlog描述为Sprint计划的结果?

A. It is a complete list of all work to be done in a Sprint. 它是Sprint中要完成的所有工作的完整列表。

B. Every item has a designated owner.

C. Each task is estimated in hours.

D. It is the Development Team’s plan for the Sprint.

E. It is ordered by the Product Owner.

Correct Answer: A

What does it mean for a Scrum Team to be cross-functional? Choose the best answer.) Scrum团队的跨职能意味着什么?

A. The Scrum Team includes not only developers but also business analysts, architects, and testers.

B. The Scrum Team includes cross-skilled individuals who are able to contribute to do what is necessary to deliver an increment. Scrum 团队包括跨技能的个人,他们能够为交付增量做出必要的贡献。

C. Developers on the Scrum Team work closely with business analysts, architects, developers and testers who are not on the team.

D. The Scrum Team is a virtual team drawing from separate teams of business analysts, architects, developers and testers.

Correct Answer: B

Sprint burndown charts are an efficient tracking tool, because they show: Sprint 燃尽图是一种有效的跟踪工具,因为它们显示:

A. An estimate of the total work remaining for the Sprint. 对 Sprint 剩余总工作量的估计。

B. How much effort has gone into a Sprint.

C. How many hours have been worked by each Development Team member.

D. How many Product Backlog items remain.

Correct Answer: A

Burndown chart - Wikipedia

Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? Sprint Review 中应该讨论哪些主题?

A. The Scrum process, and how it was used during the Sprint.

B. Coding and engineering practices.

C. Sprint results. 冲刺结果

D. All of the above.

Correct Answer: C

A member of the Development Team takes the Scrum Master aside to express his concerns about data security issues. What should the Scrum Master do? 开发团队的一名成员将 Scrum Master 拉到一边,表达了他对数据安全问题的担忧。 Scrum Master 应该做什么?

A. Add security to the definition of “Done”.

B. Tell the Product Owner to stop further development of features until the issues are fixed.

C. Create a Product Backlog item for security.

D. Go check with the testers.

E. Ask the person to share the issue with the team as soon as possible. 要求此人尽快与团队分享问题。

Correct Answer: E

The Product Backlog is ordered by: 产品待办列表按以下顺序排序:

A. The Product Owner with the most valuable items placed at the top. 将最有价值的物品放在顶部的产品负责人。

B. Risk, where safer items are at the top, and riskier items are at the bottom.

C. Items are randomly arranged.

D. Size, where small items are at the top and large items are at the bottom.

Correct Answer: A

What happens if the Development Team cannot complete its work by the end of the Sprint? 如果开发团队无法在 Sprint 结束时完成其工作会怎样?

A. The Sprint is extended and future Sprints use this new duration.

B. The Sprint length holds and the Development Team continuously learns what is actually possible to do within a Sprint of this length. Sprint 长度保持不变,开发团队不断学习在这个长度的 Sprint 中实际可以做什么。

C. The Sprint is extended temporarily. Lessons are taken to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Correct Answer: B

User documentation is part of your definition of “Done”. However, there aren’t enough technical writers for all teams. Your Development Team doesn’t have a technical writer. What should you do? 用户文档是您对“完成”的定义的一部分。 但是,没有足够的技术作家供所有团队使用。 您的开发团队没有技术作家。 你该怎么办?

A. Form a separate team of technical writers that will work on an on-demand basis for the various Product Owners. Work order will be first in, first out.

B. Let the user documentation remain undone and accumulate until after the last development Sprint. It will then be done by any available technical writers.

C. Wait until you have a technical writer on your Development Team to take care of this.

D. Your Development Team is still responsible for creating user documentation. In this case, the Development Team members will write it. 您的开发团队仍负责创建用户文档。 在这种情况下,开发团队成员将编写它。

Correct Answer: D

You are the Scrum Master for four Scrum Teams working from the same Product Backlog. Several of the developers come to you complaining that work identified for the upcoming two Sprints will require full-time commitment from a technical specialist who is external to the teams. What are two key concerns for the Scrum Master to take into account in this situation? (Choose two.) 您是四个Scrum团队的 Scrum Master,他们在同一个产品待办列表中工作。 一些开发人员来找您抱怨为即将到来的两个 Sprint 确定的工作需要团队外部的技术专家的全职承诺。 在这种情况下,Scrum Master需要考虑的两个关键问题是什么?

A. The desire to maintain a stable velocity.

B. The benefit of Development Teams figuring out a solution for themselves. 开发团队为自己找出解决方案的好处。

C. The need to have enough work to keep all Development Team members busy.

D. The ability of the Scrum Teams to produce integrated Increments. Scrum 团队产生集成增量的能力。

Correct Answer: BD

You have just been hired by a company new to Scrum. Your management has assigned you to be the Scrum Master of six new Scrum Teams. These teams will build one product. Select two conditions you should strive for in this scenario. (Choose two.) 你刚刚被一家刚接触 Scrum 的公司聘用。 您的管理层已指定您担任六个新 Scrum 团队的 Scrum Master。 这些团队将构建一个产品。 选择在这种情况下您应该争取的两个条件。 (选择两个。)

A. There should be six Product Owners, one for each Scrum Team.

B. There should be six Product Owners, reporting to a chief Product Owner.

C. The product has one Product Backlog.

D. Each Scrum Team should have a separate Product Backlog.

E. There should be only one Product Owner.

Correct Answer: CE

A Scrum Team has been working on a product for nine Sprints. A new Product Owner comes in, understanding he is accountable for the Product Backlog. However, he is unsure about his responsibilities. Which two activities are part of the Product Owner role according to Scrum? (Choose two.) 一个 Scrum 团队一直在为九个 Sprint 开发一个产品。 一位新的产品负责人进来了,他知道他要对产品待办列表负责。 但是,他不确定自己的职责。 根据 Scrum,哪两项活动是产品负责人角色的一部分?

A. Ensuring that the most valuable functionality is produced first, at all times. 确保始终首先生成最有价值的功能。

B. Interacting with stakeholders. 与利益相关者互动。

C. Providing the Development Team with detailed specifications.

D. Describing features as Use Cases.

E. Creating detailed functional test cases.

Correct Answer: AB

Which are NOT appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective? (Choose two.) ·哪些主题不适合在 Sprint 回顾中讨论?·

A. Definition of “Done”.

B. How the team does its work.

C. Team relations.

D. The value of work currently represented in the Product Backlog. 当前在产品待办列表中体现的工作价值。

E. Arranging the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint. 为下一个 Sprint 安排 Sprint Backlog。

Correct Answer: DE

What activities would a Product Owner typically undertake in the phase between the end of the current Sprint and the start of the next Sprint? 在当前 Sprint 结束和下一个 Sprint 开始之间的阶段,产品负责人通常会进行哪些活动?

A. There are no such activities. The next Sprint starts immediately after the current Sprint. 没有这样的活动。 下一个 Sprint 在当前 Sprint 之后立即开始。

B. Refine the Product Backlog.

C. Work with the Quality Assurance departments on the Increment of the current Sprint.

D. Update the project plan with stakeholders.

Correct Answer: A

Who is on the Scrum Team? (Choose three.) 谁在 Scrum 团队中

A. Scrum Master

B. Product Owner

C. Development Team member

D. Project Manager

E. None of the above

Correct Answer: ABC

Which of the following are roles on a Scrum Team? (Choose three.) 以下哪些是 Scrum 团队中的角色?

A. Users

B. Scrum Master

C. Product Owner

D. Development Team

E. Customers

Correct Answer: BCD

Which does a self-organizing Development Team choose? 自组织开发团队选择哪一个?

A. Sprint length.

B. How to best accomplish its work. 如何最好地完成其工作。

C. Stakeholders for the Sprint Review.

D. When to release, based on its progress.

E. Product Backlog ordering.

Correct Answer: B

A Scrum Team is only allowed to meet with stakeholders during Sprint Review. Scrum 团队只允许在 Sprint Review 期间与利益相关者会面。

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer: B

Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place? Daily Scrum 为什么要在同一时间同一地点举行?

A. The consistency reduces complexity. 一致性降低了复杂性。

B. The place can be named.

C. The Product Owner demands it.

D. Rooms are hard to book and this lets it be booked in advance.

Correct Answer: A

Which best describes the Product Backlog? 哪个最能描述产品待办事项?

A. It is allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its customers. 随着对产品及其客户的了解越来越多,它可以成长和改变。

B. It provides just enough information to enable a Scrum team to start the design phase of a product.

C. It contains all foreseeable tasks and requirements from which the Scrum team can develop and maintain a complete project plan.

D. It is baselined to follow change management processes.

Correct Answer: A

One of the Scrum events is the Daily Scrum. What are two intended outcomes of the Daily Scrum? (Choose two.) Scrum 活动之一是每日 Scrum。 Daily Scrum 的两个预期结果是什么?

A. A shared understanding of the most important work to be undertaken next to achieve the best possible progress toward the Sprint goal. 对接下来要进行的最重要工作的共同理解,以实现Sprint目标的最佳进展。

B. An update of completed tasks and of the remaining work so the Scrum Master can plan the next day.

C. A status report for the upper management indicating what each individual has done, will be doing, and what is impending him/her.

D. An updated Scrum board to make Sprint progress transparent for the stakeholders.

E. New impediments for the Scrum Master to take care of. Scrum Master 需要处理的新障碍。

Correct Answer: AE

Who has the final say on the order of the Product Backlog? Product Backlog 的顺序谁说了算?

A. The Development Team.

B. The Product Owner.

C. The Scrum Master.

D. The Stakeholders.

E. The CEO.

Correct Answer: B

How do you know that a Development Team is cross-functional? 你怎么知道开发团队是跨职能的?

A. Development Team has all the skills to create a potentially releasable increment by the end of every Sprint. 开发团队拥有在每个 Sprint 结束时创建潜在可发布增量的所有技能。

B. A few of the Development Team members pair program and do Test Driven Development.

C. There are no conflicts within the Development Team.

D. Every member of the Development Team is able to perform every task.

Correct Answer: A

Why does a Development Team need a Sprint Goal? 为什么开发团队需要一个 Sprint 目标?

A. A Sprint Goal only gives purpose to Sprint 0.

B. Sprint Goals are not valuable. Everything is known from the Product Backlog.

C. The Development Team is more focused with a common yet specific goal. 开发团队更专注于一个共同但具体的目标。

D. A Sprint Goal ensures that all of the Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint are implemented.

Correct Answer: C

Which three behaviors demonstrate that a team is self-organizing? (Choose three.) 哪三种行为表明团队是自组织的?

A. Stakeholders walking in at the Daily Scrum to check progress and work with the Scrum Master to optimize the functional scope for the Sprint. 利益相关者走进每日 Scrum 以检查进度,并与 Scrum Master 一起优化 Sprint 的功能范围。

B. The Development Team members are working within the boundaries of their functional description and nicely handing off work from analyst to developer to tester to integration. 开发团队成员在他们的功能描述范围内工作,并且很好地将工作从分析师移交给开发人员,再到测试人员再到集成。

C. The Product Owner doesn’t need to be at Sprint Retrospectives.

D. The Development Team creating their own sprint backlog, reflecting all work that is part of the definition of “Done”.

E. The Development Team has all the skills needed to create a releasable Increment.

F. Development Team members collaboratively selecting their own work during the Sprint.

G. The Development Team inviting external people to the Sprint Planning to ask them how to turn a Product Backlog item into an Increment via a complete and detailed Sprint Backlog. 开发团队邀请外部人员参与 Sprint 计划,询问他们如何通过完整和详细的 Sprint Backlog 将产品待办事项项转变为增量。

H. The Scrum Master is no longer needed.

Correct Answer: ABG

When does the next Sprint begin?

A. When the Product Owner is ready.

B. Immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint. 紧接着上一个 Sprint 结束后。

C. The Monday following the Sprint Review.

D. Immediately following the next Sprint Planning.

Correct Answer: B

Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release? 谁应该最了解实现业务目标或发布的进度?

A. The Project Manager.

B. The Scrum Master.

C. The Development Team.

D. The Product Owner.

Correct Answer: D

What are two ways that architecture and infrastructure are handled in Scrum? (Choose two.) Scrum 中处理架构和基础设施的两种方式是什么?

A. They are discussed, determined, and documented before the actual feature development Sprints.

B. They are implemented along with functional development of the product. 它们与产品的功能开发一起实施。

C. They are added to the Product Backlog and addressed in early Sprints, while always requiring at least some business functionality, no matter how small. 它们被添加到产品待办列表中并在早期的 Sprint 中得到解决,同时始终需要至少一些业务功能,无论多么小。

D. They are built by a separate team through the creation of an architectural runway.

Correct Answer: BC

A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but it is growing and they have been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments. Which two techniques would be most helpful in this situation? (Choose two.) Scrum Master 会保留一份公开障碍的清单,但它正在增长,他们只能解决一小部分障碍。 在这种情况下,哪两种技术最有帮助?

A. Discuss the impediments with the Development Team. 与开发团队讨论障碍。

B. Prioritize the list and work on them in order. 优先考虑列表并按顺序处理它们。

C. Arrange a triage meeting with all project managers.

D. Add each open impediment to the Product Backlog.

Correct Answer: AB

When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best describes the definition of “Done”? (Choose the best answer.) 当许多开发团队都在开发一个产品时,什么最能描述“完成”的定义?

A. Each Development Team defines and uses its own. The differences are discussed and reconciled during a hardening Sprint.

B. It depends.

C. Each Development Team uses its own but must make their definition clear to all other teams so the differences are known.

D. All Development Teams must have a definition of “Done” that makes their combined work potentially releasable. 所有开发团队都必须有一个“完成”的定义,这使得他们的组合工作可能可以发布。

Correct Answer: D

The IT manager asks a Development Team for a status report describing the progress throughout the Sprint. The Development Team asks the Scrum Master for advice. The Scrum Master should: (Choose the best answer.) IT 经理要求开发团队提供一份描述整个Sprint进度的状态报告。 开发团队向Scrum Master寻求建议。 Scrum Master 应该:

A. Talk to the IT manager and explain that progress in Scrum comes from inspecting an Increment at the Sprint Review. 与IT经理交谈并解释Scrum的进展来自于在Sprint Review中检查增量。

B. Tell the Development Team to figure it out themselves.

C. Tell the Development Team to fit the report into the Sprint Backlog.

D. Create and deliver the report to the manager herself.

E. Ask the Product Owner to send the manager the report.

Correct Answer: A

When a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the complete forecast, who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected? (Choose the best answer.) 当开发团队确定无法完成完整的预测时,在审查和调整选定的 Sprint 工作时,谁必须在场?

A. The Development Team. 开发团队。

B. The Product Owner and all stakeholders.

C. The Product Owner and the Development Team.

D. The Scrum Master, project manager and Development Team.

Correct Answer: A

What is the accountability of the Product Owner during Sprint 0? (Choose the best answer.) 在 Sprint 0 期间产品负责人的职责是什么?

A. There is no such thing as Sprint 0.

B. Gathering, eliciting, and analyzing the requirements that will be inserted into the Product Backlog.

C. Make the complete project plan to commit date, budget, and scope to the stakeholders.

D. Determine the composition of the Development Teams so they have the capacity to deliver the completed forecast.

E. Make sure enough Product Backlog items are refined to fill the first 3 Sprints.

Correct Answer: A

At the seventh Sprint Review, the stakeholders are disappointed and angry. They have determined that the product or system being built will not meet their needs and will cost more than they are willing to spend. What factors likely led to this? (Choose two.) 在第七次 Sprint Review 中,利益相关者既失望又愤怒。 他们已经确定正在构建的产品或系统将无法满足他们的需求,并且成本将超过他们愿意花费的成本。 哪些因素可能导致了这种情况?

A. The Project Management Office (PMO) has not been engaged adequately. 项目管理办公室(PMO)没有充分参与。

B. The Product Owner has not been keeping the stakeholders aware of the progress of the project. 产品负责人没有让利益相关者了解项目的进展。

C. The stakeholders haven’t been using the Sprint Reviews to inspect and evaluate progress.

D. The stakeholders were not allowed to enter the development area.

Correct Answer: AB


Which two activities will a Product Owner engage in during a Sprint? (Choose two.) 产品负责人在 Sprint 期间将参与哪两项活动?

A. Run the Daily Scrum.

B. Prioritize the Development Team’s work on the Sprint Backlog.

C. Update management on what is being worked on. 对正在处理的内容进行更新管理。

D. Answer questions from the Development Team about items in the current Sprint. 回答开发团队关于当前 Sprint 中项目的问题

Correct Answer: CD

How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum? (Choose the best answer.) Scrum 团队外部的管理如何参与每日 Scrum?

A. The Scrum Master speaks on their behalf.

B. Managers are not required at the Daily Scrum. 每日 Scrum 不需要经理。

C. Management gives an update at the start of each Daily Scrum.

D. The Product Owner represents their opinions.

Correct Answer: B

How do you know that a Scrum Team is cross-functional? (Choose the best answer.) 你怎么知道 Scrum 团队是跨职能的?

A. Scrum Team has all the skills to create an increment by the end of every Sprint. Scrum 团队拥有在每个 Sprint 结束时创建增量的所有技能。

B. A few of the Development Team members pair program and do Test Driven Development.

C. There are no conflicts within the Scrum Team.

D. Every member of the Scrum Team is able to perform every task.

Correct Answer: A

Several Sprints into a project, the Product Owner tells the Scrum Master that a key stakeholder just started using the product. The stakeholder is unhappy with the quality of the product. What are two good options for the Scrum Master? (Choose the best two answers.) 几个 Sprint 进入一个项目,产品负责人告诉 Scrum Master,一个关键的利益相关者刚刚开始使用该产品。 利益相关者对产品的质量不满意。 Scrum Master 有哪两个不错的选择? (选择最佳的两个答案。)

A. Wait to bring this up until the Sprint Retrospective.

B. Encourage the Product Owner to put quality specifications on the Product Backlog and express the stakeholder’s concern to the Developers. 鼓励产品负责人将质量规范放在产品待办列表中,并向开发人员表达利益相关者的关注

C. Bring the concern to the testers to improve how the Product is verified. 让测试人员关注以改进产品的验证方式。

D. Explain to the Product Owner that it is up to the Developers to decide on acceptable quality standards.

E. Coach the Product Owner on how to talk with the Developers about this concern.

Correct Answer: BC

Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning? (Choose the best answer.) 哪个答案最能描述 Sprint 计划中涵盖的主题?

A. What to do and who will do it.

B. How conditions have changed and how the Product Backlog should evolve.

C. What can be done and how to do it, and why to do it. 可以做什么,怎么做,为什么要做。

D. What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently this Sprint.

E. Who is on the team and what team member roles will be.

Correct Answer: C

Which topics should be discussed in the Sprint Review? (Choose the best answer.) Sprint Review 中应该讨论哪些主题?

A. The Scrum process, and how it was used during the Sprint.

B. Coding and engineering practices.

C. The product Increment. 产品增量。

D. All of the above.

Correct Answer: C

A Scrum Team is a cohesive unit of professionals that consists of which of the following? (Choose all that apply.) Scrum 团队是由以下哪项组成的专业人士的凝聚力单位?

A. Users.

B. One Scrum Master.

C. Developers.

D. Customers.

E. One Product Owner.

Correct Answer: BCE

Which of the following is a Developer accountable for? (Choose the best two answers.) 负责任的

A. Selecting the Product Owner.

B. Reporting productivity.

C. Creating a plan for the Sprint, the Sprint Backlog.

D. Organizing the work required to meet the Sprint Goal.

Correct Answer: CD

What is the recommended size for a Scrum Team? (Choose the best answer.)

A. At least 7.

B. 9

C. 10 or fewer.

D. 7 plus or minus 3.

Correct Answer: C

When must a Product Owner release each Increment? (Choose the best answer.)

A. When it makes sense.

B. When the Scrum Team finishes their work.

C. Whenever the product is free of defects.

D. After every Sprint, Without exception.

Correct Answer: A

What techniques could the Scrum Master use when the Scrum Team gets caught in an internal disagreement about which agile practices to apply? (Choose the best two answers.) 当 Scrum 团队陷入关于应用哪些敏捷实践的内部分歧时,Scrum Master可以使用哪些技术?

A. Involve the complete Scrum Team in making a decision. 让整个 Scrum 团队参与决策。

B. Use coaching techniques; such as open questions and active listening. 使用教练技术; 例如开放式问题和积极倾听。

C. Ask an external agile coach what they recommend.

D. Ask team members to take the issue up with to the company’s Human Resources department.

Correct Answer: AB

Which of the following is an example of an Increment? (Choose the best answer.) 以下哪一项是增量的示例?

A. A plan for the overall product release. 整体产品发布计划。

B. A mock-up of the product marketing materials. 产品营销材料的模型。

C. A design for the product.

D. A product roll-out plan. 产品推出计划。

E. A valuable, useful set of products featured. 一组有价值的、有用的产品。

F. All of the above.

Correct Answer: F

During the Sprint Retrospective a Scrum Team has identified several high priority process improvements. Which of the following statements is most accurate? (Choose the best answer.) 在 Sprint 回顾期间,Scrum 团队确定了几个高优先级的流程改进。 以下哪项陈述最准确?
A. The Scrum Team may add items to the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint. Scrum 团队可以为下一个 Sprint 添加项目到 Sprint Backlog。
B. The Scrum Team should choose at least one high priority process improvement to place in the Product Backlog.
C. The Scrum Team should decline to add a process improvement to the Sprint Backlog when things are running smoothly.
D. The Scrum Master selects the most important process improvement and places it in the Sprint Backlog
Correct Answer: A

Which three of the following are true about Scrum? (Choose the best three answers.)
A. Scrum implements self-management by replacing Project Managers with Scrum Masters.
B. Each component of Scrum serves a specific purpose and is essential to Scrum’s success and your usage of Scrum to develop complex products. Scrum 的每个组件都有特定的用途,对于 Scrum 的成功以及您使用 Scrum 开发复杂产品至关重要。
C. Scrum is a methodology where you can pick and choose which parts of Scrum you think will work for your environment.
D. Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products. Scrum 是一个用于开发和维护复杂产品的框架。
E. Scrum is based on empiricism and lean thinking. Scrum 基于经验主义和精益思想。

Correct Answer: BDE

Which are appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective? (Choose the best three answers.) 哪些主题适合在 Sprint 回顾中讨论?
A. Arranging the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.
B. The value of work currently represented in the Product Backlog. 当前在产品待办列表中体现的工作价值。
C. Team relations 团队关系
D. Definition of Done.
E. How the Scrum Team does its work. Scrum 团队如何工作。

Correct Answer: BCE

When many Scrum Teams are working on a single product, what best describes the Definition of Done? (Choose the best answer.) 当许多 Scrum 团队都在开发一个产品时,什么最能描述完成的定义?

A. Each Scrum Team defines and uses its own. The differences are discussed and reconciled during a hardening Sprint.
B. The Scrum Masters from each Scrum Team define a common Definition of Done.
C. Each Scrum Team uses its own, but must make their definition clear to all other teams so the differences are known.
D. All Scrum Teams must have a Definition of Done that makes their combined work potentially releasable.所有 Scrum 团队都必须有一个完成的定义,这使得他们的组合工作具有潜在的可发布性
Correct Answer: D

Who has the final decision about the order of items in the Product Backlog? (Choose the best answer.) 谁对 Product Backlog 中的项目顺序有最终决定权?
A. The Stakeholders.
B. The Product Owner.
C. The Scrum Team.
D. The Scrum Master.
Correct Answer: B

A Product Owner wants advice from the Scrum Master about estimating work in Scrum. Which of these is the guideline that a Scrum Master should give? (Choose the best answer.) 一个产品负责人想要从Scrum Master那里得到关于在Scrum中估算工作的建议 以下哪一项是scrum Master应该给出的指导方针?
A. Product Backlog items must be estimated in story points.
B. Estimates are made by the people doing the work. 估计是由从事这项工作的人做出的。
C. Estimates must be in relative units.
D. Scrum forbids estimating.
E. Estimates are made by the Product Owner, but are best checked with the Development Team.
Correct Answer: B

Who is accountable for tracking the remaining work toward the Sprint Goal? (Choose the best answer.) 谁负责跟踪实现 Sprint 目标的剩余工作?
A. The Developers.
B. The Scrum Master.
C. The Product Owner.
Correct Answer: A

Which approach is best for Scrum Teams in order to produce valuable Increments? (Choose the best answer.) 哪种方法最适合 Scrum 团队以产生有价值的增量?
A. Each Developer works on the component where they feel that they can contribute. 每个开发人员都在他们认为可以贡献的组件上工作。
B. Each Scrum Team is accountable for developing functionality from beginning to end.
C. Each Scrum Team works on an independent set of components.
D. Each Scrum Member works only as an independent layer of the system.
Correct Answer: A

Who is accountable for clearly expressing Product Backlog items? (Choose the best answer.) 谁负责清楚地表达 Product Backlog 项目
A. The business analyst who represents the Product Owner.
B. The Product Owner.
C. The Scrum Master, or the Scrum Master may have the Developers do it.
D. The Scrum Master.
Correct Answer: B

An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the terminology to fit with terminology already used. What will likely happen if this is done? (Choose the best answer.) 一个组织已决定采用 Scrum,但管理层希望更改术语以适应已使用的术语。 如果这样做,可能会发生什么?
A. Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of the change, very little change may actually happen. 如果没有新的词汇来提醒变化,实际上可能发生的变化很小。
B. The organization may not understand what has changed within Scrum and the benefits of Scrum may be lost. 组织可能不了解 Scrum 内部发生了什么变化,并且可能会失去 Scrum 的好处。
C. Management may feel less anxious. 管理层可能会感到不那么焦虑。
D. All answers apply.

Correct Answer: D


