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Research Notes (6) Indoor Path Planning Method Based on Environment Perception
2022-08-02 05:25:00 【CS research GO】
论文题目:An Indoor Route Planning Method With Environment Awareness
论文作者:Yan Zhou, Hong Chen, Yueying Huang, Yunxin Luo, Yeting Zhang, Xiao Xie;
发表会议:IGARSS 2018.
The indoor path planning method based on environmental perception
1. 论文摘要
In view of the complex indoor environment user navigation needs,This paper puts forward a kind of environmental perception of indoor path planning method.Considering the accessibility of user navigation、Simplicity and comfort,This paper first describes the indoor navigation network modeling method,Defines the semantic expression of the indoor environment.在此基础上,The path complexity、拥挤度、Blocking events such as semantic model is introduced into the indoor navigation network environment,The navigation cost function.最后,The navigation cost function、Semantics is introduced into the traditional environmentDijkstra算法中,This paper proposes a optimal indoor path planning method.实验结果表明,This method can effectively improve the users in the comfort of indoor navigation experience.
2. 引言
Indoor navigation and path planning are mainly applied in the field of emergency evacuation.With the increasing demand for navigation complex indoor environment of,Many famous map service providers will indoor path planning as one of the basic characteristics of map service,如Google地图、Bing地图、百度地图等.
Related research provides different indoor route planning method.基于IFCThe path planning of fully considering the geometric information and semantic information of 3 d model,Improve the practicability of path planning;By adopting the method of semantic abundant indoor navigation,Will the user information and the behavior semantics to path planning in the,User-centered personalized route planning services;Based on situation awareness of indoor navigation extended context information and user preference information,To realize indoor best path planning.不同于上面的方法,In this paper, the indoor path planning method based on environmental perception,It considers indoor navigation environment semantics,Such as the complexity of path、Congestion and blocking events,To plan indoor navigation route and help to improve the user experience of comfort.
3.Indoor navigation network model
Indoor navigation network is the key to the indoor path planning and navigation services.The most widely used in indoor navigation network modeling is a geometric model,It can describe the geometry and topology of interior space.
本文建立了基于“节点—边”Said diagram theory of indoor navigation network model.Room and door abstraction for the node;These nodes are connected by a side.Corridor in the abstract to the center line of the said;Node and the center line of(The door and corridor)Also linked through the edge.
3.1 Indoor navigation network
An example illustrates the figure1As shown in the indoor navigation network modeling details.In order to clearly show the details,图1(a)中的3DThe red dotted line part of the indoor model be amplified and displayed in the figure1(b)中.Room and door nodes respectively according to its geometry center in two-dimensional projection said. And then establish edge nodes to connect the room and the door,如图1(b)中的L0,L2,L4和L6所示.同时,The edge of the door between specially built for different room.以房间R3为例,R3具有三个门D2,D3和D4,Edge is established accordinglyL1,L3,L5To connect more than one door,如图1(b)所示. 图1(b)The modeling result is shown in figure1(c)所示. The rest of the indoor navigation network also can be used in the same way.
3.2 Environmental semantic representation
相关研究表明,在导航中,As important path complexity may be related to path length.People prefer to choose a simpler navigation path rather than the shortest path,Because it means less fuzziness and easier to understand.In dozens of path complexity index,The corner number is one of the most commonly used standard,It directly reflects the complexity of the path.因此,We use the corner number to represent the path complexity semantics is as follows:
path_complexity= {number_turns}
其中,number _turnsAccording to the number of corners in a navigation path.拥挤程度
Congestion is the most important factors affecting user navigation comfort,Especially for shopping malls、The railway station and airport terminals and other large-scale complex indoor environment.因此,In this paper, the crowded degree to the following description:
path_crowd ={ crowd_type, crowd_range,Tc}
其中,crowd_typeThe type of the said congestion,crowd_rangeThe scope of said crowding length,TcSaid crowded time.According to the traffic speed(V)With the population density§的关系如下所示,
V = { 1.4 ρ ≤ 0.75 0.0412 ρ 2 − 0.59 ρ + 1.867 0.75 < ρ ≤ 4.2 0.1 ρ > 4.2 V=\left\{\begin{array}{lr}1.4 & \rho \leq 0.75 \\ 0.0412 \rho^{2}-0.59 \rho+1.867 & 0.75<\rho \leq 4.2 \\ 0.1 & \rho>4.2\end{array}\right. V=⎩⎨⎧1.40.0412ρ2−0.59ρ+1.8670.1ρ≤0.750.75<ρ≤4.2ρ>4.2
Can calculate the crowd type,并将其划分为4个层次,如表1所示.阻塞事件
Blocking events may lead to route planning is not available.Indoor navigation environment of blocking event is usually facilities fault、意外事故、Man-made obstruction, such as the cause.In order to describe events affect indoor navigation,In this paper, the semantic blocking events are described:
event_range= ( v 1 , v 2 , … , v n ) \left(v_{1}, v_{2}, \ldots, v_{n}\right) (v1,v2,…,vn)Said affected by blocking events node set. v i v_i vi=1,On behalf of the nodes can reach, v i v_i vi=0,On behalf of the node inaccessible. T e s T_{es} TesRepresentative by blocking events caused by the blocking time.
3.3 With semantic navigation environment cost function
This section will be introduced to the semantic environment in indoor navigation network model,Build navigation cost function,Make navigation network model has not only the geometric information,And contains rich semantic information environment.Considering the path complexity、Crowded environment semantic degree and blocking events,Defining navigation cost function
G ∗ = ω c f c r o w d ∗ ( v i , v j ) + ω t f t u r n ∗ ( V i ) ω e f e v e n t ∗ ( V j ) G^{*}=\frac{\omega_{c} f_{c r o w d}^{*}\left(v_{i}, v_{j}\right)+\omega_{t} f_{t u r n}^{*}\left(V_{i}\right)}{\omega_{e} f_{e v e n t}^{*}\left(V_{j}\right)} G∗=ωefevent∗(Vj)ωcfcrowd∗(vi,vj)+ωtfturn∗(Vi)
Based on the cost function,Can be updated according to the variation of the navigation environment of indoor planning path navigation cost.Path complexity and increased congestion or blocking events can cause cost functionG* 的动态更新,That effective dynamic environment perception can avoid complex path、Congestion and jams events,有助于改善用户体验.
4. 室内路径规划
This paper puts forward a kind of environmental perception of indoor path planning method,Its environmental semantics and traditionalDijkstra算法相结合.In this paper, the method adopts3.1Mentioned in section of the indoor navigation network model based on node edge,With dynamic semantic navigation environment cost as the edge of the indoor navigation network weights,然后基于DijkstraIndoor navigation path algorithm planning.算法流程图如下所示,主要包括以下几个步骤:
- 步骤1:基于节点-Edge graph model of the indoor navigation network modeling;
- 步骤2:According to the semantic environment,According to the navigation cost function to update* G的值,并将* GThe edge of the specified for indoor navigation network weights;
- 步骤3:使用DijkstraAlgorithm search navigation minimum cost* GIndoor navigation path;
- 步骤4:If the navigation environment change,返回步骤2;否则,结束算法.
5. 实验分析
根据以上所述,Our experiment six-story building model was used to construct the indoor navigation topology network model,如下所示.
The experiment selected node23和节点216As a start node and destination node,如图4所示.According to such as type(6)As shown in the definition of congestion cost function,When heavy type to open、轻度、中度、When the heavy,α可指定为:1.0、2.0、4.0、8.0.拥挤度、Weight path complexity and blocking events are set to0.7.
The indoor path planning results such as table2所示,传统的DijkstraAlgorithms only consider path length,Get the shortest path as shown in figure4所示.然而,In this paper, the optimal method considers the path complexity、拥挤程度、Blocking events such as the indoor environment of semantic information,To get the optimal path is shown in figure5所示.Although with the traditionalDijkstra算法相比,The method of path length increases slightly,But the path of turning less,运行时间更短,Navigation cheaper.The method considering the abundant semantic navigation environment,The article introduces the path complexity in indoor navigation path planning、Crowded degree and blocking events,To improve the user's comfort.
6. 结论
Considering the accessibility of user navigation,Simplicity and comfort,This article describes the semantic environment in path complexity,The representation of a crowded degree and blocking events,And based on the semantic definition the navigation environment cost function,And then put forward a kind of optimal indoor path planning method.By introducing semantic navigation cost function and environment of the traditionalDijkstra算法. 实验结果表明,The proposed method can improve the indoor navigation user comfort.
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