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Mobile phones and computers on the same LAN access each other, IIS settings

2022-07-06 08:32:00 MAR-Sky

Mobile access and accessed files

Mobile access to computers

preparation : Download it ES File browser 、 There are accessible shared folders on the computer ( Reference resources :https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43794311/article/details/125337229)

 1.  Download a to manage file resources ES File browser , 
 2.  On the interface, you can see *' My network '” and “' from PC visit '** The icon ,
 3. ' My network ' You can view the devices connected in the LAN , Is access ' Shared folders on your computer '
 4. ' from PC visit ', You will get one that allows the computer to enter in the path bar of the folder 'ftp Connect '

The mobile phone enters the computer through the browser IP Access the computer server

preparation : Installed and configured IIS service , Open the website service , Otherwise, you will not be able to access the computer web page through the mobile browser ;

 Visit steps 
 1.  Confirm the computer installation IIS service , And open the web page , If you set the port, you should also pay attention to 
 2.  Check out the IP Address , When visiting later , Ports also need to be brought 
 3.  Enter the computer at the URL of the mobile browser IP You can access the computer web page through the port corresponding to the web page 

1、 Identify the computer IP
 Insert picture description here
In the command line window , Input ipconfig You can check your computer IP, In the figure , It's the computer IP Address ,

IIS Reference resources :(win10 install 、 To configure IIS)https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43794311/article/details/117200334、(IIS Conceptual knowledge )https://blog.csdn.net/qq_46175823/article/details/111168591?

