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QT get random color value and set label background color code
2022-07-04 05:56:00 【Program yuan ZCC】
Requirements creation widget when , Set random background color , Pictured .
Main code :
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
std::default_random_engine e;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> random(0,1);
// Get random colors
QColor color = QColor::fromRgb(int(random(e)*255), int(random(e)*255), int(random(e)*255));
QString winColor = color.name();
// Method 1 of setting background color
ui->signColor->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: "+ winColor + ";border:2px groove #191919;}");
// Method 2
ui->signColor->setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb("+ QString::number(int(random(e)*255)) + "," +
QString::number(int(random(e)*255)) + "," + QString::number(int(random(e)*255)) + ");");
// obtain r/g/b value
QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(Qt::white, this);
qDebug() << " Color choices " << color << color.name();
QRgb rgb = color.rgb();
qDebug() << "rgb== " << qRed(rgb) << qGreen(rgb) << qBlue(rgb);
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