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[SOC FPGA] peripheral PIO button lights up
2022-07-07 06:15:00 【EPCCcc】
List of articles
One 、 Preparation
SoC Study — Realization hello FPGA Print
Prepare the hardware that should be prepared
Two 、 add to PIO peripherals
One 、 Gold reference project
1. Open the gold reference project
2. open Platform Designer
3. Open the corresponding qsys file
4. add to PIO_LED and PIO_KEY
name | A wide | Input and output |
PIO_LED | 4 A wide | output |
name | A wide | Input and output |
PIO_KEY | 2 A wide | input |
Add to soc system in
Two 、 To configure PIO peripherals
attachment , double-click , Reset address
Wait until there is no error Green is enough
3、 ... and 、Generation Generate
1.Generate HDL Generate HDL Language
2.Show Instantiation Template Generate instantiated templates
Copy the added peripheral instantiation template
3.Finish end Platform Designer
Four 、 Gold reference engineering code modification
1. Add peripheral ports
output [ 3: 0] LED,
input [ 1: 0] KEY
// pio_led
.pio_led_external_connection_export (LED), // pio_led_external_connection.export
// pio_key
.pio_key_external_connection_export (KEY) // pio_key_external_connection.export
Complete code
module C5MB_top(
/ FPGA /
input FPGA_CLK1_50,
/ HPS /
output [14: 0] HPS_DDR3_ADDR,
output [ 2: 0] HPS_DDR3_BA,
output HPS_DDR3_CAS_n,
output [ 0: 0] HPS_DDR3_CKE,
output HPS_DDR3_CK_n,
output HPS_DDR3_CK_p,
output [ 0: 0] HPS_DDR3_CS_n,
output [ 3: 0] HPS_DDR3_DM,
inout [31: 0] HPS_DDR3_DQ,
inout [ 3: 0] HPS_DDR3_DQS_n,
inout [ 3: 0] HPS_DDR3_DQS_p,
output [ 0: 0] HPS_DDR3_ODT,
output HPS_DDR3_RAS_n,
output HPS_DDR3_RESET_n,
input HPS_DDR3_RZQ,
output HPS_DDR3_WE_n,
inout HPS_ENET_INT_n, //hps_gpio_GPIO35
output HPS_ENET_MDC,
input [ 3: 0] HPS_ENET_RX_DATA,
output [ 3: 0] HPS_ENET_TX_DATA,
output HPS_ENET_TX_EN,
inout HPS_EMMC_SEL, //hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO44
inout [ 7: 0] HPS_SDMMC_DATA,
output HPS_EMMC_RST_n,
input HPS_UART_RX,
output HPS_UART_TX,
//## HPS_USB ##
inout [ 7: 0] HPS_USB_DATA,
input HPS_USB_DIR,
input HPS_USB_NXT,
output HPS_USB_STP,
output [ 3: 0] LED,
input [ 1: 0] KEY
// REG/WIRE declarations
wire hps_fpga_reset_n;
wire fpga_clk_50;
wire fpga_clk_100;
// wire pwm;
// assign LED = {4{pwm}};
pll pll_inst (
.refclk (FPGA_CLK1_50), // refclk.clk
.rst (~hps_fpga_reset_n), // reset.reset
.outclk_0 (fpga_clk_50), // outclk0.clk
.outclk_1 (fpga_clk_100)
// Structural coding
soc_system u0 (
.clk_clk (fpga_clk_50), // clk.clk
.reset_reset_n (hps_fpga_reset_n), // reset.reset_n
//HPS ddr3
.memory_mem_a (HPS_DDR3_ADDR), // memory.mem_a
.memory_mem_ba (HPS_DDR3_BA), // .mem_ba
.memory_mem_ck (HPS_DDR3_CK_p), // .mem_ck
.memory_mem_ck_n (HPS_DDR3_CK_n), // .mem_ck_n
.memory_mem_cke (HPS_DDR3_CKE), // .mem_cke
.memory_mem_cs_n (HPS_DDR3_CS_n), // .mem_cs_n
.memory_mem_ras_n (HPS_DDR3_RAS_n), // .mem_ras_n
.memory_mem_cas_n (HPS_DDR3_CAS_n), // .mem_cas_n
.memory_mem_we_n (HPS_DDR3_WE_n), // .mem_we_n
.memory_mem_reset_n (HPS_DDR3_RESET_n), // .mem_reset_n
.memory_mem_dq (HPS_DDR3_DQ), // .mem_dq
.memory_mem_dqs (HPS_DDR3_DQS_p), // .mem_dqs
.memory_mem_dqs_n (HPS_DDR3_DQS_n), // .mem_dqs_n
.memory_mem_odt (HPS_DDR3_ODT), // .mem_odt
.memory_mem_dm (HPS_DDR3_DM), // .mem_dm
.memory_oct_rzqin (HPS_DDR3_RZQ), // .oct_rzqin
//HPS ethernet
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TX_CLK (HPS_ENET_GTX_CLK), // hps_0_hps_io.hps_io_emac1_inst_TX_CLK
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD0 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[0]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD0
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD1 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[1]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD1
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD2 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[2]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD2
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD3 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[3]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD3
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD0 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[0]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD0
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_MDIO (HPS_ENET_MDIO), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_MDIO
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_MDC (HPS_ENET_MDC), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_MDC
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RX_CTL (HPS_ENET_RX_DV), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_RX_CTL
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TX_CTL (HPS_ENET_TX_EN), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_TX_CTL
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RX_CLK (HPS_ENET_RX_CLK), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_RX_CLK
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD1 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[1]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD1
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD2 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[2]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD2
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD3 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[3]), // .hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD3
//HPS SD card
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_CMD (HPS_SDMMC_CMD), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_CMD
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D0 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[0]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D0
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D1 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[1]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D1
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_CLK (HPS_SDMMC_CLK), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_CLK
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D2 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[2]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D2
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D3 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[3]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D3
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D4 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[4]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D4
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D5 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[5]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D5
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D6 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[6]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D6
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D7 (HPS_SDMMC_DATA[7]), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_D7
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_PWREN (HPS_EMMC_RST_n), // .hps_io_sdio_inst_PWREN
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D0 (HPS_USB_DATA[0]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D0
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D1 (HPS_USB_DATA[1]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D1
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D2 (HPS_USB_DATA[2]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D2
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D3 (HPS_USB_DATA[3]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D3
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D4 (HPS_USB_DATA[4]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D4
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D5 (HPS_USB_DATA[5]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D5
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D6 (HPS_USB_DATA[6]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D6
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D7 (HPS_USB_DATA[7]), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_D7
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_CLK (HPS_USB_CLKOUT), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_CLK
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_STP (HPS_USB_STP), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_STP
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_DIR (HPS_USB_DIR), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_DIR
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_NXT (HPS_USB_NXT), // .hps_io_usb1_inst_NXT
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_RX (HPS_UART_RX), // .hps_io_uart0_inst_RX
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_TX (HPS_UART_TX), // .hps_io_uart0_inst_TX
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO35 (HPS_ENET_INT_n), // .hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO35
.hps_0_hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO44 (HPS_EMMC_SEL), // .hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO44
.hps_0_h2f_reset_reset_n (hps_fpga_reset_n), // hps_0_h2f_reset.reset_n
.hps_0_f2h_cold_reset_req_reset_n (1'b1), // hps_0_f2h_cold_reset_req.reset_n
.hps_0_f2h_debug_reset_req_reset_n (1'b1), // hps_0_f2h_debug_reset_req.reset_n
.hps_0_f2h_warm_reset_req_reset_n (1'b1), // hps_0_f2h_warm_reset_req.reset_n
// pio_led
.pio_led_external_connection_export (LED), // pio_led_external_connection.export
// pio_key
.pio_key_external_connection_export (KEY) // pio_key_external_connection.export
// pwm
// .pwm_conduit_wire (pwm) // pwm_conduit.wire
5、 ... and 、 Compile the golden project
General computers need 6-8 minute
3、 ... and 、 Generate the corresponding file , Transfer to sd Carnet
One 、dtb Device tree file
Enter the directory of gold reference project
Generate .dtb file
make dtb
If I have generated peripherals, I don't need to generate them , If you need to wait a few minutes for the first time
Two 、rbf file
Enter into output_files/ Under the table of contents
function sof_to_rbf.bat Script files
cd output_files/
3、 ... and 、 Replace sd Inside the card dtb and rbf file
Four 、 Generate hps_0.h
This hps_0.h For the follow-up C What language needs
3、 ... and 、C Language implementation
One 、 Create and configure projects
1. open SoC EDS Command Shell
2. open eclipse
3. New A new C Project
4. choice GCC compile
5. Right click the created new project property
6. Add two additional libraries
7. The gold project hps_0.h Put the file into the project
Two 、C Language implementation key lighting
1.New A new C file main.c
2. To write C The language code
//gcc Standard header file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
//HPS The underlying definition header file provided by the manufacturer
#define soc_cv_av // Development platform Cyclone V series
#include "hwlib.h"
#include "socal/socal.h"
#include "socal/hps.h"
// Specific to the user HPS Hardware description header file related to the application system
#include "hps_0.h"
#define HW_REGS_BASE (ALT_STM_OFST) //HPS Peripheral address segment base address
#define HW_REGS_SPAN (0x04000000) //HPS Peripheral address segment address space 64MB size
#define HW_REGS_MASK (HW_REGS_SPAN - 1) //HPS Peripheral address field address mask
static volatile unsigned long *led_pio_virtual_base = NULL;
static volatile unsigned long *key_pio_virtual_base = NULL;
//fpga initialization
int fpga_init(int *virtual_base)
int fd;
void *perph_virtual_base;
//1.open open mmu
fd = open("/dev/mem",(O_RDWR | O_SYNC));
if(fd == -1)
printf("open failed..\n");
//mmap Mapping virtual addresses
perph_virtual_base = mmap(NULL,HW_REGS_SPAN, ( PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ),MAP_SHARED,fd,HW_REGS_BASE);
if(perph_virtual_base == MAP_SHARED)
printf("mmap() is failed..\n");
return 1;
// Interface
led_pio_virtual_base = perph_virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + PIO_LED_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
key_pio_virtual_base = perph_virtual_base + ((unsigned long)(ALT_LWFPGASLVS_OFST + PIO_KEY_BASE) & (unsigned long)(HW_REGS_MASK));
// Save virtual address
*virtual_base = perph_virtual_base;
return fd;
int main()
int virtual_base;
int fd;
fd = fpga_init(&virtual_base);
unsigned int data;
// data = ~(*(key_pio_virtual_base + 0));
// *(led_pio_virtual_base + 0) = ~(*(key_pio_virtual_base + 0));
// *(led_pio_virtual_base + 0) = data;
if(*(key_pio_virtual_base + 0) == 0x01)
*(led_pio_virtual_base + 0) = 0xf;
else if(*(key_pio_virtual_base + 0) == 0x02)
*(led_pio_virtual_base + 0) = 0x0;
if(munmap(virtual_base,HW_REGS_SPAN) != 0)
printf("munmap() is failed..\n");
return 1;
return 0;
After saving and compiling, a binary file will be generated
Four 、 Connect SoC FPGA
take C Put the binary file of language into opt In the file
Permission is required to run the executable
cd opt/
chmod 777 pio_key_test
If the color turns green, you have permission
5、 ... and 、 Execution effect
It's not convenient to shoot here , It's the effect of pressing the button to light the light
6、 ... and 、 summary
SoC To achieve the function , Is to add ip peripherals , Calculate the virtual mapping address of the peripheral , And then through C Language to assign a value to the base address , Finally, connect to the board to execute , The basic step is to know , But some C I don't understand the content of the language .
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