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LC interview question 02.07 Linked list intersection & lc142 Circular linked list II

2022-07-07 07:05:00 Jane_ one hundred and sixty-three

Interview questions 02.07. The list intersects

thought : Find the linked list A length , Linked list B length , Get AB The difference in length . If A Long , So let's A Go ahead , Go to the AB Length difference , Finally, we will meet at the intersection .

 chart 1 source : Random code recording
 Insert picture description here
notes : picture source - Random code recording

Code :

# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None

class Solution:
    def getIntersectionNode(self, headA: ListNode, headB: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        def action(lengthA, lengthB, nodeA, nodeB):
            length = lengthA - lengthB
            for i in range(length):
                nodeA = nodeA.next
            while nodeA and nodeB:
                if nodeA == nodeB:
                    return nodeA                  
                nodeA = nodeA.next
                nodeB = nodeB.next
            return None    
        if not headA or not headB:
            return None
        lengthA, lengthB = 0, 0
        nodeA, nodeB = headA, headB
        while nodeA:
            nodeA = nodeA.next
            lengthA += 1

        while nodeB:
            nodeB = nodeB.next
            lengthB += 1
        print("lengthA", lengthA)
        print("lengthB", lengthB)
        nodeA, nodeB = headA, headB
        if lengthA > lengthB:
            return action(lengthA, lengthB, nodeA, nodeB)
            return action(lengthB, lengthA, nodeB, nodeA)

LC142. Circular list II

Q1: Judge whether there is a ring

Q2: Judge the position of the ring inlet ?

 Insert picture description here
notes : picture source - Random code recording
Set up :fast Two steps at a time ,slow One step at a time . If there is a ring ,fast It must be better than slow Enter the ring first , Finally, it must meet in the ring .

When we met ,fast The journey x+y+n(y+z) ,slow The journey x+y,fast Speed is slow Of 2 times

Then we can get the formula :x+y+n(y+z) = 2(x+y)

Simplify to get :x = (n-1)(y+z)+z What does that mean ? Two nodes ab Same speed , A node a Start from the beginning , Another node b Start from where you meet , Eventually, they will meet at the ring entry node . It's just b Maybe it's in the ring 0 Circle or (n-1) Circle problem .

The code is as follows :

class Solution:
    def detectCycle(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        fast, slow = head, head
        cur = head
        #  If it is empty , Then there is no ring 
        while fast and fast.next:
            fast = fast.next.next
            slow = slow.next

            # fast==slow, here fast and slow Both point to the encounter node 
            if fast == slow:
                while slow != cur:
                    slow = slow.next
                    cur = cur.next
                return cur
                # cur == slow, Meet at the ring entrance ,index It is the index of the ring entry 
        return None

Q3: What to ask fast and slow When we met ,slow It must be gone x+y, instead of x+y+n(y+z)

First slow When entering the ring ,fast It must have entered the ring . If slow Ring entry ,fast Also at the ring entrance , Then expand the ring into a straight line , It must be at the ring entrance 3 Meeting place .

142 Circular list 3

But the actual :slow When entering the ring ,fast It must be somewhere in the ring , As shown in the figure below . Then it means in fast Go to the ring entrance 3 When , go k+n,slow go (k+n)/2<n, It means that slow Did not go to the ring mouth 3, So they are in Huankou 2- Ring mouth 3 On the way to meet , That is to say slow The link in Kaishi has been connected with fast Met .

Then a classmate said again , Why? fast Can't skip ? I have just said it once ,fast be relative to slow Is to move one node at a time , So it's impossible to jump over .

Reference link

[1] Random code recording https://programmercarl.com/%E9%9D%A2%E8%AF%95%E9%A2%9802.07.%E9%93%BE%E8%A1%A8%E7%9B%B8%E4%BA%A4.html#%E6%80%9D%E8%B7%AF


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