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Crawler series (9): item+pipeline data storage

2022-07-06 15:20:00 Jane said Python

 Insert picture description here

One 、 Write it at the front

It hasn't been updated for a long time , Almost half a month , Few readers rush to update , So I dragged myself , Try every means to find a way out for official account , It's really a little lost , No more nonsense .
Today is the third day of the reptile series 9 piece , Last one Scrapy System crawl Bole online We have used Scrapy Get the basic data of all articles on Bole online website , But we didn't do the storage operation , This article , Let's talk about how to use Scrapy Framework knowledge is stored –Item Do data structure +Pipeline Operating the database .

Two 、 You have to know Knowledge

1. English words involved in this article
1. item
 Britain  [ˈaɪtəm]  beautiful  [ˈaɪtəm]
n. project ; strip , Clause ; a ; A commodity ( Or something )
adv. also , ditto 
 Britain  [krɔ:l]  beautiful  [krɔl]
vi. crawl ; Move slowly ; Fawn on 
n. Crawl slowly ;〈 Beautiful slang 〉 dance , Freestyle swimming ; fish culture ( turtle ) pool 
 Britain  [ˈpaɪplaɪn]  beautiful  [ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn]
n. The Conduit ; petroleum pipeline ; channel , Delivery route 
vt.( Through pipes ) transport , Pass on ; by … Install piping 
 Britain  ['metə]  beautiful  ['metə]
abbr.(Greek=after or beyond) ( Greek ) stay … After or beyond ;[ dialectics ] Metalanguage 
2.Item effect

Item It is mainly used to define the data structure of crawling , Specify your own fields to store data , Unified treatment , establish Item Need to inherit scrapy.Item class , And the definition type is scrapy.Field, Do not distinguish between data types , The data type depends on the data type of the original data at the time of assignment , Its usage is similar to that of a dictionary .

3.Pipeline effect

When Item stay Spider After being collected in , It will be delivered to Item Pipeline,Pipeline The main function is to return Of items Write to the database 、 File and other persistence modules .

4.Scrapy in Request Functional mate Parameter function

Request in meta The function of parameters is to pass information to the next function , The use process can be understood as assigning the information that needs to be transferred to this is called meta The variable of , but meta Only accept assignments of dictionary types , Therefore, the information to be transmitted should be changed into " Dictionaries ” In the form of , If you want to take out... In the next function value, Just get the of the last function meta[key] that will do .

3、 ... and 、 Look at the code , Learn while knocking and remember Scrapy Item and Pipeline application

1. Current project directory

 Project directory

2. Previous review

It's really the last article in this series (Scrapy System crawl Bole online ) It's too far away from now , Simply remind you what we did in the last article :

1. Batch 、 Turn the page and crawl 
2. The basic introduction of data has been crawled , See the data sheet below 
Data sheet
Chinese name of variable Variable name Value type
Article title titlestr
Release date create_timestr
The article classification article_typestr
Number of likes praise_numberint
Number of collections collection_numberint
comments comment_numberint

3. stay Item.py Create a new one in JobboleArticleItem class , Used to store article information

class JobboleArticleItem(scrapy.Item): front_img = scrapy.Field() #  Cover image  title = scrapy.Field() #  title  create_time = scrapy.Field() #  Release time  url = scrapy.Field() #  The current page url article_type =scrapy.Field() #  The article classification  praise_number = scrapy.Field() #  Number of likes  collection_number = scrapy.Field() #  Number of collections  comment_number = scrapy.Field() #  comments  

4. Add article cover image to get

(1) Page analysis
 Cover image url
(2)jobbole.py Revision in China parse function
We go through Request Functional mate Parameter passed to image_url,

 def parse(self, response): # 1. Get a single page a Label content , return Selector object  post_urls = response.xpath('//*[@id="archive"]/div/div[1]/a') # 2. Access to the article url、 Cover image url、 Download page content and pictures  for post_node in post_urls: # 2.1  Get a single page article url image_url = post_node.css("img::attr(src)").extract_first("") # 2.2  Get a single page article url post_url = post_node.css("::attr(href)").extract_first("") # 2.3  Submit for download  yield Request(url= parse.urljoin(response.url,post_url),meta={
     "front_img":image_url},callback= self.parse_detail) # 3. Get flip page url And turn the page to download  next_url = response.css(".next::attr(href)").extract() if next_url != []: next_url = next_url[0] yield Request(url= parse.urljoin(response.url,next_url),callback= self.parse) 

(3)Debug debugging
Debug As a result, we can see ,mate The value of succeeds with response The incoming to parse_detail Function , Then we can be in parse_detail Function to obtain front_img.

(4) completion parse_detail function code

#  Initialize a item object  article_item = JobboleArticleItem() #  Article cover  front_img = response.mate.get("front_img","") · · · #  Data stored in Item in  article_item['title'] = title article_item['create_time'] = create_time article_item['article_type'] = article_type article_item['praise_number'] = praise_number article_item['collection_number'] = collection_number article_item['comment_number'] = comment_number article_item['front_img'] = front_img article_item['url'] = response.url #  take item Pass on to Pipeline in  yield article_item 

thus Item Relevant code functions are written , We are right behind Pipeline To store actual data .
(5) Activate Pipeline
modify setting.py, Activate Pipeline
stay setting.py Found under file No 67-69 That's ok , Just remove the comment .( Or directly Ctrl+F Search for ITEM_PIPELINES, Find the appropriate location , Just remove the comment )

      key : value } key :  Express pipeline Classpath defined in  value :  Express this pipeline Priority of execution , value The smaller the value. , from jobbole.py Passed   To the Item The more you enter this Pipeline. 

 Activate Pipeline
We activate the above operation Pipeline, Next we can Debug once , Look at the effect :
Debug test
Sure enough ,Debug after Item Into Pipeline, Later we can process the data 、 Store the data .
(6) stay Pipeline Data storage operation in (MySql)

  • Create a table
CREATE TABLE `bole_db`.`article` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` VARCHAR(100) NULL, `create_time` VARCHAR(45) NULL, `article_type` VARCHAR(50) NULL, `praise_number` INT NULL, `collection_number` INT NULL, `comment_number` INT NULL, `url` VARCHAR(100) NULL, `front_img` VARCHAR(150) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8 COMMENT = ' Bole online article information '; 
  • Store the data
    stay Pipelien Create a database operation class in , And configure to setting in .
    pipeline.py in :
class MysqlPipeline(object): def __init__(self): #  Database connection  self.conn = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", port=3306, user="root", password="root", charset="utf8", database="bole_db") self.cur = self.conn.cursor() #  insert data  def sql_insert(self,sql): self.cur.execute(sql) self.conn.commit() def process_item(self, item, spider): #  Deposit in mysql database  sql_word = "insert into article (title,create_time,article_type,praise_number,collection_number,comment_number,url,front_img) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}')".format(item["title"],item["create_time"],item["article_type"],item["praise_number"],item["collection_number"],item["comment_number"],item["url"],item["front_img"]) self.sql_insert(sql_word) return item 

setting.py in :

#  The first 67 OK, let's start  ITEM_PIPELINES = {
      'spider_bole_blog.pipelines.SpiderBoleBlogPipeline': 300, 'spider_bole_blog.pipelines.MysqlPipeline':100 } 
  • Running results
     Running results

I just ran 1 minute , Just climb down and store 1000 Data , And it hasn't been crawled back , It can be seen that Scrapy The power of the framework .

Four 、 an account of happenings after the event being told

This series has not been updated for a long time , Let me review what I said before
Scrapy Learning column


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