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How to become a good software tester? A secret that most people don't know

2022-07-06 15:13:00 Test Xiaowan


1、 Preface

2、 communication skills

3、 Technical ability

4、 self-confidence

5、 diplomatic capacity

6、 A sense of humor

7、 Strong memory

8、 Patience,

9、 Self supervision

10、 insight

11、 Unremitting efforts

12、 creativity

13、 Pursue perfection

14、 To judge accurately

15、 persuasiveness

1、 Preface

Now? , Most companies regard software testing as a professional job of technical engineering . They realized that training software testers in the project team , And putting into work early in the development process can produce better quality software .

The following are the qualities that most software testers should have :

2、 communication skills

An ideal tester must be able to communicate with everyone involved in the test , With and Technology ( developer ) And non-technical personnel ( Customer , Management ) Good communication skills . We should be able to talk with users , And be able to talk to developers , Unfortunately, these two kinds of people have no common language . The focus of talking with users must be on what the system can and cannot handle correctly . When talking about the same information with developers , We must reorganize these activities and express them in another way , Members of the test team must be able to communicate equally with users and developers .



3、 Technical ability

In general , Developers hold a dismissive attitude towards those who do not know technology . Once a member of the test team makes a wrong conclusion , Then their credibility will be immediately publicized . A tester must not only understand the concept of the software system under test, but also use the tools in the project . To do this requires more than a few years of programming experience , Early development experience can help to have a deeper understanding of the software development process , Evaluate testers correctly from the perspective of developers , Simplify the learning curve of automatic test tool programming .

4、 self-confidence

It is common for developers to accuse testers of making mistakes , Testers must have enough confidence in their own views . If you allow others to point to yourself , You can't accomplish anything more . Because the positions of development and testing are different , When facing problems, testers should be confident and stick to their own views , You can't believe what developers say .

5、 diplomatic capacity

When you tell someone that he has made a mistake , We must use some diplomatic methods . Tact and diplomacy help maintain collaborative relationships with developers , When the tester tells the developer that his software has errors , It also needs some diplomatic skills . If the approach is too tough , For the tester , In the future, the cooperation with the development department is equivalent to “ Win the war but lose the battle ”.

6、 A sense of humor

In case of sophistry , A humorous criticism would be very helpful .

7、 Strong memory

An ideal tester should be able to dig out similar mistakes he has encountered before from the depths of his memory , The value of this ability in the test process is immeasurable . Because many new problems are similar to those we have found .

8、 Patience,

Some quality assurance work requires incredible patience . Sometimes you need to spend amazing time to separate 、 Identify and assign an error . This work can't be accomplished by those who can't sit still .


it is anticipated that , Developers will try their best to explain all errors in the past . The tester must listen to everyone's instructions , But he must remain suspicious until he has seen it himself .

9、 Self supervision

It's easy to become lazy by doing testing . Only those who have the ability of self supervision can make themselves work normally every day .

10、 insight

A good test engineer has “ The test is to destroy ” Point of view , The ability to capture user views , Strong quality pursuit , Attention to details . Apply the judgment ability of high-risk areas in order to target limited tests at key links .



11、 Unremitting efforts

Software testers keep trying . They may encounter software defects that are fleeting or difficult to rebuild . They don't take chances , But do everything possible to find .

12、 creativity

Test the obvious facts , That's not a software tester . Their job is to get along with creative and even extraordinary means to find software defects .

13、 Pursue perfection

They strive for perfection , But I know some companies can't be in time , Don't be demanding , But try to get close to the goal .

14、 To judge accurately

Software testers decide what to test 、 Test time , And whether the problem you see counts as a real defect .

15、 persuasiveness

Some software defects found by software testers are considered unimportant , No need to repair . Testers should be good at expressing opinions , Show why software defects must be fixed , And express their views through practical demonstration .

One of the basic qualities of software testers is to break the sand pot and ask the end . They like to find out the hidden system conflicts . They are happy to deal with the most complicated problems . They are outwardly keen to rush back and forth , The pursuit of perfection .

The task of software testers is to check and criticize the work of colleagues , Find fault , Publish the problems found . This will inevitably lead to friction with other personnel in the project team , Here are some suggestions to keep the team members in harmony :

1、 Find software defects early . This is the natural task of software testers , But it's not easy . Identify serious software defects three months ago, not just before the product is about to be released , Will have a smaller impact , It's easier to accept .

2、 Control your emotions . indeed , Software testers really love their work , When you find serious software defects, you won't be happy . however , If you excitedly break into the programmer's colleague's room and tell him that there are incurable software defects in the program , He won't be happy .

3、 Don't always report bad news . If you accidentally find that some code has no software defects , Just shout . Take some time to chat with programmers . If you always report bad news , Others will avoid it .

Thank everyone who reads my article carefully !!!

If you can use the following information, you can take it away directly :

1、 Self study development or test the necessary complete project source code and environment

2、 Test all templates in the work ( test plan 、 The test case 、 Test report, etc )

3、 Classic interview questions for software testing

4、Python/Java Automation test practice .pdf

5、Jmeter/postman Interface test full set of video acquisition

I personally sorted out some technical materials I have sorted out in my software testing career in recent years , contain : e-book , Resume module , Various work templates , Interview treasure , Self study projects, etc . Please find me in the comment area if you need it. Thank you .



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