2022-07-04 09:05:00 【Wallys-wireless】
Qualcomm-Atheros IPQ6018
Quad-core ARM 64bit A53 @1.8GHz Processor
1GB DDRL3L System Memory
32MB NOR Flash, 256MB NAND Flash
Supports Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
2x2 On-board 2.4GHz radio, up to 573Mbps physical Data Rate
2x2 On-board 5GHz radio, up to 1201Mbps physical Data Rate
Sample Price:200USD/pcs
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- Codeforces Global Round 21(A-E)
- C语言-入门-基础-语法-[主函数,头文件](二)
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You can see the employment prospects of PMP project management
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Codeforces Global Round 21(A-E)
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Codeforces Global Round 21(A-E)
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You can see the employment prospects of PMP project management
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4 small ways to make your Tiktok video clearer
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