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C language current savings account management system

2022-07-05 11:06:00 _ Programming_

C Language current savings account management system

Current savings account management
Two · This course design 《 The paper ) What should be achieved
This course design combines theory with practical application ﹐ Make students according to the characteristics of data objects ﹐ Learn how to organize data ﹖ Understand and master the storage representation of basic data structure and the implementation of operation ; Skillfully realize the conversion from algorithm to program ﹖ Cultivate good programming skills ﹐ And be able to write a more standardized design report . Cultivate students' thinking ability through curriculum design ﹐ Improve students' comprehensive application ability and professional quality .

3、 ... and · This course design ( The paper ) Main contents and requirements of the task ( Including raw data · Technical parameters · Design requirements, etc )
Design task ∶ Enable depositors to open accounts ﹑ Sales Account ﹑ deposit ﹑ Withdraw money ﹑ Query and so on · The main function
as follows ∶
1) Enable depositors to open accounts ∶ Register depositor information ( full name · account number )﹐ Set balance to 0﹐ Form an account ;
2) Realize account cancellation of depositors ∶ Find the account corresponding to the depositor information ﹐ Delete them ;
3) According to the depositor's deposit ﹑ The withdrawal amount modifies the account balance ;
4) Query an account ∶ Find the account to be queried ﹐ Display the account balance and all deposits ·
Transaction records of withdrawal ;
5) Sorting shows ︰ According to account number · The deposit period or number of deposits sorts all accounts ;
6) Information export ︰ All account and transaction information shall be backed up to the file regularly .
The design requirements ∶ It should include the following main parts ∶
1) Demand analysis ∶ Chen Yun's task of program design and the functional requirements achieved ;
2) Outline design ∶ Design abstract data types · Describe the algorithm flow · Module partition · Son
The function and calling relationship of and the level between each module ( call ) Relationship .
3) Detailed design ∶ Implement the defined data type ﹑ Choose the appropriate storage structure to realize each
Basic operation ﹐ Write the program corresponding to each function ;
4) Debug analysis ︰ Problems encountered in commissioning and improvement measures · Complete test function display ﹐
Analyze space-time complexity ﹑ Idea of algorithm improvement · Experience, etc .
5) User's Manual ∶ Explain how to use the program ﹐ Operation steps and usage rules .
6) appendix ︰ Annotated source listing .
Four · Data to be collected and main references ∶
[1] Geng Guohua .《 data structure -C Language description ( The first 2 edition )》[M] Beijing : Higher Education Press 2018.
[2] Yan Weimin et al ﹒《 data structure (C Language version )》[M] Beijing : tsinghua university press 2012.
[3] Ruan Hong, et al .《 Course design of data structure (C Language description )》[M] Beijing : Electronic industry press 2016.
[4] Tan Haoqiang .《C Programming ( The Fourth Edition )》[M] Beijing : tsinghua university press 2010.
[5] Yu Ling et al .《 Data structure case tutorial (C/C++ edition )》[M] Beijing : Mechanical industry press 2019.

Source download

link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JJs9vbZahUCB6cQvXLgAVg?pwd=1111
Extraction code :1111


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