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Chapter 16 string localization and message Dictionary (2)

2022-07-04 14:25:00 yaoxin521123

Chapter 16 String localization and message dictionary ( Two )

XML Message file

XML Message file is the export of message dictionary . This is also the required format for any message you want to import .

Whenever possible ,XML Message files should use UTF-8 code . however , In some cases , Developers or translators may use local platform coding , for example shift-jis, For easy editing XML Message file . No matter what XML What kind of encoding is used for the document , The application's locale must support it , And it must be able to express the message of the language .

XML Message files may contain messages in one language and multiple domains .


<MsgFile> The element is XML Top level container for message files , There is only one per file <MsgFile> Elements .

<MsgFile> The element has a required attribute ,Language. <MsgFile>Language The value of the attribute is an all lowercase RFC1766 Code , The language used to identify the file . It consists of one or more parts : Main language labels ( for example en or ja) Optionally followed by a hyphen (-) And secondary language tags (en-gb or ja-jp).

In the following example , This language is “en”( English ).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<MsgFile Language="en">
   <MsgDomain Domain="sample">
       <Message Id="source">Source</Message>
       <Message Id="menu">Samples Menu</Message>

<MsgFile> Must contain at least one <MsgFile> Elements . It may contain more than one <MsgFile>.


<MsgDomain> The element has a required attribute field . <MsgDomain> Domain The value of the attribute is one of the domain names used to organize messages in the application .

whatever <MsgDomain> Elements can contain zero or more <MsgDomain> Elements .


<Message> The element has a required attribute ,Id. <Message> Id The value of the attribute is the message used to organize messages in the application ID One of the strings .

whatever <Message> Elements can contain a text string . A string can consist of any of the following , Alone or in combination :

  • Simple text allowed by file format
  • Replace parameters %1%2%3 or %4
  • HTML Format
  • ObjectScript Format string expression

The following example uses %1%2、 For bold format HTML The tag and two consecutive double quotation mark characters represent a single double quotation mark ObjectScript String conventions :

  The session $Username="&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt;" $Roles="&lt;b>%2&lt;/b&gt;"

Manage message dictionaries

This section summarizes the most commonly used when using message dictionaries %Library.MessageDictionary Method . You can use these methods :

  • from XML Message file import message
  • Export messages to XML Message file
  • Delete a message from the message dictionary
  • List messages in the message dictionary

Import XML Message file

To import XML Message file , Please open the terminal and perform the following operations :

  1. Change to the namespace of the application being developed :
 set $namespace = "myNamespace"
  1. Run the Import command . By default , Each language is in a separate XML In the message file , Locale name at the end of file name . therefore :
  • Only those messages in a specific language can be imported :
 SET file="C:\myLocation\Messages_ja-jp.xml"
 DO ##class(%Library.MessageDictionary).Import(file)
  • perhaps , Import multiple languages for the same application :
 SET myFiles="C:\myLocation"
 DO ##class(%Library.MessageDictionary).ImportDir(myFiles,"d")
  1. Check ^IRIS.Msg Global variables to see the results .

The following topics summarize these two import methods .

Import specific XML Message file

%Library.MessageDictionary Class method Import() With the following signature :

classmethod Import(filepath As %String, flag As %String = "") returns %Status
  • filepath - Import by filepath designated XML Message file . Make sure that only XML Message file , Because of the others XML The file will generate errors .
  • flag - ( Optional ) Provided ,d sign ( Show ) Indicates that the terminal console will display a confirmation message when importing files . otherwise , No confirmation .

Import all in the directory XML Message file

%Library.MessageDictionary Class method ImportDir() With the following signature :

classmethod ImportDir(directory As %String, flag As %String = "") returns %Status
  • directory - Import all... In the specified directory XML Message file .
  • flag - ( Optional ) Provided ,d sign ( Show ) Indicates that the terminal console will display a confirmation message when importing files . otherwise , No confirmation .

export XML Message file

To export parts of the message dictionary to XML Message file , Please perform the following operations in the terminal :

  1. Change to the namespace of the application being developed :
 set $namespace = "myNamespace"
  1. Identify the output file and its location :
 SET file="C:\myLocation\Messages.xml"
  1. Run the export command :
  • It may be feasible to export only those messages in a specific domain :
 DO ##class(%Library.MessageDictionary).ExportDomainList(file,"myDomain")
  • perhaps , Export all messages in the namespace :
 DO ##class(%Library.MessageDictionary).Export(file)

Export a specific domain in one language

%Library.MessageDictionary Class method ExportDomainList() With the following signature :

classmethod ExportDomainList(file As %String, domainList As %String, language As %String) returns %Status
  • file - ( It's necessary ) Output file name template in this format :filepath.ext The actual output file name appends the language value to the extension ext In the file path of .
  • domainList - ( Optional ) Comma separated list of fields to export .
  • language - ( Optional ) Export only the specified language . The value must be all lowercase RFC1766 Code . If not provided , Then this value defaults to the system default language , This value is stored in a special variable $$$DefaultLanguage in .

Export all domains in a specific language

%Library.MessageDictionary Class method Export() With the following signature :

  • file - ( It's necessary ) Output file name template in this format :filepath.ext The name of the output file is filepathlanguage-code.ext for example , If the document is c:/temp/mylang_.txt And language includes language code ja- jp, Then one of the output files is named c:/temp/mylang_ja-jp.txt
  • languages - ( Optional ) Comma separated list of language codes . Each value in the list must be all lowercase RFC1766 Code . If no language is specified or empty , Then export all languages in the database . Each language is used as file The Convention of parameter description is exported to a separate file .
  • flag - ( Optional ) Provided , be s sign ( System ) Indicates that the system message dictionary should be exported in addition to the application message dictionary . otherwise , Export only the application message dictionary .

removal message

To delete a message , Please use the following command :

 Set status = ##class(%MessageDictionary).Delete(languages,flag)

Languages are optional comma separated lists of languages . If no language is specified , Delete all languages . The default is to delete only application messages . s sign ( System ) It's an optional logo , Indicates whether system messages are also deleted . The message name associated with the containing file is always deleted , But the include file will not . And support d sign ( Show ).

List messages

To get a list of all languages that have loaded messages for the specified domain , Please use GetLanguages() Method :

 Set list = ##class(%MessageDictionary).GetLanguages(domain,flag)

GetLanguages() By standard RFC1766 Format returns language code %ListofDateTypes Format list , All lowercase . If a domain is specified , Then the list only contains the languages that exist in the specified domain . otherwise , All languages are included in the list . s sign ( System ) It's an optional logo , Indicates whether to return the language supported by the system or application message . The default is the language in which the application message is returned . And support d sign ( Show ).


