2022-07-04 22:37:00 【beidou111】
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:30 -i test.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mp4
* -ss 指定从什么时间开始
* -t 指定需要截取多长时间
* -i 指定输入文件
- Tweenmax emoticon button JS special effect
- 串口数据帧
- Summary of index operations in mongodb
- Redis入门完整教程:集合详解
- Redis introduction complete tutorial: List explanation
- A complete tutorial for getting started with redis: understanding and using APIs
- Mongodb aggregation operation summary
- Redis introduction complete tutorial: client communication protocol
- 攻防世界 MISC 进阶区 hong
- Sobel filter
Advanced area a of attack and defense world misc Masters_ good_ idea
小程序vant tab组件解决文字过多显示不全的问题
[roommate learned to use Bi report data processing in the time of King glory in one game]
Attack and defense world misc master advanced zone 001 normal_ png
Unity vscode emmylua configuration error resolution
攻防世界 MISC 進階區 Erik-Baleog-and-Olaf
The small program vant tab component solves the problem of too much text and incomplete display
P2181 diagonal and p1030 [noip2001 popularization group] arrange in order
JS card style countdown days
Analysis of environmental encryption technology
P2181 对角线和P1030 [NOIP2001 普及组] 求先序排列
剑指 Offer 68 - I. 二叉搜索树的最近公共祖先
A complete tutorial for getting started with redis: transactions and Lua
Principle of lazy loading of pictures
A complete tutorial for getting started with redis: redis shell
Summary of index operations in mongodb
Sobel filter
MySQL Architecture - logical architecture
【ODX Studio编辑PDX】-0.2-如何对比Compare两个PDX/ODX文件
Explanation of bitwise operators
Photoshop batch adds different numbers to different pictures
MP进阶操作: 时间操作, sql,querywapper,lambdaQueryWapper(条件构造器)快速筛选 枚举类
Attack and defense world misc advanced area Hong
Pagoda 7.9.2 pagoda control panel bypasses mobile phone binding authentication bypasses official authentication