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[Linear Neural Network] softmax regression
2022-07-31 04:29:00 【PBemmm】
one - hot encoding
Generally used for classification problems, where the features are discrete
It is very simple, using n states to represent n features, only one state takes the value 1, and the others are all 0
Cross entropy
Use the difference between the true probability and the predicted probability as the loss
Loss function
L2 Loss
The green curve is the likelihood function, the yellow is the gradient
When it is far from the origin, the update range of the parameters may be larger, which leads to L1 Loss
Absolute value loss L1 Loss
Huber's Rubust Loss
The loss function combining L1 Loss and L2 Loss
Softmax is realized from 0
Read data
import torchfrom IPython import displayfrom d2l import torch as d2lbatch_size = 256train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size)
The dataset is Fashion-MNIST, 10 types of images, 6000 images for each type, the training set is 60000, the test set is 10000, and the batch size is 256
num_inputs = 784num_outputs = 10W = torch.normal(0, 0.01, size=(num_inputs, num_outputs), requires_grad=True)b = torch.zeros(num_outputs, requires_grad=True)
Each image is 28*28, expanded to 784-dimensional vector, and the output layer is 10 types
Here weight W is a matrix of (784, 10), input data x is a vector of length 784, for O(1 -> 10), each Oj corresponds to
Oj =< W[j], X>+ bj, so the number of columns of W is num_outputs, which is the number (type) of O
Obviously, b also corresponds to O
As the name suggests, softmax corresponds to hardmax, and hardmax is the routine value of the sequence. In classification, one hot coding is used, and confidence is introduced. According to the index of e introduced by softmax, we only care whether it can make The predicted value and confidence of the correct class are large enough not to care about the incorrect class.The model can distance the real class from other classes.
def softmax(X):X_exp = torch.exp(X)partition = X_exp.sum(1, keepdim=True)return X_exp / partition # The broadcast mechanism is applied here
def net(X):return softmax(torch.matmul(X.reshape((-1, W.shape[0])), W) + b)
Cross entropy
y = torch.tensor([0, 2])y_hat = torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.3, 0.6], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]])y_hat[[0, 1], y]
y records the index of the real category, y_hat[ [0,1] , y ] returns the element 0.1 of the real category index of the first group [0.1,0.3,0.6] and 0.5 of the second group
def cross_entropy(y_hat, y):return - torch.log(y_hat[range(len(y_hat)), y])cross_entropy(y_hat, y)
Simple implementation of softmax
import torchfrom torch import nnfrom d2l import torch as d2lbatch_size = 256train_iter, test_iter = d2l.load_data_fashion_mnist(batch_size)
Initialize model parameters
net = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(784, 10))def init_weights(m):if type(m) == nn.Linear:nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01)net.apply(init_weights);
nn.Flatten() is used to adjust the shape of the network input
trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.1)
Loss function
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
Optimization algorithm
trainer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.1)
num_epochs = 10d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer)
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