Andriod --- JetPack :LiveData setValue 和 postValue 的区别
文章内容来自: Andriod — JetPack :初识 JetPack 43290288/article/details/123464086 Andriod — JetPack :LifeCycle 的诞生 43290288/article/details/123466870 Andr...
2022-07-07 12:48【梁同学与Android】
阅读更多IDA pro逆向工具寻找socket server的IP和port
在逆向分析代码的时候,我们有时需要找到某软件做服务端时提供的ip:port。 使用IDA pro反编译代码,找到套接字设置的代码处,发现我们期待的IP和port的地方是数字 https://img
2022-07-07 12:48【晓翔仔】
大洋网讯 近日,广州开发区知识产权局举办“萝岗糯米糍”“萝岗甜橙”地理标志保护产品专用标志核准使用专题辅导会。 会上,广州开发区知识产权局相关负责人介绍了地理标志保护产品专用标志核准使用工作对提升地理标志品牌价值、助力乡村振兴的重要意义,宣传了该区地理标志相关扶持政策。知识产权服务机构代表则详细讲解...
2022-07-07 12:49【广州新闻】
大洋网讯 为保障广大幼儿度过一个美好、安全的暑假,7月6日,“幼儿居家户外危险预防” 童心合力FM106.1应急安全教育进校园活动在广州市第一商业职工幼儿园(大同园区)举行。 f963 4c5c bbf6 926d55fd8131 zsize.jpg 此次活动的指导单位是广州市应急管理局、广州市...
2022-07-07 12:49【广州新闻】
“思维模型是你大脑中做决策的工具箱,你的工具箱越多,你就越能快速做出最正确的决策” 从100个思维模型里,整理出40个工作中最常会用到的思维模型,主要分为八大模块(学习力、思考力、创造力、设计力、共情力、故事力、领导力、整合力),可以帮助你由浅入深对不同方向的思维模型进行学习。 https://i...
2022-07-07 12:48【Leo.yuan】
转载/ 51CTO技术栈,作者千山、云昭,如有侵权,请后台联系删除 互联网行业的裁员潮一波未平一波又起,新一轮“优化调整”,来到了游戏直播领域。继企鹅电竞官宣将于6月7日停止运行之后,虎牙、斗鱼被曝要大规模裁员了。 据Tech星球消息,虎牙近日整体大裁员,其中200多人的国际化业务裁员比例高达70%...
2022-07-07 12:48【Leo.yuan】
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2022-07-07 12:49【Part 02】
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2021ACL The paper :Novel Slot Detection: A Benchmark for Discovering Unknown Slot Types in the Task Oriented Dialogue System https://img blog.csdn...
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List of articles 0 Hardware connection 3 The configuration script 21 Transceiver test 83 Hardware connection Reference resources : Control...
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ISO International Organization for Standardization Layered thinking 7 Layer model OSI : Open system interconnection ( Reference model ) app...
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concurrency control 1、 Why concurrency control in database ? What characteristics of transactions can concurrency control technology ensure ? Sha...
2022-07-07 14:52【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - Day10
Compile environment :c++ 1、 Generate Gray code describe In the coding of a set of numbers , If any two adjacent codes have only one binary number...
2022-07-07 14:52【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
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Compile environment :c++ 1、 Wechat red packet description During the Spring Festival, Xiao Ming received many red envelopes using wechat , Very hap...
2022-07-07 14:52【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - Day11
Compile environment :c++ 1、 Cut grid paper describe Dudu bear has a piece of grid paper , But there are some dots on the paper , Every point is o...
2022-07-07 14:52【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - day14
Programming environment :c++ 1、 String value describe : There is an interesting way to calculate the value of strings : Count the number of occurre...
2022-07-07 14:52【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - Day12
Compile environment :c++ 1、 street lamp describe : One is long l There are n Street lights , If the starting point of this street is 0, The finish...
2022-07-07 14:53【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - day13
Programming environment :c++ 1、 Building blocks describe Xiao Ming has a bag of rectangular building blocks , If a building block A The length an...
2022-07-07 14:53【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
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1、 First of all to enter MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server 'MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server' ...
2022-07-07 14:53【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - day15
Compile environment :c++ 1、ZJ3 Programming questions 2 describe One contains only ’a’ and ’b’ Two character string s, The length is n, Each opera...
2022-07-07 14:53【weixin_ forty-five million seven hundred and fifty thousand fou】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - day16
Compile environment :c++ 1、 Shanzhai glitters describe : After Jin Shanshan died , red A Got the treasure of the king , There are n A weapon , The...
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最近很多公众号都在推这篇文章,但是我在阅读的过程中产生了一些问题,由于代码未开源,理解可能不正确,因此先记录一下,等开源之后对照代码再更深地去理解,也希望如果有大佬看见这篇文章的时候,能对我不成熟的看法给予一些意见。 文章实验的最终损失函数计算如下: https://img blog.csdnimg...
order Before , I used to use electron Developed a tomato clock application , But at that time, the application data was stored in JSON The file ...
一、APPX是什么文件格式? appx实际上就是安装文件压缩包,将我们平时常见的一些安装文件打包起来,其中包含DLL文件库、CAT数字签名文件、多个XML文件信息文件等,是一个准备好分配和安装的应用程序包。 appxs首次在Windows 8中引入,为了保护系统的安全,Windows 10系统使用...
PostgreSQL 提供了两种方式用来进行表复制: 1、create table as 2、create table like 数据准备 创建含有序列、主键、注释、CHECK约束的tmp表用于后续测试: create table tmp id SERIAL, name VARCHAR 100 p...
▚ 01 问题描述 分析 在 Linux 中,编译或安装包时,常会遇到类似的问题: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ...
Multi merchant mall system , Also known as B2B2C(BBC) Platform e-commerce mode multi merchant mall system . It can quickly help enterprises build sim...
2QQ的药,腾讯的票 来源:字母榜(ID:wujicaijing) 作者:彦飞 摸索了一年半后,腾讯元宇宙的轮廓日渐清晰,QQ“全家桶”成为新的桥头堡。 7月初,QQ音乐小范围内测“Music Zone”(音乐空间)。该功能是一个音乐主题的虚拟互动社区,用户可以设置虚拟人形象,装扮虚拟房间,并...
PWN Learning notes One , Stack introduction Stack : Stack is a data structure in computer system , It stores data according to the principle of "...
文章目录 %E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95 简介 %E7%AE%80%E4%BB%8B 一、BootStrap简介 %E4%B8%80%E3%80%81BootStrap%E7%AE%80%E4%BB%8B 二、开发过程 %E4%BA%8C%E3%80%81...
The longest increasing subsequence problem Longest ascending subsequence 5 1. Substring 1 7 2. Subsequence 2 17 LIC Definition LIC 26 Examp...