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2022-07-07 12:49【Part 02】
阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - Day17
Compile environment :c++ 1、 Shooting game describe : There is a shooting game . The court has p A basket , The number is 0,1...,p 1. There is a ba...
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阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - day18
Compile environment :c++ 1、 Expression legal judgment describe : Write a piece of code , Judge one including '{',' ',' ',' ',' ','}' Whether the e...
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阅读更多Niuke real problem programming - day20
Compile environment :c++ 1、 Print the numeric matrix clockwise describe : Given a numerical matrix , Please design an algorithm to print matrix el...
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本文基于以下软硬件假定: 架构:AARCH64 软件:Uboot 2021.10 rc1 1 Uboot代码层次 uboot需要支持众多的硬件,并且具有良好的可扩展性、可移植性和可维护性,因此必须要有一个设计良好的代码架构。代码架构的设计总是与软硬件架构密不可分的,在硬件层面嵌入式系统的核心一般包括...
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