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Deep clustering: joint optimization of depth representation learning and clustering

2022-07-07 06:01:00 This Livermore is not too cold

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brief introduction

Classical clustering means that data is characterized by vectorization through various representation learning techniques . As data becomes more and more complex , Shallow ( Tradition ) Clustering methods have been unable to deal with high-dimensional data types . A direct way to combine the advantages of deep learning is to first learn the depth representation , Then input it into the shallow clustering method . But there are two disadvantages :i) It means that you are not learning clustering directly , This limits clustering performance ; ii) Clustering depends on complex rather than linear relationships between instances ; iii) Clustering and representation learning are interdependent , Should be mutually reinforcing .

In order to solve the problem , The concept of deep clustering is proposed , That is, joint optimization represents learning and clustering .


The main purpose of clustering is to group instances , Make similar samples belong to the same cluster , Different samples belong to different clusters . Sample clusters provide a global representation of data instances , This can significantly facilitate further analysis of the entire data set , For example, anomaly detection , Domain adaptation , Community detection and discrimination represent learning .



Image Representation Learning.

Learning technology through modern representation ( For example, visual converter ) The introduction of deep clustering has made progress . As one of the most popular directions , Unsupervised representation learning of image data will play a central role in deep clustering and affect other data types .

Text Representation Learning

Early attempts at text representation learning used statistical methods , Such as TF-IDF 、Word2Vec and Skip-Gram. later , Some work focuses on topic modeling and semantic distance in text representation learning , And more about unsupervised scenarios . lately , image BERT and GPT-3 Such a pre training language model gradually occupies a dominant position in the field of text representation learning . 

Video Representation Learning

Video shows that learning is a challenging task , It will learn from time and space 、 Multi model learning and natural language processing ( With video summary and subtitles ) Combine into one place . Early methods used LSTM Autoencoder 、3D-ResNets and 3D-U-Net As a feature extractor . 

Graph Representation Learning

The classical graph representation learning aims to learn the low dimensional representation of nodes , In order to preserve the proximity between nodes in the embedded space . Besides , Map level information also has great potential in tasks such as protein classification , This has attracted more and more attention in graph level representation learning

The data type specific representation learning mentioned above can be simple backbone for feature extraction or end-to-end unsupervised representation learning , This is the most active research direction in deep learning . As more types of data are collected , Deep clustering will grow with data type specific representation learning techniques .

Deep learning method

Multilevel deep clustering (Multistage Deep Clustering)

Multilevel deep clustering refers to the method of optimizing and connecting two modules respectively . One direct way is Using deep unsupervised representation learning technology, first learn the representation of each data instance , Then input the learned representation into the classical clustering model to obtain the final clustering result . This separation of data processing and clustering is helpful for researchers to carry out cluster analysis . More specifically , All existing clustering algorithms can serve any Research scenario .

Iterative depth clustering (Iterative Deep Clustering)

The main purpose of iterative depth clustering is Good representation can benefit clustering , The clustering results provide supervision for representation learning in reverse . Most existing iterative depth clustering pipelines update iteratively between two steps

1) Calculate the clustering result given the current representation ;

2) Update the representation given the current clustering result . Iterative depth clustering method benefits from the mutual promotion between representation learning and clustering . However , They are also affected by error propagation during iteration . Inaccurate clustering results may lead to chaotic representation , Among them, the performance is limited by the effectiveness of self marking . Besides , This in turn will affect the clustering results , Especially in the early stages of training . therefore , Existing iterative clustering methods rely heavily on the pre training of representation modules .

Generate deep clustering (Generative Deep Clustering)

Deep generation clustering model can Generate samples while clustering

The generated model can capture 、 Represent and recreate data points , Therefore, it has attracted more and more attention from academia and industry . They will make assumptions about the potential cluster structure , Then the cluster allocation is inferred by estimating the data density . The most representative model is Gaussian mixture model , It assumes that data points are generated from Gaussian mixture

There are weaknesses :

1) Training generation models usually involve Monte Carlo sampling , It may lead to unstable training and high computational complexity ;

2) The mainstream generation model is based on VAE and GAN, Inevitably inherited their shortcomings .  be based on VAE Our model usually requires a priori assumption of data distribution , This may not be true in actual cases ; Even though be based on GAN Our algorithm is more flexible , But they usually have problems of mode collapse and slow convergence , Especially for data with multiple clusters .

At the same time, deep clustering (Simultaneous Deep Clustering)

The representation learning module and the clustering module are optimized simultaneously in an end-to-end manner . Although most iterative depth clustering methods also optimize two modules with a single objective , But these two modules are optimized by explicit iteration , Cannot update at the same time . Although most iterative depth clustering methods also optimize two modules with a single objective , But these two modules are optimized by explicit iteration , Cannot update at the same time .

The representation of learning is Clustering Oriented , Clustering is carried out on the discriminant space . however , It may produce an unwanted bias against the optimization focus between the representation learning module and the clustering module , At present, this bias can only be alleviated by manually setting the balance parameters . Besides , The model can easily fall into a degraded solution , All instances are assigned to a cluster

Common data set

4 Common data sets in three directions

The future direction

Initialization of Deep Clustering Module

Overlapping Deep Clustering

Degenerate Solution VS Unbalanced Data

Boosting Representation with Deep Clustering

Deep Clustering Explanation

Transfer Learning with Deep Clustering

Clustering with Anomalies

Efficient Training VS Global Modeling



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