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Std:: vector batch import fast de duplication method
2022-07-02 12:46:00 【As the deer 】
Destination array std::vector searchapp
inline bool has_scan_impl(const stSWLIST& app1, const stSWLIST& app2)
bool cond = app1.path == app2.path;
return cond;
const std::string fl =filename
std::ifstream ifs(fl, ios_base::in);
if (ifs.is_open())
std::string retbuf;
std::copy(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{ifs}, std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{},
cJSON* lpNode = cJSON_Parse(retbuf.c_str());
int iSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(lpNode);
std::vector<stSWLIST> searchapp2;
for (int index = 0; index < iSize; index++)
cJSON* lpArayNode = cJSON_GetArrayItem(lpNode, index);
stSWLIST filedump = json2app(lpArayNode);
// This is too slow no
/*if (add_scan(filedump)) {
std::vector<stSWLIST> searchappdel;
std::copy(std::find_if(searchapp.begin(), searchapp.end(), [searchapp2](const stSWLIST& app1)
return std::find_if(searchapp2.begin(), searchapp2.end(), [app1](const stSWLIST& app2)
return has_scan_impl(app1, app2);
}) != searchapp2.end();
}) , searchapp.end(),std::back_inserter(searchappdel));
searchapp.erase(std::remove_if(searchapp.begin(), searchapp.end(), [searchappdel](const stSWLIST& app1)
return std::find_if(searchappdel.begin(), searchappdel.end(), [app1](const stSWLIST& app2)
return has_scan_impl(app1, app2);
}) != searchappdel.end();
}), searchapp.end());
std::copy(searchapp2.begin(), searchapp2.end(), std::back_inserter(searchapp));
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