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[unreal] animation notes of the scene
2022-07-02 10:00:00 【Qiao'an fish】
1. Add level sequence
This logo will appear in the scene after adding , Open the level sequence .
Edit animation in this tab .
2. The camera
Add a camera Actor, Add rocker arms according to your choice / Guide .
Hold down Alt Move , Extendable guide rail .
Move the camera into the guide rail in the outline , The guide rail becomes the camera parent . The camera will move with the guide rail .( So is the rocker arm )
3. animation
Select camera or guide , Add tracks to the level sequence >Actor To Sequncer> Select the selected Actor
The track is created .
Which parameter will change , Click the circle button at the initial frame and the end frame to add a key frame .
4. Trigger animation
Add trigger .
The green box is the trigger .
Add logic to the level blueprint .
Right click in the level blueprint , choice “ by Trigger Box1 Add event ”> Collision > Add trigger start event . On the left is the event .
Next, create a level sequence player , stay Level Sequncer Choose your level sequence . But it can't be played yet .
New playback node .
That's it .
effect : Players come to this place , Automatically play the transition animation .
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