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Data processing methods - smote series and adasyn

2022-07-06 04:09:00 Code Taoist

brief introduction

​ Unbalanced dataset refers to the extremely unbalanced sample size of each category of the dataset . A case study of dichotomous problems , Suppose that the number of samples of the positive class is much larger than that of the negative class , Usually, the proportion of most samples is close to 100:1 The data in this case is called unbalanced data . The learning of unbalanced data requires learning useful information in unevenly distributed data sets .

The processing methods of unbalanced data sets are mainly divided into two aspects :

1、 From a data perspective , The main method is sampling , It is divided into undersampling and oversampling and some corresponding improvement methods .

2、 From the perspective of Algorithm , Considering the cost difference of different misclassification cases, the algorithm is optimized , Mainly based on cost sensitive learning algorithm (Cost-Sensitive Learning), The representative algorithms are adacost;

In addition, the problem of unbalanced data sets can be considered as a classification (One Class Learning) Or anomaly detection (Novelty Detection) problem , The representative algorithms are One-class SVM.

SMOTE series


SMOTE(Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) Synthesis of a few oversampling techniques , It is an over sampling algorithm improved on the basis of random sampling . Select a sample from a few samples xi. secondly , By sampling magnification N, from xi Of K Random selection among nearest neighbors N Samples xzi. Last , In turn, it's xzi and xi Randomly synthesize new samples , The synthesis formula is as follows :


Address of thesis

SMOTE: Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique

Borderline SMOTE

​ Borderline SMOTE Is in SMOTE Based on the improved oversampling algorithm , The algorithm only uses a few class samples on the boundary to synthesize new samples , So as to improve the category distribution of samples .

​ Borderline SMOTE The sampling process is to divide a small number of samples into 3 class , Respectively Safe、Danger and Noise,Safe, More than half of the samples are minority samples ;Danger: More than half of the samples around are most types of samples , As a sample on the boundary ;Noise: The samples are surrounded by most types of samples , Considered noise , As shown in the middle of the picture C Last , For tables only Danger A few classes of samples are oversampled .

Address of thesis

Borderline-SMOTE: A New Over-Sampling Method in Imbalanced Data Sets Learning

ADASYN series


ADASYN (adaptive synthetic sampling) Adaptive synthetic sampling , And Borderline SMOTE be similar , Give different weights to different minority samples , So as to generate different numbers of samples .


  1. Calculate the number of samples to be synthesized , The formula is as follows :

$$G=left(m{l}-m{s}right) times beta$$

​ among , $m{text { 丨 }}$ Number of samples for most classes , $m{s}$ Is the number of samples of a few classes , $beta in[0,1]$ random number , if $beta$ be equal to 1 , The positive and negative ratio after sampling is $1: 1$ .

  1. Calculation K Most classes in the nearest neighbors account for , The formula is as follows :

$$r{i}=Delta{i} / K$$

​ among , $Delta{i}$ by $K$ Number of samples of most classes in nearest neighbors , $i=1,2,3, ldots ldots, m{s}$

  1. Yes ri Standardization , The formula is as follows :

$$hat{r}{i}=r{i} / sum{i=1}^{m{s}} r_{i}$$

  1. According to the sample weight , Calculate the number of new samples to be generated for each minority sample , The formula is as follows :

$$g=hat{r}_{i} times G$$

  1. according to $g$ Calculate the number of samples to be generated for each small number of samples , according to SMOTE The algorithm generates samples , The formula is as follows :

$$s{i}=x{i}+left(x{z i}-x{i}right) times lambda$$

​ among , $mathrm{s}{i}$ For synthetic samples , $mathrm{x}{i}$ It is the second in a few samples $i$ Samples , $mathrm{x}{mathrm{z} i}$ yes $mathrm{x}{mathrm{i}}$ Of K Randomly select a minority sample from the nearest neighbors $lambda in[0,1]$​ The random number .

Address of thesis

ADASYN: Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Approach for Imbalanced Learning


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