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VNCTF2022 WriteUp

2022-07-06 04:11:00 It's mumuzi



Limit 60s I can only say that I play with this junk computer MC You can't finish while running 777 Ciwucao

If 2^N-1 Can be 15 to be divisible by , Then natural numbers N Those values should be taken Baidu search (2^n-1) % 15 There is

from pwn import *
import re
def sha256(enc,sec):
    table = string.ascii_letters+string.digits
    for i in table:
        for j in table:
            for k in table:
                for n in table:
                    s = i+j+k+n
                    s1 = s+sec
                    m = hashlib.sha256(s1.encode())
                    mi = m.hexdigest()
                    if(enc == mi):
                        return s

p = remote('node4.buuoj.cn',28865)
rec = p.recv()
sec = rec[16:32].decode()
sha = rec[37:-23].decode()
result = sha256(sha,sec)
i = 0
while 1:
    r = p.recv().decode()
    que = re.search('plz give me the (.*)\(n\)',r).group(1)[:-3]
    ans = str(int(que)*4).encode()
    i += 1
    if(i == 777):
    p.recvuntil('are so smart.\n')



find /js/data.js. Pull to the bottom to see base64 Encoding flag




Print out the bytecode directly , In the old way

import dis, marshal, sys

header_sizes = [
    # (size, first version this applies to)
    # pyc files were introduced in 0.9.2 way, way back in June 1991.
    (8,  (0, 9, 2)),  # 2 bytes magic number, \r\n, 4 bytes UNIX timestamp
    (12, (3, 6)),     # added 4 bytes file size
    # bytes 4-8 are flags, meaning of 9-16 depends on what flags are set
    # bit 0 not set: 9-12 timestamp, 13-16 file size
    # bit 0 set: 9-16 file hash (SipHash-2-4, k0 = 4 bytes of the file, k1 = 0)
    (16, (3, 7)),     # inserted 4 bytes bit flag field at 4-8
    # future version may add more bytes still, at which point we can extend
    # this table. It is correct for Python versions up to 3.9
header_size = next(s for s, v in reversed(header_sizes) if sys.version_info >= v)

with open('BabyMaze.pyc', "rb") as f:
    metadata = f.read(header_size)  # first header_size bytes are metadata
    code = marshal.load(f)          # rest is a marshalled code object


 Insert picture description here

You can see a lot 0,2 and 1 individual 1 and 1 individual 3,.

And obviously 31*31

With the , Draw a picture

s = '0000000000000000000000000000000010222222222222222220222222222002020000000002000002020000000200202220222222202220222020222020020000020000000002000002020202002220222022222222222220222022200002020002000000000000020000000022202022202222222220222022202002000202000200000002020002020200222220202220222020202220202220000000020200020202020002020002002222222022222022202022202022200200000000000000020202000202000022222220222222202022202220222002000002020202000200000200000000202220202020202220222222222220020202020202000200020000020002002020202020222022202022202022200202000202000200020202020002000022202220202222202020202220222002000202020200000202020002020200202220202022222220202020202020020200020200000000000202020202002022202020222222222020202020200200020202000002020202020202020022202020222220202022202220202000000200000002000200000002000200222220222220222022222220222220020000020002000200000002000002002222222220222222222222202222300000000000000000000000000000000'
from PIL import Image
pic = Image.new('RGB',(31,31),(255,255,255))
for i in range(31):
    for j in range(31):
        if(s[i*31+j] == '0'):
        elif(s[i*31+j] == '1'):
        elif(s[i*31+j] == '3'):

 Insert picture description here

You can also see in the back if 29,29 It outputs flag, The starting point is 1,1.

Walk manually


md5 It is the flag( Go again ,flag I'm not sure if it's this )





Look for it carefully

Direct script neighbor discovery interval is different , I want to use the blue hat semi decisive blasting script and find that I can't find it ,PS It didn't work out , Finally, I was thinking of rolling my hands one by one , Then I found that in fact 24 Column sum 15 row , Only black and white , That one extracts white , There are indexes of abscissa and ordinate .

from PIL import Image
pic = Image.open('flag.png')
w,h = [],[]
for i in range(pic.size[0]):
    if(pic.getpixel((i,15)) == (255,255,255)):
for i in range(pic.size[1]):
    if(pic.getpixel((24,i)) == (255,255,255)):
img = Image.new('RGB',(len(w),len(h)),(255,255,255))
for i in range(len(w)):
    for j in range(len(h)):

 Insert picture description here

vnctf{[email protected]}

Strange flag

In fact, it is to use tree Is there a folder inside to represent 0 and 1, It's a kind of esolang, It's called Folders. give an example :

Then hand roll

 Insert picture description here

I can only say that one letter is missing for the first time


simple macos

Not to hint Is it a weak password , At the beginning, I faced keychain and login-keychain Blast , The latter is used rockyou, The former uses common 6000 password , It still doesn't explode . search VNCTF( Include case ) And its 16 Into the system and base I didn't find anything famous . The title is mainly about system, So I went to system Folder search . except Preboot Everything else is empty , Go straight in . Then one by one ( I didn't read the system files )

And then /var/db I found something . by CryptoUserInfo.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>our secret need a password</string>
		base strand , It's not convenient to show 

passwordHint oursecret

 Insert picture description here

Of course , It's also obvious not to give the prompt to the end of the file oursecret, because oursecret It depends on these feature blocks to identify

 Insert picture description here

Obviously , The end of the file is now mixed with other data , And there are }, Guess is the second half flag. So copy it out and delete the following part

 Insert picture description here

Then combine the weak password . After two attempts, it came out . The password is 123456

 Insert picture description here

Together, you get flag


prize wheel

First of all python-exe-unpacker-master The inverse

And then use BabyMaze Say the way to get the bytecode

Can obviously find password:f6a623a2c577de3b46c079267d4bdd6e

 Insert picture description here

Unpack .
 Insert picture description here

Then I succeeded 6 More than a hour

 Insert picture description here

The first idea is to read in circles , And then rearrange it , It turns out like this

 Insert picture description here

It's strange .

The index is given hint, Immediately thought of [HECTF2021] Seven color rainbow 、[b01lers2020]image_adjustments. What exactly is it to see wp

So there is a more strange picture . Here, because the debugging is overwritten, the drawing is not displayed .

after , I thought of connecting the above two . That is, read in circles 、 Look for the index 、 Tile write

 Insert picture description here

Probably get this bird like picture .

It's obvious what you can see , That is, they are getting more and more flat . Then combine it with a big turntable , Ah, I think of it .

You should read in circles 、 Look for the index 、 Write in circles

After that, I adjusted the script one hour faster , I'm too fond of vegetables. .

from PIL import Image
def get_round(w):
    tb = []
    # From top left to top right 、 From top right to bottom right 、 From bottom right to bottom left 、 From bottom left to top left , In four steps 
    for i in range(w,609-w):
        tmp = img.getpixel((i,w))
        # print(tmp)
    # print(len(tb))
    for i in range(w+1,609-w):
        tmp = img.getpixel((609-1-w,i))
    for i in range(w+1,609-w):
        tmp = img.getpixel((609-1-i,609-w-1))
    for i in range(w+1,609-w-1):
        tmp = img.getpixel((w,609-1-i))
    # print(len(tb)) #2432== 609*2+607*2
    return tb

def put_round(w,img,tb): # Use the same method as above , Just put the value in , That's it .
    ind = 0
    for i in range(w,609-w):
        tmp = img.putpixel((i,w),tb[ind])
        ind += 1
    # print(len(tb))
    for i in range(w+1,609-w):
        tmp = img.putpixel((609-1-w,i),tb[ind])
        ind += 1
    for i in range(w+1,609-w):
        tmp = img.putpixel((609-1-i,609-w-1),tb[ind])
        ind += 1
    for i in range(w+1,609-w-1):
        tmp = img.putpixel((w,609-1-i),tb[ind])
        ind += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  Remove the middle point , altogether (609-1)//2
    img = Image.open('flag.png')
    pic = Image.new('RGBA',(609,609),(255,255,255,255))
    for i in range(304):
        table = get_round(i)
        ind = table.index((255,255,255,255))
        # print(ind)
        new_table = table[ind:] + table[:ind] # At that time, I used two cycles to do it here , Like a fool 

 Insert picture description here


Here for a better look , Minor repair .

( The latter part belongs to the post game recurrence )

Because you can find , from (i,i) Point as the starting point , So the white thread , It's slanting .

Then find a way to let him go sideways .

But pinch , Still from (i,i) Point as the starting point . In this case , Just let the white pixels on the horizontal plane or the vertical horizontal plane

Only need to main To such :

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  Remove the middle point , altogether (609-1)//2
    img = Image.open('flag.png')
    pic = Image.new('RGBA',(609,609),(255,255,255,255))
    for i in range(304):
        table = get_round(i)
        ind = table.index((255,255,255,255))
        # print(ind)
        new_table = table[ind:] + table[:ind] # At that time, I used two cycles to do it here , Like a fool 
        new_table = new_table[len(new_table)//8:] + new_table[:len(new_table)//8]
    # pic.show()

 Insert picture description here

I super ! It's so beautiful
You might think the code was so simple at the beginning
In the wrong
At the beginning, the code was written while debugging 200 Multiple lines , A mess .
Even one who wrote a Gaosu operation took 15 minutes to know the reason in a white picture without reporting an error

                    for k in range(f,len(table)):
                        img.putpixel((i_2, j_2),table[f])

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