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Explain in simple terms node template parsing error escape is not a function
2022-07-06 04:08:00 【xzlAwin】
Explain profound theories in simple language node Template parsing error escape is not a function
var escape = function (html) {
return String(html)
.replace(/&(?!\w+;)/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
var complie = function (str) {
var tpl = str.replace(/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, function (match, code) {
// escape
return "' + escape(" + code + ") + '"
}).replace(/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, function (match, code) {
// Normal output
return "' + " + code + " + '"
}).replace(/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, function (match, code) {
return "';\n" + code + "\n tpl += '"
}).replace(/\'\n/g, '\'')
.replace(/\n\'/gm, '\'')
console.log('---------- Code replacement template ----------')
tpl = "tpl = '" + tpl + "'"
tpl = tpl.replace(/''/g, '\'\\n\'')
tpl = ' var tpl = ""\n with (obj || {}) {\n ' + tpl + '\n }\n return tpl'
return new Function('obj', 'escape', tpl)
var render = function(complie, data) {
console.log('---------- Constructors ----------')
console.log('---------- Operation function ----------')
return complie(data)
var tpl = [
'<% if (obj.user) { %>',
'<% } else { %>',
'<h2> Anonymous users </h2>',
'<% } %>'].join('\n')
console.log('---------- Templates ----------')
console.log(render(complie(tpl), {user: {name: 'Jackson Tian'}}))
//console.log(render(complie(tpl), {}))
Abnormal information
TypeError: escape is not a function
at eval (eval at complie (F:\workspace\javascript workspace\plNode\prj8_5_4_2\src\template4.js:27:10), <anonymous>:7:21)
at render (F:\workspace\javascript workspace\plNode\prj8_5_4_2\src\template4.js:34:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (F:\workspace\javascript workspace\plNode\prj8_5_4_2\src\template4.js:49:13)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1085:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1114:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:950:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:790:12)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:76:12)
at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47
The analysis reason
- escape It's not a function , because return new Function(‘obj’, ‘escape’, tpl) In the sentence ‘escape’ Is the function ,complie(data, escape) When calling, you need to pass escape function , Otherwise I can't find it escape function
Method 1
- Invocation time , Pass on escape function
complie(data, escape)
Method 2
- Call yourself , Pass on escape function
complie.call(complie, data, escape)
# perhaps
complie.call(this, data, escape)
Complete code
var escape = function (html) {
return String(html)
.replace(/&(?!\w+;)/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
var complie = function (str) {
var tpl = str.replace(/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, function (match, code) {
// escape
return "' + escape(" + code + ") + '"
}).replace(/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, function (match, code) {
// Normal output
return "' + " + code + " + '"
}).replace(/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, function (match, code) {
return "';\n" + code + "\n tpl += '"
}).replace(/\'\n/g, '\'')
.replace(/\n\'/gm, '\'')
console.log('---------- Code replacement template ----------')
tpl = "tpl = '" + tpl + "'"
tpl = tpl.replace(/''/g, '\'\\n\'')
tpl = ' var tpl = ""\n with (obj || {}) {\n ' + tpl + '\n }\n return tpl'
return new Function('obj', 'escape', tpl)
var render = function(complie, data) {
console.log('---------- Constructors ----------')
console.log('---------- Operation function ----------')
return complie(data, escape)
// Equivalent to
//return complie.call(this, data, escape)
var tpl = [
'<% if (obj.user) { %>',
'<% } else { %>',
'<h2> Anonymous users </h2>',
'<% } %>'].join('\n')
console.log('---------- Templates ----------')
console.log(render(complie(tpl), {user: {name: 'Jackson Tian'}}))
//console.log(render(complie(tpl), {}))
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