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Scalpel like analysis of JVM -- this article takes you to peek into the secrets of JVM

2022-07-06 03:47:00 Ten leaves Zhiqiu

One 、JVM The implementation process of

  1. The program should be executed before java Code into bytecode (class file )
  2. JVM First, the bytecode needs to be classed into a loader in a certain way (ClassLoader) Load the file into the runtime data area of memory (Runtime Data Area)
  3. The bytecode file is JVM A set of instruction set specifications , It can't be executed directly by the underlying operating system , So you need a specific command parser execution engine (Execution Engine) Translate the bytecode into the underlying system instructions and submit them to CPU To carry out
  4. In this process, you need to call the local library interface of the interface of other languages (Native Interface) To implement the function of the entire program , This is the 4 Responsibilities and functions of the three main components .

The diagram is as follows :

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You can see ,JVM It is mainly implemented through four parts Java programmatic :

  1. Class loader (ClassLoader)
  2. Run time data area (Runtime Data Area)
  3. Execution engine (Execution Engine)
  4. Local library interface (Native Interface)

These contents are introduced in detail below .

Two 、 JVM Run time data area

  JVM The runtime data area is also called memory layout , But it should be noted that it and Java Memory model ((Java Memory Model, abbreviation JMM) Completely different , Belong to two completely different concepts .

   We can see from the figure below , This runtime data area consists of five parts , They are the method area 、 Virtual machine stack 、 Native Method Stack 、 Pile up 、 Program counter .

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   Now let's introduce the specific work of these five parts one by one . First, insert a knowledge point —— Thread private .

   because JVM Multithreading is realized by switching threads in turn and allocating processor execution time , So at any given moment , A processor ( A multi-core processor is a kernel ) Will only execute an instruction in a thread . Therefore, in order to return to the correct execution position after switching threads , Each thread requires a separate program counter , Counters between threads do not affect each other , Independent storage . We call areas like this " Thread private " Of memory .

1. Program counter ( Thread private )

effect :

The smallest area in memory , Where is the next instruction saved .

The instructions in this are byte codes , When the program is running ,JVM These bytecodes will be loaded , Put it in memory , Then the program will send these instructions one by one ( Bytecode ) Take it out of memory , Put it in CPU On the implementation .

It is for this reason , Just need to remember which instruction is currently executed , Therefore, a program counter is needed to record .

And our computer brain CPU It is a parallel execution program , Need to be responsible for all threads . The operating system schedules execution in the unit of threads , Each thread has to record its execution location , therefore , Each thread is assigned a program counter .

If the current thread is executing a Java Method , This counter records the address of the virtual machine bytecode instruction being executed ; If what is being implemented is a Native Method , This counter value is empty .

2. Stack ( Thread private )

effect :

Simply put, it is to store local variables and method call information . Each time a new method is called , Will be involved once “ Push ” The operation of , Execute one method at a time , It's all about “ Out of the stack ” The operation of . Stack is also one for each thread .

for instance :
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Green blocks on the top , We call it “ Stack frame ”. Each method creates a stack frame as it executes (Stack Frame) Used to store local variables 、 The stack of operands 、 Dynamic links 、 Method exit information ( In fact, it is the content of the box in the lower left corner of the above figure ). We often talk about heap memory 、 Stack memory , Stack memory refers to virtual machine stack .

Academic point to explain :

  1. Local variable table : It stores all kinds of basic data types known by the compiler (8 Big basic data types )、 Object reference . Local variable table
    The required memory space is allocated during compilation , When entering a method , This method needs to allocate how much local variation in the frame
    The quantity space is completely definite , The size of the local variable table will not be changed during execution . Simply put, it is to store method parameters and local variables
    The amount .
  2. Stack operation : Each method generates a first in and last out operation stack .
  3. Dynamic links : Method reference to the runtime constant pool .
  4. Method return address :PC The address of the register

actually , The stack space is relatively small , Although in JVM The size of stack space can be configured in , But generally speaking, it's just a few M To dozens M, So the stack is likely to be full , At this time, the stack overflows .

The stack here is divided into Java Virtual machine stack and Native Method Stack . Java The virtual machine stack is for JVM The use of , The local method stack is for local methods . It's not that different .

3. Pile up ( Thread sharing )

The role of the heap :

All objects created in the program are saved in the heap .

There is only one copy of a process heap , Multiple threads share a heap . When we new When an object , This new The object is on the heap , And the member variables of the object are also on the heap . Local variables are on the stack .
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The pile is divided into two areas : The new generation and the old generation , The new generation puts new objects , After a certain time GC ( Garbage collection ) Objects that survive after the number of times will be put into the old generation . And the new generation 3 Regions : One Endn + Two Survivor(S0/S1).
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4. Method area ( Thread sharing )

The role of the method area :

Used to store class information loaded by virtual machine 、 Constant 、 Static variables 、 Real-time compiler compiled after the code and other data .

.java The file will be executed as .class file ( Binary bytecode ),.class Will be loaded into memory , It was JVM Constructed as a class object ( The process of loading is called " Class loading ")
The class object here , Just put it in the method area .

Our class object describes what this class looks like , Include the name of the class , Who's in it , What are the methods , What is the name and type of each member , yes public still private, What is the name of each method , What kind of , yes public also private, Method contains instructions …

There is another important thing in class objects , Static members .static Decorated member , Become " Class properties ". And ordinary members , be called “ Instance attributes ".

3、 ... and 、JVM Class loading

Simply speaking : Class loading is actually an important core function of designing a runtime environment .Java It can compile at once and run everywhere , An important part is class loading .

1. The execution flow of class loading

For a class , Its life cycle is : load , Connect , initialization , Use , uninstall . The connection includes : verification , Get ready 、 Analyze three parts .

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For the picture above , front 5 The steps are in a fixed order and are also the process of class loading , In the middle 3 We all belong to the connection , Therefore, class loading is divided into the following steps :

  1. load
  2. Connect
    (1) verification
    (2) Get ready
    (3) analysis
  3. initialization

1.1. load (Loading)

【 Be careful 】“ load ”(Loading) Not a “ Class loading ”(Class Loading), The two are different .“ load ”(Loading) The stage is the whole “ Class loading ”(Class Loading) A stage in the process .

stay load (Loading) Stage ,Java There are three things virtual machines need to do :

  1. Through a class's fully qualified name , To get the binary byte stream that defines this class
  2. Convert the static storage structure represented by the byte stream into the runtime data structure of the method area
  3. Generate a representation of this class in memory java.lang.Class object , As the access to various data structures of this class in the method area .

1.2. verification (Verification)

   Verification is the first step in the connection phase , The purpose of this stage is to ensure that Class Bytes of the file The information contained in the stream conforms to 《Java Virtual machine specification 》 All the constraints of , Make sure that the information will not endanger the security of the virtual machine itself when it is run as code . If you find that the data format read here does not conform to the specification , Class loading fails , And throw an exception .

Validation options :

  1. File format validation
  2. Bytecode verification
  3. Symbol reference validation …

1.3. Get ready (Preparation)

   The preparation phase is formally defined for variables in the class ( That is, static variables , By static Decorated variable ) The stage of allocating memory and setting the initial value of class variables .

1.4. analysis (Resolution)

   The parsing phase is Java The process of virtual machine replacing symbolic reference in constant pool with direct reference , That is, the process of initializing constants .

  .class In file , Constants are centrally placed , Each constant has a number ..class In the structure of the document, the number is initially recorded . You need to find the corresponding content according to the number , Fill in class objects .

1.5. initialization (Initializing)

   Initialization phase ,Java The virtual machine really starts to execute Java Program code , Transfer ownership to the application . The initialization phase is the process of executing class constructor methods .

2. Classic interview questions

Write the results of the following program :
 Insert picture description here
Their thinking :

  1. The class loading phase executes static code blocks . To create an instance , You must load the class first
  2. Static code blocks are only executed once during the class load phase
  3. Construction methods and code blocks , Each instantiation will execute , The construction code block precedes the construction method
  4. The parent class is executed before , Subclasses are executed after
  5. Our procedure is from main Start execution .main Here is Test Methods . Therefore, execute main, You need to load Test.

So the answer is :
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3. Parent delegation model

The parental delegation model is a part of class loading , This link is in Loading Stage (
Parent delegation model , It's about JVM Class loader in , How to give a fully qualified name to a class ( java.lang.String ) find .class Documentation process .

JVM Special objects are provided in , It's called a class loader , Responsible for class loading . Of course, the class loader is also responsible for the process of finding files .class file , There are many possible positions . Some should be put in JDK Directory , Some are put in the project directory , Others are in other specific locations …

therefore ,JVM It provides multiple class loaders , Each class loader is responsible for a partition . Default classloader , Mainly 3 individual :

  1. BootStrapClassLoader: Responsible for loading classes in the standard library (String,ArrayList, Random, Scanner…)
  2. ExtensionClassLoader: Responsible for loading JDK Extended classes .( It is rarely used nowadays )
  3. ApplicationClassLoader: Be responsible for loading the classes in the current project directory

Programs can also customize class loaders , To load classes in other directories , such as Tomcat The class loader is customized , Used to specifically load webapps Inside .class .

Simply speaking :

Parent delegation model , This describes the process of finding directories , That is, how the above class loaders work together .

3.1. What is the parent delegate model

   If a class loader receives a class load request , It doesn't try to load the class itself first , Instead, delegate the request to the parent loader to complete , This is true of class loaders at every level , So all load requests should eventually be passed to the top-level boot loader , Only when the parent loader feeds back that it cannot complete the load request ( It did not find the required class in its search scope ) when , The child loader will try to load itself .

step :

  1. Consider loading java.lang.String
    a. Program started , Enter the first ApplicationClassLoader Class loader
    b.ApplicationClassLoader Will check , Whether its parent loader has been loaded . without , Just call the parent class loader ExtensionClassLoaderc. ExtensionClassLoader Will also check , Whether its parent loader has been loaded . without , Just call the parent class loader BootStrapClassLoader
    d. BootStrapClassLoader Will also check , Whether its parent loader has been loaded , I have no father, so I scan the directory I am responsible for
    e.java.lang.String This class can be found in the standard library . Directly by the BootStrapClassLoader Responsible for the subsequent loading process . The search process is over .

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  1. Consider loading your own Test class ~
    a. Program started , Enter the first ApplicationClassLoader Class loader
    b.ApplicationClassLoader Will check , Whether its parent loader has been loaded . without , Just call the parent class loader ExtensionClassLoaderc. ExtensionClassLoader Will also check , Whether its parent loader has been loaded . without , Just call the parent class loader BootStrapClassLoader
    d.BootStapGlss.oader Will also check , Whether its parent loader has been loaded , I have no father . So I scan my own directory . No scan ! Go back to the sub loader and continue scanning
    e. ExtensionClassLoader Also scan your own directories , No scan , Go back to the sub loader and continue scanning .
    f. ApplicationClassLoader Also scan your own directories , Can find Test class , Then the subsequent loading . The link of finding the directory ends .

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The above set of search rules , This is called “ Parent delegation model ”.

3.2. The advantages of the parental delegation model

  1. Avoid repeatedly loading classes : such as A Classes and B Classes have a parent class C class , So when A When started, it will C Class is loaded , So in B Class does not need to be loaded repeatedly C The class .
  2. Security : Using the parental delegation model can also ensure Java At the heart of API Not tampered with , If you don't use the parental delegation model , But each class loader will have some problems when it loads itself , For example, we write a program called java.lang.Object Class words , So when the program is running , There will be many different systems Object class , And some of them Object Class is provided by users themselves, so the security cannot be guaranteed .

End !


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