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A 27-year-old without a diploma, wants to work hard on self-study programming, and has the opportunity to become a programmer?

2022-07-06 06:27:00 IT1124

If I face such a problem , I will try to find some tutorials to follow , First see if you can learn , Instead of staying in the fantasy stage forever . After all , There is no loss in learning .

I think it's a good idea , But it's very difficult to operate . People who really want to do it , It is estimated that they are already working hard .

To become a programmer is actually for those who want to , It's not too difficult , Especially those who are willing to specialize .

But for small partners who have no curiosity and lack the ability to find information by themselves , The difficulty is not small .

Why? ?

Programming is a process of trial and error .

Or say , Get the right one code snippet Before , We keep trying and making mistakes , Correct the direction a little , Finally, there is a code solution that can solve the problem .

In the process , You need to learn basic grammar rules , We also need the ability to solve problems , Ultimately, a combination of the two is needed to achieve a solution . If you have no patience or don't know how to face the information acquisition in the process of writing code , It's obvious to get stuck .

Especially self-taught people , The biggest difficulty of self-study is not that you can't learn , But you don't know what information you lack . Although they all say Google It's the best friend , But more often , It's that you search for the wrong keywords , The result is a problem that others find easy , You can't do it .

If you can search for information , Can have good hands-on ability , Plus if someone calls , It is quite possible to learn programming .

The second difficulty is actually , Even if you have some programming ability , It is still difficult to find a job through self-study , Especially if you don't have a college degree .

Now I want to learn , Too many people are learning programming , The company has no shortage of candidates , You can only do it if you are good at it .

You can do better than others ?

however , Don't talk too full , Many people are transcoding in their thirties , And it worked . They usually have clear goals , Just do it . After all, it's a desperate struggle . No direction and determination , It's not easy to change careers . After all, you need to catch up with so many classes .

