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What is information security? What is included? What is the difference with network security?

2022-07-05 23:59:00 Xingyun housekeeper

In life, we often hear that we need to protect our own or enterprise information security . What exactly is information security ? What content does information security contain ? What's the difference with network security ? Today, let's take a closer look at .

What is information security ?

Information security is defined as follows : Technology established and adopted for data processing system 、 Management security , To protect computer hardware 、 Software 、 Data is not destroyed by accidental and malicious reasons 、 Changes and leaks .

What content does information security contain ?

1、 Hardware security : That is, the security of network hardware and storage media . We should protect these hard facilities from damage , Be able to work normally .

2、 software security : That is, computers and their networks r All kinds of software will not be tampered with or destroyed , Not be operated illegally or by mistake , The function will not fail , Not illegally copied .

3、 Running service security : That is, each information system in the network can operate normally and exchange information through the network . Through the monitoring of the operating conditions of various equipment in the network system , If unsafe factors are found, it can alarm in time and take measures to change the unsafe state , Ensure the normal operation of the network system .

4、 Data security : That is, the security of existing and circulating data in the network . To protect the data in the network from tampering 、 Illegal addition and deletion 、 Copy 、 Decrypt 、 Show 、 Use, etc . It is the most fundamental purpose to ensure network security .

What is the difference between information security and network security ?

Information security is mainly about the security of computer systems and the protection of various protocols , As long as there are some relevant signs in the system that can threaten information security , Information security will provide overall security protection . and Network security It is aimed at the security of computers in the network environment , The devices for information security and network security are different , The emphasis of the two is also different , They all have their own advantages .

Knowledge development : Several measures for enterprises to improve information security

1、 Strengthen the management of office environment and physical security , Install anti-virus software uniformly ;

2、 Beware of phishing emails , Important matters should be verified and confirmed ;

3、 Set complex passwords , And replace it regularly ;

4、 Protect your privacy , Guard against telecommunications fraud ;

5、 Do a good job of data backup , Implement data security measures ;

6、 Pay attention to the safety protection measures of mobile terminals such as mobile phones ;

7、 Protect your personal information assets during business trips ;

8、 Comply with laws, regulations and safety policies .


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