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MySQL's most basic select statement

2022-07-07 01:44:00 Hu Yangyang y

1. Basic statement

(1) View all databases

show databases;

(2) Create your own database

create database Database name

(3) Use your own database

use Database name

(4) View all tables in a library

show tables from Database name

(5) Create a new table

create table The name of the table ( Field name data type ,

Field name data type );

explain : If it is the last field , Then add a comma , Because the comma is used to separate each field .

(6) View the data of a table

select * from Database table name ;

(7) Add a record

insert into The name of the table values( List of values );

 (8) View the table creation information

show tables;

(9) View database creation information

show create database Database name \G

(10) Delete table

drop table The name of the table ;

(11) Delete database

drop database Database name

(12) Import an existing data table , The data table

One .source The full pathname of the file

explain : Can only be used at the command prompt

Two . Tools based on specific graphical interfaces can import data

explain : I'm using SQLyog,Windows The system is case insensitive

however SQLyog Keyword functions in are capitalized , So the following statements will be capitalized

2. The most basic SELECT sentence

(1)SELECT Field 1, Field 2,.....FROM Table name ;

dual: false ( false ) surface         *: All fields in the table ( Or column )

(2) Full name of the column

as: Full name (alias( Alias )), It can be omitted

Column aliases can use a pair of " " Lead up , Do not use ' '

(3) Remove duplicate lines


(4) Null values participate in the operation

Null value :null

null Not equal to 0,' ','null'

Null values participate in the operation : The result must also be empty

Solutions to practical problems : introduce IFNULL

(5) mark of emphasis

SELECT * EROM 'order';// Same name as keyword

(6) Query constant

Columns such as :SELECT 'huyangyang',123,emplovee_id,last_name

FROM employees;

(7) Display table structure

DESCRIBE Table name ;

Shows the details of the fields in the table


(8) Filtering data

SELECT * FROM Table name WHERE Field = 'huyangyang';

The query field is 'huyangyang' Employee information


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