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Unity 颜色板|调色板|无级变色功能
2022-07-06 16:05:00 【Fuuyg】
Unity 通过UGUI实现无级变色的调色板功能,非常的简单好用。
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace CSharp.UI.ColorBoard
public class ColorBoard : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler, IDragHandler
Texture2D tex2d;
RawImage ri;
int TexPixelLength = 256;
int TexPixelHeight = 256;
public Slider sliderCRGB;
public ColorHue colorHue;
UnityEngine.Color[,] arrayColor;
RectTransform rt;
public RectTransform circleRect;
public delegate void ColorChangeDelegate(Color color);
public event ColorChangeDelegate OnColorChanged;
private void Awake()
ri = GetComponent<RawImage>();
rt = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
circleRect = transform.Find("img_cursor").GetComponent<RectTransform>();
TexPixelLength = (int)rt.sizeDelta.x;
TexPixelHeight = (int)rt.sizeDelta.y;
arrayColor = new UnityEngine.Color[TexPixelLength, TexPixelHeight];
tex2d = new Texture2D(TexPixelLength, TexPixelHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, true);
ri.texture = tex2d;
ri.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
void OnCRGBValueChanged(float value)
UnityEngine.Color endColor=colorHue.GetColorBySliderValue(value);
var color = GetColorByPosition(circleRect.anchoredPosition);
public void SetColorPanel(UnityEngine.Color endColor)
UnityEngine.Color[] CalcArray = CalcArrayColor(endColor);
UnityEngine.Color[] CalcArrayColor(UnityEngine.Color endColor)
UnityEngine.Color value = (endColor - UnityEngine.Color.white) / (TexPixelLength - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelLength; i++)
arrayColor[i, TexPixelHeight - 1] = UnityEngine.Color.white + value * i;
// 同理,垂直方向
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelLength; i++)
value = (arrayColor[i, TexPixelHeight - 1] - UnityEngine.Color.black) / (TexPixelHeight - 1);
for (int j = 0; j < TexPixelHeight; j++)
arrayColor[i, j] = UnityEngine.Color.black + value * j;
List<UnityEngine.Color> listColor = new List<UnityEngine.Color>();
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < TexPixelLength; j++)
listColor.Add(arrayColor[j, i]);
return listColor.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// 获取颜色by坐标,坐标是Texture上面的二维坐标
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pos"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public UnityEngine.Color GetColorByPosition(Vector2 pos)
Texture2D tempTex2d = (Texture2D)ri.texture;
UnityEngine.Color getColor = tempTex2d.GetPixel((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y);
return getColor;
public Vector2 GetClampPosition(Vector2 touchPos)
Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(touchPos.x, touchPos.y);
vector2.x = Mathf.Clamp(vector2.x, 0.001f, rt.sizeDelta.x);
vector2.y = Mathf.Clamp(vector2.y, 0.001f, rt.sizeDelta.y);
return vector2;
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
Vector3 wordPos;
if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(rt, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out wordPos))
circleRect.position = wordPos;
circleRect.anchoredPosition = GetClampPosition(circleRect.anchoredPosition);
var color = GetColorByPosition(circleRect.anchoredPosition);
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
Vector3 wordPos;
if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(rt, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out wordPos))
circleRect.position = wordPos;
circleRect.anchoredPosition = GetClampPosition(circleRect.anchoredPosition);
var color = GetColorByPosition(circleRect.anchoredPosition);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ColorHue : MonoBehaviour
Texture2D tex2d;
RawImage ri;
int TexPixelWdith = 952;
int TexPixelHeight = 16;
UnityEngine.Color[,] arrayColor;
private void Awake()
ri = gameObject.GetComponent<RawImage>();
arrayColor = new UnityEngine.Color[TexPixelWdith, TexPixelHeight];
tex2d = new Texture2D(TexPixelWdith, TexPixelHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24,true);
UnityEngine.Color[] calcArray = CalcArrayColor();
ri.texture = tex2d;
ri.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
UnityEngine.Color[] CalcArrayColor()
int addValue = (TexPixelWdith - 1) / 3;
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelHeight; i++)
arrayColor[0, i] = UnityEngine.Color.red;
arrayColor[addValue, i] = UnityEngine.Color.green;
arrayColor[addValue+addValue, i] = UnityEngine.Color.blue;
arrayColor[TexPixelHeight - 1, i] = UnityEngine.Color.red;
UnityEngine.Color value = (UnityEngine.Color.green - UnityEngine.Color.red)/addValue;
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < addValue; j++)
arrayColor[j, i] = UnityEngine.Color.red + value * j;
value = (UnityEngine.Color.blue - UnityEngine.Color.green)/ addValue;
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelHeight; i++)
for (int j = addValue; j < addValue*2; j++)
arrayColor[j, i] = UnityEngine.Color.green + value * (j-addValue);
value = (UnityEngine.Color.red - UnityEngine.Color.blue) / ((TexPixelWdith - 1)-addValue-addValue);
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelHeight; i++)
for (int j = addValue*2; j < TexPixelWdith - 1; j++)
arrayColor[j, i] = UnityEngine.Color.blue + value * (j- addValue * 2);
List<UnityEngine.Color> listColor = new List<UnityEngine.Color>();
for (int i = 0; i < TexPixelHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < TexPixelWdith; j++)
listColor.Add(arrayColor[j, i]);
return listColor.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// 获取颜色 根据高度
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Color GetColorBySliderValue(float value)
float clampValue = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0.001f, 0.999f);
Color getColor=tex2d.GetPixel((int)((TexPixelWdith-1)*clampValue),0);
return getColor;
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