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Pdf batch splitting, merging, bookmark extraction, bookmark writing gadget

2022-07-06 23:11:00 Xiaoming - code entity

Split function :
 Insert picture description here
Specify to split PDF file , Split a file according to how many pages , Output example :
 Insert picture description here

Merge function :
 Insert picture description here
Specify which PDF Folder , Effect of the sample :
 Insert picture description here
By default, the file name is merged as a bookmark .

Bookmark extraction and writing :
 Insert picture description here
Can extract specified PDF Bookmarks for files , You can also write the bookmark of the specified bookmark file to the specified PDF.
for example , following PDF Bookmarks extracted :
 Insert picture description here
We can modify this bookmark file , Then write it in . Sometimes, the bookmark page numbers that are regularly replaced by complex pasted directories need to be offset , Example :
 Insert picture description here
When we need to increase or decrease the number of pages in the bookmark file , You can modify the offset number .

Complete code :

Packaged gui Download address :
packaged gui There is no watermark function in , The function of adding floating watermark is in the code .


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