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Kotlin basic learning 16
2022-07-02 03:24:00 【Never stop learning】
1.Kotlin Nullable type extension function of language
2.Kotlin Linguistic infix keyword
3.Kotlin Definition extension file of language
4.Kotlin Language rename extended learning
6.Kotlin The transformation function of language map
7.Kotlin The transformation function of language -flatmap
1.Kotlin Nullable type extension function of language
// Yes String?== Nullable type Function extension , And there are backup values
fun String?.outputStringValueFun(defaultValue:String) = println(this ?: defaultValue)
fun String?.outputStringValueFunGet(defaultValue: String) = if(this == null) defaultValue else this
// TODO 118.Kotlin Nullable type extension function of language
fun main(){
val infoValue : String ?= null
infoValue.outputStringValueFun(" I'm the default 1")
val name = "Derry"
name.outputStringValueFun(" I'm the default 2")
println(infoValue.outputStringValueFunGet(" I'm the default 3"))
println(name.outputStringValueFunGet(" I'm the default 4"))
2.Kotlin Linguistic infix keyword
private infix fun<C1,C2>C1.gogogo(c2:C2){
println(" Our infix expression , The content of a parameter is :$this")
println(" Our infix expression , The content of the second parameter is :$c2")
// TODO 118.Kotlin Linguistic infix keyword
//infix == Infix expression It simplifies the code
fun main(){
// Here we are map Built in infix expression
mapOf(" zero ".to(0))
mapOf(" One " to 1)
mapOf(" Two " to 2)
mapOf(" 3、 ... and " to 3)
// We wrote our own infix expression
123 gogogo ' male '
"Bxb2" gogogo 'M'
3.Kotlin Definition extension file of language
// Guide pack
import com.bxb.s6.bxb.randomItemValue
import com.bxb.s6.bxb.randomItemValuePrintln
// TODO 120.Kotlin Definition extension file of language
fun main(){
val list : List<String> = listOf(" Zhang San "," Li Si "," Wang Wu ")
val set:Set<Double> = setOf(15.6,456.5,784.6)
// If you don't need to extend the file
// Use extension files
4.Kotlin Language rename extended learning
// Guide pack
import com.bxb.s6.bxb.randomItemValue as g
import com.bxb.s6.bxb.randomItemValuePrintln as f
// TODO 120.Kotlin Language rename extended learning
fun main(){
val list : List<String> = listOf(" Zhang San "," Li Si "," Wang Wu ")
val set:Set<Double> = setOf(15.6,456.5,784.6)
// Use extension files
5.Kotlin Linguistic DSL Study
import java.io.File
class Context{
val info = " I am Bxb"
val name = "DDD"
fun toast(str:String) = println("toast:$str")
inline fun Context.apply5(lambda:Context.(String) -> Unit):Context{
return this
inline fun File.applyFile(action:(String,String?) -> Unit) : File{
return this
// TODO 123.Kotlin Linguistic DSL Study
fun main(){
val context:Context = Context().apply5 {
//it == String == " I am Bxb"
println(" my it yes $it, my this yes :$this")
}.apply5 { }.apply5 { }.apply5 { }
println(" I always output Context In itself :"+context.info)
val file:File = File("D:\\a.txt")
.applyFile { fileName, data ->
println(" Your file name is :$fileName, The data in your file is :$data")
println(" Your file name is :$fileName, The data in your file is :$data")
println(" Your file name is :$fileName, The data in your file is :$data")
}.applyFile { a, b -> }.applyFile { a, b -> }
println(" I always output File In itself :${file.name}")
6.Kotlin The transformation function of language map
// TODO 124.Kotlin The transformation function of language map
fun main(){
val list = listOf(" Zhang San "," Li Si "," Wang Wu ")
// principle : Is to take you Anonymous functions The return value of the last line Add a new collection , The generic type of scheming and is R, And return a new set
val list2 : List<Int> = list.map {
// purpose : and RxJava The idea of , As like as two peas
val list3 : List<String> = list.map {
" Name is :$it"
}.map {
"$it, The length of the text is :${it.length}"
}.map {
for (s in list3){
print("$s ")
list.map {
" Name is :$it"
}.map {
"$it, The length of the text is :${it.length}"
}.map {
}.map {
print("$it ")
7.Kotlin The transformation function of language -flatmap
// TODO 125.Kotlin The transformation function of language -flatmap
// TODO flatmap amount to List<List<String>> A collection of collections , There are nested relationships
fun main(){
val list:List<String> = listOf(" Zhang San "," Li Si "," Wang Wu ")
val newList :List<String> = list.map {
" Your name is :$it"
}.map {
"$it, The length of your text is :${it.length}"
}.flatMap {
listOf("$it I'm learning C++","$it I'm learning Java","$it I'm learning Kotlin")
val newList2:List<String> = list.flatMap {
listOf("$it I'm learning C++","$it I'm learning Java","$it I'm learning Kotlin")
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