2022-07-02 21:32:00 【执念斩长河】
希望能过审,毕竟408. 要坚信自己一定可以,不去搞什么直播花里胡哨的,还监督学习,如果自己都不能控制住自己的话,自律那就好无意义。本博文分为四个模块数学、英语、政治、专业课
1. 数学 150分的总分
- 听武神的强化课
- 做660,
2. 英语 100分的总分
- 06年英语一耕深细读,还抄了老蒋12式的内容(感觉老蒋分类不规范),可能风格不一样。分类聚类.对真题做到单词认识,句子理解,题目读懂(什么题型大致解题思路是啥),选项是东拼西凑、反向逻辑、主旨相反还是拔刀相助。文章,文章分为几个部分,每段讲了些什么东西,句句之间是顺承还是转承。
- 作文:石雷鹏花个一个小时安安眠,宁愿七月放一放政治(虽然有点冒险,其实应该可以)
3. 专业课 150分的总分
- 王道一路纵深
4. 政治
5. 总结
- 政治:不动
- 数学:继续660+强化课(660整明白,然后就得严选题)
- 英语:背单词、做真题,背背背,背多分
- 专业课:机组继续推进,数据通路那一块或许能理解到io,关键是理解,不然真得在赶进度,很没意思,赶进度,听着听着就不想听了。
- How does esrally perform simple custom performance tests?
- Write the content into the picture with type or echo and view it with WinHex
- Happy Lantern Festival! Tengyuanhu made you a bowl of hot dumplings!
- ~91 rotation
- Longest public prefix of leetcode
- Accounting regulations and professional ethics [17]
- Analysis of enterprise financial statements [2]
- I did a craniotomy experiment: talk about macromolecule coding theory and Lao Wang's fallacy from corpus callosum and frontal leukotomy
- Construction and maintenance of business websites [9]
- Send blessings on Lantern Festival | limited edition red envelope cover of audio and video is released!
Highly qualified SQL writing: compare lines. Don't ask why. Asking is highly qualified..
Investment strategy analysis of China's electronic information manufacturing industry and forecast report on the demand outlook of the 14th five year plan 2022-2028 Edition
I did a craniotomy experiment: talk about macromolecule coding theory and Lao Wang's fallacy from corpus callosum and frontal leukotomy
[hands on deep learning]02 softmax regression
[dynamic planning] p1220: interval DP: turn off the street lights
[CV] Wu Enda machine learning course notes | Chapter 12
[shutter] statefulwidget component (bottom navigation bar component | bottomnavigationbar component | bottomnavigationbaritem component | tab switching)
[shutter] statefulwidget component (create statefulwidget component | materialapp component | scaffold component)
Add two numbers of leetcode
[shutter] shutter layout component (Introduction to layout component | row component | column component | sizedbox component | clipoval component)
China's crude oil heater market trend report, technological innovation and market forecast
Welfare | Pu Aries | liv heart co branded Plush surrounding new products are on the market!
Common authority query instructions in Oracle
Go language learning summary (5) -- Summary of go learning notes
Research Report on crude oil tanker industry - market status analysis and development prospect forecast
Review of the latest 2022 research on "deep learning methods for industrial defect detection"
This team with billions of data access and open source dreams is waiting for you to join
Accounting regulations and professional ethics [17]
Research Report on market supply and demand and strategy of China's plastic pump industry
China's log saw blade market trend report, technological innovation and market forecast
Research Report on the overall scale, major manufacturers, major regions, products and application segmentation of precoated metallic coatings in the global market in 2022
China's Micro SD market trend report, technology dynamic innovation and market forecast
Today, I met a Alipay and took out 35K. It's really sandpaper to wipe my ass. it's a show for me
China's noise meter market trend report, technical dynamic innovation and market forecast
Analysis of enterprise financial statements [2]
Construction and maintenance of business website [3]
7. Build native development environment
In depth research and investment feasibility report of global and Chinese isolator industry, 2022-2028
Investment strategy analysis of China's electronic information manufacturing industry and forecast report on the demand outlook of the 14th five year plan 2022-2028 Edition