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01tire+ chain forward star +dfs+ greedy exercise one

2022-07-07 16:24:00 Soup key TJ

The longest XOR path

Title Description

Given a tree n n n A weighted tree with two points , Node subscript from 1 1 1 Start to n n n. Look for two nodes in the tree , Find the longest XOR path .

XOR path refers to the XOR of all edge weights on the unique path between two nodes .

Input format

The first line is an integer n n n, Represents the number of points .

Next n − 1 n-1 n1 That's ok , give u , v , w u,v,w u,v,w , Each represents... On the tree u u u Point and v v v Point has edge , The weight of the edge is w w w.

Output format

a line , An integer represents the answer .

Examples #1

The sample input #1

1 2 3
2 3 4
2 4 6

Sample output #1



The longest XOR sequence is 1 , 2 , 3 1,2,3 1,2,3, The answer is 7 = 3 ⊕ 4 7=3\oplus 4 7=34.

Data range

1 ≤ n ≤ 100000 ; 0 < u , v ≤ n ; 0 ≤ w < 2 31 1\le n \le 100000;0 < u,v \le n;0 \le w < 2^{31} 1n100000;0<u,vn;0w<231.

The process is all in the notes

using namespace std; 
const int N=6e5+10;
typedef long long ll;
int son[N][2],idx=1,s=0;
int n,head[N],dis[N],nt[N],to[N],weight[N],cnt;
void add(int u,int v,int w){
    // Chain forward star edge 
    head[u] = cnt;
void insert(int k){
	int p=1;
	for(int i=30;i>=0;i--){
    // Due to the scope of the topic w<2^31, So for XOR and just 30 Who can 
		int u=k>>i&1;// obtain k Of the i A binary value 
		if(!son[p][u]) son[p][u]=++idx;// View the current node p Child nodes of u Whether the number has been given , If there is no mark, it will be numbered 
		p=son[p][u];// Move to the next node conversion position 
void dodo(int k){
	int p=1,da=0;
	for(int i=30;i>=0;i--){
		int u=k>>i&1;// obtain k Of the i A binary value 
		// The current in trie Node of tree u; u My two sons are son[u][0/1];
		// Our greedy consideration 
		//trie The tree goes down from the top , Corresponding to binary bits from high to low 
		// And we hope that the high binary bits will be XOR as much as possible 1
		// That is to say, we are trie As the tree goes down from its roots , Try to choose an XOR that allows the current one to get 1 The path of 
    // XOR has the characteristic that two identical numbers of XOR are equal to no XOR ;  In order for this XOR to get 1, We need to go to the next level of traversal son[p][u^1]
			p=son[p][u^1];// There is son[p][u^1], Then greedily select and move to the next node conversion position 
			da|=(1<<i);//da Store answers , Here will be da Of the i Binary bit assignment 1
		else p=son[p][u];// If it doesn't exist son[p][u^1], We can only give up this one , Go to son[p][u]
	s=max(s,da);// Update answers 
void dfs(int u,int v){
    // seek dis Array for conversion 
	insert(dis[u]);// Insert the binary digits of this value trie In the tree 
	dodo(dis[u]);// From the top down , Greedy choice , Update answers 
	for(int i=head[u];i;i=nt[i]){
    // Traverse to i For the starting edge 
		int vv=to[i];// Arrival point 
		if(vv==v) continue;
		dis[vv]=dis[u]^weight[i];// XOR all edge weights on the unique path between two nodes 
		dfs(vv,u);// Continue to drill down 
int main(){
	for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
		int u,v,w;
		add(u,v,w);// Chain forward star plus two-way edge , In all directions 
	dfs(1,0);// The title shows , Node from 1 Start 
	return 0;

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