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Interviewer: is acid fully guaranteed for redis transactions?

2022-07-05 12:17:00 Xujunsheng

The business is The smallest unit of work for database operations , It consists of a limited sequence of database operations . These operations are either all performed , Or none at all , It is an indivisible work unit .

When the transaction is executing , Special attribute guarantee will be provided : Atomicity 、 Uniformity 、 Isolation and persistence , That is to say ACID attribute . These attributes include requirements for execution results , At the same time, there are also requirements for the data state changes of the database before and after the transaction execution .

You may ask , Since transaction is a database specific mechanism , that Redis There is a complete guarantee that ACID Attribute ? If some attributes cannot be guaranteed in some scenarios , It is likely to cause data errors , How should we deal with it ?

Next , Let's start with ACID Start with attributes , Then I'll see Redis How to implement transactions .

Business ACID attribute

  • Atomicity (Atomicity): The transaction is executed as a whole , The operations contained in it are either all executed , Either not . This is also the business application transaction , One of the most valued attributes .
  • Uniformity (Consistency): It means that the data in the database is consistent before and after the transaction is executed . The most typical example is transfer . No matter how many accounts are transferred between users , How to transfer , After the transaction ends, the total amount of money of the two users remains the same .
  • Isolation, (Isolation): Directly related to transaction concurrency , Isolation means that concurrent transactions cannot affect each other . In short , For any two concurrent transactions T1 and T2, In the transaction T1 It seems ,T2 Either in T1 It's over before it starts , Either in T1 It's not until it's over . In this way, each transaction does not feel that other transactions are executing concurrently .
  • persistence (Durability): Once the transaction is committed , All modifications to the database data will be permanently saved , Even if the system crashes, the data will not be lost after restart .

I understand ACID After attribute , Let's see Redis How to implement the transaction mechanism .

Redis How to implement transactions ?

Redis Provides MULTIEXECDISCARD and WATCH Commands are the basis for implementing transactions .

Redis The execution of a transaction consists of three steps :

  1. Open transaction : Client pass MULTI command , Open a transaction explicitly ;
  2. Order to join the team : The client sends a series of instructions to be executed in the transaction to the server , Such as GET、SET etc. . We need to pay attention to , These instructions are only temporarily stored in the command queue , Not immediately executed ;
  3. Commit transaction , Execute the command submitted in step 2 : The client sends the command to commit the transaction to the server EXEC, When the server receives EXEC After the command , Will actually execute all commands in the command queue .

Use MULTI and EXEC The process of executing a transaction :

# Set up a:stock by 10> SET a:stock 10

# Set up b:stock by 20> SET b:stock 20

# Open transaction> MULTI

# take a:stock reduce 1> DECR a:stock

# take b:stock reduce 1> DECR b:stock

# Actually execute the transaction> EXEC
1) (integer) 9
2) (integer) 19

We see execution DECR All the people who come back are QUEUED, Indicates that these operations are temporarily stored in the command queue , Not actually implemented yet .

When it's implemented EXEC command , You can see the response data of each instruction .

We see Redis Multiple operations can be performed together , Now let's see Redis What transaction mechanism can support ACID attribute .

Redis Yes ACID Attribute support


Under normal circumstances , No error occurred , Use MULTI and EXEC command , It can ensure the normal execution of multiple operations . however , If an error occurs in transaction execution , Can you still guarantee atomicity ?

There are three situations , Let's take a look at .

  • In execution EXEC Before the command , The operation command sent by the client itself has an error , such as : Grammar mistakes , Used a command that does not exist ;
  • After execution EXEC After the command ,Redis An error occurs when these transaction operations are actually executed , such as : The data types of the command and operation do not match ( Yes String type Of value Yes List The list of operations )
  • perform EXEC When ordered ,Redis The instance has failed , Cause transaction execution to fail .

EXEC An error is reported before execution

In this case , When ordered to join the team ,Redis Will report an error and record the error .

here , We can still continue to submit commands . Wait until it's done EXEC After the command ,Redis will Refuse to execute all submitted command operations , Return the result of transaction failure .

thus , All commands in the transaction will no longer be executed , It guarantees atomicity .

Let's take a look at a mistake when ordering to join the team , Examples of transaction failures .

# Open transaction> MULTI

# Send the first operation in the transaction , however Redis The command is not supported , Return error message> PUT a:stock 1
(error) ERR unknown command 'PUT'

# Send the second operation in the transaction , This is the right command ,Redis Join the order> DECR b:stock

# Actually execute the transaction , But there was an error in the previous command , therefore Redis Refuse to enforce> EXEC
(error) EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors.>

EXEC Error reported after execution

Unlike in the first case , Error that the data types of command and operation do not match , When the transaction operation is queued, it cannot be checked . Only after the execution EXEC After the order ,Redis When these transaction operations are actually performed , Will report a mistake .

It should be noted that , although Redis An error will be reported for the wrong command , But will still execute the correct command . under these circumstances , The atomicity of transactions cannot be guaranteed .

Example of data type mismatch between command and operation :

# Open transaction> MULTI
# Send the first operation in the transaction ,LPOP The data type of the command operation does not match , No error is reported at this time> LPOP a:stock
# Send the second operation in the transaction> DECR b:stock
# Actually execute the transaction , The first operation of the transaction reports an error , The second operation is performed normally> EXEC
1) (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
2) (integer) 18

In the above transaction LPOP Command to String Type data to operate , There was no error when joining the team , however , stay EXEC The execution times are wrong . Last ,LPOP The command itself did not execute successfully , But in business DECR The command was successfully executed .

See this , Some students will think , Our database ( such as :MySQL) When doing business , If there is a failure , Then all operations in this transaction will be rolled back . that Redis Is it possible to implement a similar rollback ?

First ,Redis There is no rollback mechanism in ,Redis Provides a DISCARD command , This command You can only voluntarily give up executing transactions , Empty the temporary command queue , No rollback effect .

Use DISCARD Command implementation abandons transactions :

# Read a:stock Value 9> GET a:stock
# Open transaction> MULTI
# The first operation of sending a transaction , Yes a:stock reduce 1> DECR a:stock
# perform DISCARD command , Take the initiative to give up the transaction> DISCARD
# Read again a:stock Value , The value has not been modified> GET a:stock

EXEC Execution time ,Redis failure

under these circumstances , If Redis Open the AOF journal , that , Some transaction operations will be recorded AOF In the log .

We need to use redis-check-aof Tool check AOF Log files , This tool can remove incomplete transaction operations from AOF Remove from file .

thus , We use AOF After restoring the instance , These transaction operations will no longer be performed , So that atomicity .

If AOF The log is not open , After the instance is restarted , The data can't be recovered , here , There is no atomicity .

below , Let's briefly summarize Redis Assurance of atomicity :

  1. When you order to join the team, you report an error , Will abandon all transaction execution , Guaranteed atomicity ;
  2. No error was reported when ordering to join the team , The actual execution times an error , There is no guarantee of atomicity ;
  3. EXEC Instance failure during command execution , If it's on AOF journal , You can guarantee atomicity .

Next , Let's keep on learning , Guarantee of consistency .


alike , Let's follow the above three situations one by one , Analysis consistency .

EXEC An error is reported before execution

under these circumstances , The transaction itself will be abandoned , So it can ensure the consistency of the database .

EXEC Error reported after execution

under these circumstances , The order with error was not executed , Just executed the right command . In this case , It can also ensure the consistency of the database .

EXEC Execution time ,Redis failure

In this case , because Redis Instance failure , So there will be a restart , This is related to the way of data recovery .

below , We according to the Redis Whether the instance is on RDB or AOF Let's discuss the situation .

First , We didn't turn it on RDB or AOF, After the instance is restarted , There's no data , At this time, the database is consistent .

If we use it RDB snapshot , because When a transaction is executed , It's not going to happen RDB Snapshot , therefore , If Redis Instance failure , The command of transaction operation will not be recorded RDB Snapshot , So it's the same as above , After the instance is restarted , The database is consistent .

If we use AOF journal , When the transaction operation has not been recorded AOF When the log , The instance fails , that , Use AOF The database data recovered by log is consistent .

If only part of the operation is recorded AOF journal , We can use redis-check-aof Clear the completed operations in the transaction , The database is also consistent after recovery .

therefore , Sum up ,Redis The transaction mechanism guarantees the consistency property .

Next , Let's continue to analyze isolation .


Isolation of transactions , Will be affected by concurrent operations . When a transaction is executed , Divided into orders to join the team (EXEC Before the order is executed ) And the actual execution of the command (EXEC After the execution of the command ) Two phases .

below , Let's focus on these two stages , So let's analyze that .

EXEC Before the order is executed

A business , stay EXEC Before the order is executed , The command operation of this transaction is temporarily stored in the command queue . here , If there are other concurrent operations , We need to see if the transaction uses WATCH Mechanism .

WATCH The function of the mechanism is , Before the transaction is executed , Monitor the value change of one or more keys .
When a transaction calls EXEC When the order is executed ,WATCH The mechanism will first check whether the monitored key has been modified by other clients .

If it changes , Just give up the transaction execution , Avoid breaking the isolation of transactions . then , The client can execute the transaction again , here , If there are no concurrent operations to modify transaction data , The transaction can be executed normally , Isolation is also guaranteed .

WATCH The mechanism is made up of WATCH Command implementation , Here's the picture :
 Insert picture description here We see because WATCH Mechanism , Finally, execute EXEC When , Find out a:stock It has been modified , Abandoned the execution of the transaction , This ensures isolation .

If not used WATCH Mechanism , At the end of the execution EXEC When , No matter a:stock Whether it has been modified , Will not give up the execution of the transaction , Isolation is not guaranteed . Here's the picture :
 Insert picture description here

EXEC After the execution of the command

The above is about concurrent operations in EXEC Execution before the command , Let's talk about the second case :
Concurrent operations in EXEC After the command is executed, it is received and executed by the server .

because Redis Is to execute commands with a single thread , and ,EXEC After the execution of the command ,Redis It will ensure that all commands in the command queue are executed first . therefore , under these circumstances , Concurrent operations do not break transaction isolation .

Finally, let's analyze the guarantee of persistence .


because Redis Is a memory database , therefore , Whether the data is persisted or not depends entirely on Redis Persistence configuration .

If Redis Not used RDB or AOF, Then the persistence property of the transaction cannot be guaranteed .

If Redis Used RDB Pattern , that , After a transaction is executed , Next time RDB Before the snapshot is executed , Instance downtime occurred , In this case , The data modified by transactions cannot be guaranteed to be persistent .

If Redis Adopted AOF Pattern , because AOF Three configuration options for mode noeverysec and always There will be data loss , therefore , The persistence property of transactions is still not guaranteed .

therefore , No matter Redis What persistence pattern to use , The persistence property of transactions is not guaranteed .

Want to know Redis Children's shoes with persistence mechanism can be seen in my last article : Article to read Redis Persistence mechanism


  • Redis Atomicity of transaction support part : Atomicity is not guaranteed if the command used in the transaction does not match the data type of the operation ;
  • Redis Transactions support consistency
  • Redis Transaction support isolation
  • Redis There is no guarantee of persistence

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