Running environment :
Dependent version springboot-2.3.0、ShardingSphere-JDBC5.1.2、mybatis-spring-boot-starter-2.1.4、tk.mybatis-2.1.5
The project is roughly divided into two pieces of data storage , Task main table and task details , The task details are divided into tables , The main table is not processed by the table splitting strategy ,
But the main table insert When ( Add is to use tk The frame is encapsulated insert Method ), There is still the problem of routing errors , Tried many times SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() Will be obtained from different data sources , The result is always to get new id by 0
【ps: And make complaints about it ShardingSphere There are too many dependent packages , A stack of pages full 】
当前位置:网站首页>Shardingsphere jdbc5.1.2 about select last_ INSERT_ ID () I found that there was still a routing problem
Shardingsphere jdbc5.1.2 about select last_ INSERT_ ID () I found that there was still a routing problem
2022-07-02 19:41:00 【Fulfill my dream】
Take the answer 1:
It's all divided into databases and tables , Or use the snowflake algorithm to generate unique ID Well
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