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Wu Jun's trilogy insight (V) refusing fake workers

2022-07-06 17:14:00 Smart popcorn

1. Not to be a fake worker


We often feel busy , But I've been busy all day , It seems that nothing has been done , Here I talk about my own views .

The first is our energy , Willpower is limited , Of course, at the end of the day , It will be added the next day , But every day because of some trivial things will consume too much energy , Cause you want to concentrate later , Instead, it becomes very difficult .

Take myself for example , Sometimes when I work, I reply with a message , Or some new ideas , Will search , Then switch back to work , So the morning passed quickly , And sighed , How time flies .

After lunch break , Although I have rested , But it didn't take an hour or two in the afternoon , I feel distracted , People become a little impetuous , This state is very bad , Make the work efficiency very low , It's easy to make some mistakes , Just like today , A simple task , But I just tossed about for an hour .

So an experienced employee , We should always focus on the most important things , Instead of doing this , That's the same , Although it may have done a lot of things , But due to the consumption of energy , It will greatly reduce the efficiency of doing things .

Regarding this , Teacher Wu Jun also gave us some suggestions .
1. Some things seem very important , But in fact, it can't bring benefits to the company , Try to do as few things as possible .
2. Take the initiative to learn more effective ways to do things , Keep looking for progress , Instead of clinging to your old capital for a lifetime .
3. Think more before you do something , Wait until your mind is clear .
4. Finishing the product is not the end , Testing is also extremely important .
5. For a big project , Don't pay attention to details , You should complete 95% The job of .

If possible , Try to rest as much as possible , Instead of just working , I added the last point myself , I think , If I can control the rhythm of work and rest , Efficiency will improve a lot , It's just easier to know than to do , Work together .

2. Can 10000 hours of hard work really help you succeed ?


First of all 《 Alien species 》 Author Gladwell's view , There are about three points .

1. IQ works , But it is not an absolute factor , contrary , I.Q 120 There will be no difference in the future .
2. Luck is important , Success often requires some luck , Successful people will review themselves when they encounter setbacks , Instead of blaming luck .
3. The living environment determines the growth of human mind , Although education is a lifelong thing , But parents' insight , Is the starting line for children .

Here are four misunderstandings about 10000 hours .
1. Simple repetition , This is also a cliche , You always do a simple thing repeatedly , Do it all my life , At most, you can screw ten times faster than others , Hundredfold , There is no qualitative change .

2. Habitual failure , Always doing things that fail , Don't reflect on the problem .

3. Things are getting narrower , Work only in your own field , For this point , I don't really agree , Because one thing is perfect , You can achieve something , But they may lack awareness of the outside world , communication , It makes people less and less like to accept new knowledge .

4. Do not pay attention to accumulation , Modern people are too impetuous , I thought I could run several programs , I thought I had learned well , But in fact, these are only superficial , Just like solving problems , Title can be done , It won't happen in another way , Or it's more difficult to change lanes , If not , Will there be a good idea ? This is systematic learning , The role of accumulation , Now short videos are popular , It makes reading more and more difficult , This is how people's impetuous heart comes , If you can calm down and read , I think there will also be a great improvement in the nature of mind .

3. Three board axe breaks four dilemmas


Establish a vision - The goal is - road

In fact, the vision is to win and engage in some activities that adapt to this era , Plus the work you are interested in , Adapting to the times refers to an irreplaceable , Or scarcity , If you know clearly that you are working in this direction , In the future, it will become a scarce talent , And I am willing to do it , Then the first step is right .

Goals are phased goals , Many people set an ambitious goal , But because there are several years to go , It's too far away , Slowly, I can't hold on , Me too , But a short-term phased goal , There is still a great sense of satisfaction for people after completion , For example, one online class a month , And make detailed output , Blog , Then it's better to brush next year 12 Online courses , Play for a week first , It's more practical .

The road is to keep moving forward , So on the way , We must do something full of challenges , Although it may be hard , But as long as you recall the scene of departure at that time , Now look back , Do you think it's far away , People always become stronger inadvertently .

Encounter unpleasant words We should also find its rationality

Teacher Wu Jun's wisdom in life is comparable to that of a fledgling person like me , Think more comprehensively about things , A lot of times , We meet some people we don't like , If you don't like listening , It's no use sulking , Life is still like this , But we need to think about the rationality of this matter , Are you really not doing well enough in some aspect , This practice can effectively improve vision and tolerance , In this regard , Schools cannot teach .

Keep a record of everything

I recently joined a new company , Found that there are several projects , But even the development documents of the project , There are no records , It gives me a headache , In particular, there are not many code comments , This greatly increases the time cost , In fact, compared with ancient and foreign , Our ancestors did something for , There is really no detailed record , Many things have been lost , Some countries in Europe and the United States are different , They will record the process of doing things in detail , such , Some successful experiences can also be passed down , This is where we need to learn .

let me put it another way , Be a producer , Not consumers , Because only production can create value , Just like I wrote this article , Of course I can just read a book , But I can also choose to write it down , On the one hand, look back after the aspect , Record your life , If you can help others , That would be great .

6. OKR Working method


OKR Its full name is Objective Key Result. That is, to measure whether the goal has achieved the key results , The specific process can be found in , This working method allows people to set a quantifiable goal .

Let's make an analogy , If you want to study a course within a month , Then we need to decompose the goal , Learning a few hours a day can achieve the goal , For students who are not conscious enough , You can draw a curve , The original progress is 100%, Finish every day 3%, It can be imagined as a curve under the syncline , If you don't finish one day , The progress is behind , It may indeed lead to a decline in enthusiasm , But after all, plan is not as good as change , We can count a few more days appropriately when considering the plan , In response to emergencies , Don't finish it in a day , No more .

And a little bit more , Not to say that ORK It must be for you to finish 100% Of , This goal is to break through your comfort zone as much as possible , So even if it can be completed 70% It's already very good , Here are just a few words , After all, personally speaking , Nor has it achieved a very complete OKR.

5. Do the last 1%


In our daily life , Something always happens , We finished 99%, But the last step is hasty , At least I am like this , I'm really a less serious person , This is a habit formed from childhood , So far, I have suffered a lot , So good habits should be formed from childhood , This can accompany us for life .

In terms of manufacturing , Made in Germany is indeed much better than made in Japan , But made in Germany is still not as good as made in Switzerland , Switzerland generally produces not many things , But as long as production , It must be a boutique , This is why Swiss products are much more expensive than ordinary products , Because they are more serious than others , And the product quality is really excellent .

Let's talk about Intel and AMD Example , To be honest, Intel is absolutely ahead CPU Manufacturing company ,AMD You can only eat some leftovers behind it , If it were not for the antitrust restrictions of the United States ,AMD You can't live that long , If the first place of a product is better than the second place 5%, If the price difference is not big , Most people will choose the first place , Slowly, the second place faded out of the market , Because an absolute truth is before people , There are many factors for consumers to choose products , But good things always come first .

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We all love each other in a self righteous way , They all think they have given each other happiness , But never ask , What happiness does the other party want .


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