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ByteDance overseas technical team won the championship again: HD video coding has won the first place in 17 items

2022-07-06 17:06:00 ByteDance Technology

ByteDance video encoder , stay MSU 2020 In the competition , And got new good grades .


MSU 2020 It is the authoritative video coding competition held by Moscow State University in Russia , Recently published 4K And full HD video (1080p) Subjective score in the competition of two items , Video encoder independently developed by ByteDance (BVC) Got two latest achievements :


  • BVC1, The award for the 4K 8bit project 8 The first place in the scoring standard .

  • BVC2, Be evaluated Full HD video (1080p) Subjective score offline 1 fps Best track Quality Award , Subjective score and 4 All the objective scores are first .


Plus before 2020 year 12 Full HD video released in August (1080p) Objective scoring items 1fps Racetrack 4 The champion of the scoring standard ,BVC Series encoder entered the competition for the first time 、 It took just 40 Days of optimization , Compete with leading companies in the video field , already Got this MSU 2020 Three major events 、 Cumulative 17 The first place in the scoring criteria .


BVC The main R & D team of series encoder is located in the United States San Diego ByteDance advanced video team , Team members graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara 、 University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and other well-known institutions , All have master's or doctor's degrees , It has been published in top international journals / More than 30 Papers , And get the global nearly 100 Authorized patents .


Many members of this overseas team also play an important role in many international standardization working groups , Such as VVC、H.265/HEVC、H.264/AVC Editor in chief and editorial board of many standard texts . In the past two years , Byte beat advanced video team submitted 260 Above H.266/VVC Technical proposal , Adopted more than 130 term .


With 5G And the deep landing of HD video scenes ,BVC Series of encoders have proved that they can meet the needs of video coding in high-definition scenes , Can be used as a boost 5G Infrastructure products for media applications .


To reflect the objective quality VMAF For example, indicators ,BVC Encoder in VMAF Compared with other participating encoders, the leading range of indicators is about 8%-15%. It means , Same quality video content , Use BVC Encoder can save for service providers 8%-15% Bandwidth and storage costs , When the network speed of the client is slow , Use BVC Encoder transcoding , You can also enjoy higher image quality 、 A smoother video experience .


Besides , In the competition BVC Series encoder is gradually integrating output for enterprise users , service B HD video codec demand in the end market .





4K 8bit champion


First look BVC1.




stay 1fps and 30fps Of the four scoring criteria ,BVC1 Have achieved the best results :


PSNR avg.MSE( A way to calculate the peak signal-to-noise ratio ),1fps



The shorter the histogram is , It means that the smaller the size of the encoded file 、 The better the results 、 Users use less traffic


PSNR avg.log( Another way to calculate PSNR ),1fps




SSIM( Structural similarity ),1fps




VMAF( Video multi method evaluation fusion index ),1fps




PSNR avg.MSE,30fps




PSNR avg.log,30fps















offline 1 fps Best quality award


in addition , stay 1080p Video subjective evaluation , That is, judging from the subjective feelings of human judges watching the video , Byte runout self-developed encoder BVC2 Rated offline (1 fps) Best track Quality Award .





And in the 1080p Among the four objective criteria related to video ,BVC2 Also maintained the first place .






PSNR avg.log















For the first time , Multiple project champions


In addition to the two events announced this time , stay 2020 Published at the end of the year MSU 2020 Full HD video (1080p) Objective scoring items ,BVC2 I also got 4 The first scoring standard .




Research and development BVC Series encoder ByteDance advanced video team revealed , This series of encoders are continuously updating iterations , And promote commercial applications , Meet the needs of HD video codec in the enterprise market .


Reference link :





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