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Software evaluation center ▏ what are the basic processes and precautions for automated testing?

2022-07-07 22:56:00 xymbf

   The Internet information age has brought a lot of Automation , Such as the common sweeping robot in daily life 、 Dishwasher 、 Washing machines and so on , It has brought great convenience to our life . During software testing , Our automated testing is also an effective means to improve testing efficiency . Software automated testing is an activity process that transforms human driven testing behavior into machine execution .

   One 、 What are the basic processes of automated testing

   Demand analysis , Automated test plan design , Use case design , Design and development of automated testing framework , Script development , Environment building , Overall joint commissioning and operation, etc .

   Two 、 What are the considerations for automated testing ?

  1、 Demand analysis : Analyze where automated testing is needed , Participate in the needs analysis stage , Output dependency points in the development phase of the tested code , Ensure higher efficiency in automated development , Smaller code changes ;

  2、 Use case design : You can first design test cases according to the test points , Then check whether automation can be achieved , Finally, supplement ;

  3、 Design and development of automated testing framework : The automated test framework defines which files need to be called when using this set of scripts 、 structure , Invoked procedure , And how to divide the file structure . According to automated test cases , Find out the typical elements of an automated testing framework : Common objects 、 Public environment 、 Common method 、 Test data ;

  4、 Test script development : Pay attention to script compatibility and scalability , Try to ensure that the test script can be carried out in different test environments , The test effect can be achieved in different versions .

   3、 ... and 、 The authoritative software evaluation center recommends

   Evaluation of small edition Amway Zhuo code software , Country CMA、CNAS Recognized authoritative Software Evaluation Center , Years of experience in software testing industry , The test team is technically mature , regression testing 、 Performance testing 、 A functional test 、 Security testing 、 Acceptance test and other software test types are available nationwide , Both online and offline , The software test report issued has legal effect .

