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Details of the open source framework of microservice architecture

2022-07-07 22:29:00 51CTO

Now , Microservices are a trend , It is also a popular concept in recent years , quite a lot IT People in the industry are not unfamiliar with this concept . The rise of open source framework for microservice architecture is naturally inseparable from the needs of the environment , It is also an important product of the digital transformation period . LIUCHEN information wants to meet the needs of the industry , Painstakingly developed IBPS The micro service architecture has been recognized and praised in the industry , It is to help enterprises realize digital transformation “ tool ”.

One 、 What is microservice architecture ?

Some people say , Microservice architecture = 80% Of SOA Service architecture ideas + 100% The idea of component-based architecture + 80% Domain modeling ideas . We cannot deny this , Actually , There are many advantages and characteristics of the microservice architecture , For example, decoupling business 、 Provide high flexibility 、 Maintain the availability and stability of other parts of the system while the service is frequently published 、 Can decouple programming languages 、 Decouple the development team .

Many enterprises value the above advantages , It is believed that such a framework can make different businesses develop in more suitable languages , For the team , Let different teams perform their respective duties , Responsible for a micro service , Do not affect each other , The purpose of accelerating delivery .

To be specific , Its advantages are summarized as follows :

①  Every service is relatively simple , Focus on just one business function .

②  Microservice architecture is loosely coupled , Can provide more flexibility .

③  Microservices can be developed through the best and most appropriate different programming languages and tools , Be able to solve targeted problems .

④  Each microservice can be developed independently by different teams , They don't influence each other , Speed up the launch of the market .

⑤  Microservice architecture is continuous delivery (CD) Great impetus , It allows to publish different services frequently while maintaining the availability and stability of other parts of the system .

Two 、 Learn more about the open source framework of LIUCHEN microservice architecture

Speaking of the R & D team , LIUCHEN information is a low code platform service provider responsible for customers , thus , In so many years of struggle , LIUCHEN's products 、 Service and reputation have always been approved by the industry . LIUCHEN provides customers with integrated products 、 Frame customization 、 Products delivered as one , Can be easily implemented APP、CRM、OA、ERP、WMS Development of various management systems .

The characteristics of microservice architecture are as follows :

①  Mainstream open source architecture

Using the industry's mainstream open source Vue-element-ui+Springcloud+Spring-boot, Fully realize the front and back end separation 、 Microservice architecture .

②  Diversified deployment methods

Single deployment 、 Flexible switching of microservice deployment 、K8SDocker Containerized deployment

③  Microservice application

Process can be 、 Basic services 、 Form services 、 Certification services 、 The business process ( Process facilities 、 Form facilities ) As a microservice application

④  Localization environmental support

Shentongda dream database 、 Kirin operating system .

It is worth mentioning that , LIUCHEN information is fully open 、 Buy out authorization , Provide users with project-based 、 Industrial framework customization , Create an independent and controllable rapid development platform . Not only is the product excellent , The service is also better , Provide functional training for customers 、 Secondary development training 、 Guidance of system development ideas 、 Infrastructure training and other technical support services . Provide project launch support , Frame customization , Personalized services such as project delivery .

   ( Part of the data comes from the Internet , If there is any infringement , Please contact us for deletion )

