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In simple terms, interview surprise Edition

2022-07-06 19:41:00 InfoQ

This article is very popular recently , I also have my own opinions : Now I go to many companies for interviews , Besides you have the basic ability to write a high performance app After , Usually in their own app Add some of the existing ones 666 Technology , These technologies we call open source frameworks . such as , We used to make a table by a carpenter , We need to cut the wood into boards , Then put the board together into a table , Then make the legs of the table in the same way ; Now? , We just need to buy good table boards and good table legs , Then we can use them to splice and make a table by ourselves . therefore , Now open code doesn't need you to saw wood anymore , You just need to hold one SDK You can realize a function , So this is our open source technology .

that , These technologies generally include hot upgrades , Hot repair ,AppInstant, Force update , Component routing architecture Arouter,RxJava,IOC Architectural approach ,Hook technology , Image loading (Glide), Network access (Retrofit,okHttp) wait , Of course , You can't just use , You need to know how he works , occasionally , You also need to know how to improve these architectures .

in addition , A very important point ,Android Developers don't want  
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  Willing to accept new knowledge , So for now Google The new technical solution launched has no feeling , These are all by controlC and controlV Poisoned by , Open source makes developers lose themselves , Lost basic coding ability , Lost the confidence and perseverance to study deeply , So for a lot of people google New technology and good components (GoogleI/O Conference new technology ), Many people don't want to learn a good framework, which should not be , We need to study hard .

Why systematization ?

So called systematization , In fact, it is to sort out their own knowledge . Only in this way can we know what abilities we have , What capabilities are lacking . And can quickly reuse knowledge points , Save development time of repetitive functions .

Someone will say , Organize common knowledge system , Just stay at the level of use , Unable to achieve advanced function . Yes , This common knowledge system can help us reuse functions quickly , Save time , At the same time, it can deepen our superficial understanding of the function , So the time saved and the superficial understanding of the function are the basis of our advanced realization principle of the function . It's also a way to go from the outside to the inside .

We should not only broaden the latitude of knowledge , We should deepen the longitude of knowledge . So read the source code 、 Understanding principles is our goal .

How to build the system ?

Arrangement ! Sort out the function points first , At last, it is shown in the form of mind map .

If you think others are doing a good job , Then you can directly link to other people's blog address , You don't need to build your own wheels .

Android Thinking map of common knowledge system ( Example )

Finally, the author collected and sorted out a Flutter Advanced introductory materials PDF
The following is a screenshot of the data directory and content

It includes detailed knowledge points, explanation and Analysis , Take you a week to get started Flutter. also 130 An advanced learning project practical video tutorial , Make your seconds bigger .


