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AI talent cultivation new ideas, this live broadcast has what you care about

2022-07-07 13:53:00 Baidu AI Cloud


Digitization 、 The age of intelligence , The demand for vocational skills is also changing . Especially for enterprises 、 For colleges and Universities , Help talents learn new skills , Iteration for possible positions in the future , Making adequate preparations has become the top priority .

The construction scheme of artificial intelligence Industrial College created by Baidu intelligent yunyun education , With Baidu's leading AI technology and industrial practice , Integrated production 、 learn 、 study 、 Use and other resources , Can fully empower enterprises 、 Colleges and universities 、 The government , Solve the contradiction between talent supply and demand .

How can enterprises optimize the effect of education and training through online and offline integration mode , Empower yourself to transform and upgrade , Bring sustainable long-term profit growth ? How to improve the diversified school running system in Colleges and universities , Comprehensively implement and realize the collaborative education between schools and enterprises ? For regional pillar industries , How can the government fill the talent gap in key areas ? Talent training based on artificial intelligence , Baidu smart cloud smart education can help enterprises 、 Colleges and universities 、 What does the government do ?

7 month 7 Japan 19 spot ,《 Smart cloud knows · Cloud intelligence open class 》 The sixth issue ——“ Baidu Intelligent Cloud Kai : Share the construction plan of AI Industrial College ” The live broadcast will be launched on time , At that time, Han Tao, the cloud intelligence education solution architect of Baidu AI Cloud intelligent industry division , Will comprehensively share the new ideas of Vocational Education in the direction of artificial intelligence 、 New path of talent cultivation and new model of Industrial College .

Let's scan the code and make an appointment .


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