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Excerpt from "misogyny: female disgust in Japan"

2022-07-07 13:45:00 Young Yong

《 Misogyny : Japanese women hate 》 excerpts

brief introduction

《 Misogyny 》 It is not a purely theoretical work , It is a practical analysis of various social phenomena in contemporary Japan by using feminist theory .《 Misogyny 》 Dealt with a wide range of Japanese themes , Among them, there are literary , For example, when it comes to novelist Yoshiyuki 、 Nagai Kafu 、 Lin zhenlizi et al , More social . Ueno qianhezi talked about many phenomena , Especially family 、 Marriage is , There is a similar situation in China . Intellectual readers will get strong resonance and theoretical guidance from these discussions .


  1. In the gender order of gender dualism , Deep in the core position is misogynia . Under this order , Whether men or women , No one can escape the shadow of misogynia . Misogynia pervades this order system , Like the gravity of an object , Because it is taken for granted, people are almost unaware of its existence .

  2. however , The manifestation of misogynia is not asymmetric in men and women . In men, it shows “ Women despise ”, In women, it shows “ Self loathing ”.

  3. Actually , They don't react to women , It's a female symbol .

  4. Lustful misogynistic men like prostitutes . They like , Not to love prostitutes as human beings . What they like , It is the arbitrary manipulation and control of women bought with money , Let them even voluntarily obey themselves .

  5. Women easily succumb to power 、 Wealth and authority .

  6. The woman who came on the phone , Just for the fame of the artist , Not because of his personality or body . A woman who gladly goes because she is a celebrity , With waiting singers , Star players are called star fans who accompany the bed. They are no different . For men who call , It doesn't matter who changes women ; Again , For women , The other party is not a person with a specific personality , It's just a symbol . That's the truth , Of course, men fully understand , But he will still be comforted and cured because a woman wants to come . At this time , What men want to confirm , It's just the symbolic effect of one's own reputation power . My feeling at that time was , Have men's sexuality been alienated to this extent ?

  7. Some people flaunt the so-called anti secular attitude “ Sexual exploration ” A novel , Its plot development is surprisingly similar to the routine of pornography . The rigid rule of pornography is : First of all , Women are seducers ; second , Women must finally be dominated by pleasure . This structure is very easy to understand . First ,“ It was the woman who seduced me first , It's not my fault ”. Men's desires are therefore exempt from responsibility . then , Even the rape of forcing reluctant women to the ground , Finally, it ends with women's pleasure , As if to say :“ What about? , Don't you also have pleasure ?” It seems that a woman's sex organ is a bottomless black hole that can turn all pain and violence into pleasure . Pornography for male readers , The final destination is not a man's pleasure , It's women's pleasure , This phenomenon seems contradictory , In fact, it's not a mystery at all . because , Women's pleasure , It can be used as an indicator to measure the performance of men , It is also the place where men's sexual domination over women can be completed .“ My life is good , Women cannot live without ”, A man who doesn't want to boast like this , Has it ?

  8. For men , This kind of words is just a convenience ; But for women , But it becomes a kind of oppression . Because women think ,“ I can't get as much pleasure as the women in Ji Hang's works , Does it mean that I'm not mature enough as a woman ?” Men who let women read Jixing , But I want to produce a lot of women who are convenient for me .

  9. As said to Orientalism , Don't regard men's works as “ Text about women ”, But as “ Text about men's sexual fantasies ”, that , You will learn a lot from it .

  10. The value of a woman depends on the choice of a man ( It is said that ), But the value of men is not determined by women's choices . At this point , Heterosexual order , For men and women is asymmetric . that , What determines the value of men ? It was decided in the hegemony struggle in the male world .

  11. Men like to be heroes , Women like men who become heroes . If you want a woman , A faster way is to win the hegemony struggle between men first . Heroes are surrounded by beautiful women .

  12. The sexual relationship between men is called “ Homosexuality ”(homosexual), To distinguish from this kind of homosexuality , The bond between men without sexual relationship is called “ Male homosexual social desire ”(male homosocial desire) Of , It's Sedgwick .

  13. So we learned , Guarantee a man to become a man , Women who are not heterosexual , But men of the same sex . Men's sexual subjectivity , What is needed is a male group that recognizes itself as a man . As Lacan said :“ Desire is the desire of others .” Men become sexual subjects by imitating the sexual desires of other men . therefore , There is no variety of ways to become a man . Obscenity has become a fixed format , Never be the first person “ I ” The words of , The reason is here . Men are so obsessed with erectile ability and ejaculation frequency , Because only that is the unified scale that men can compare .

  14. The so-called double standard of sex , It means that the sexual morality facing men is different from that facing women . such as , Men's lust is affirmed ( Such as Yoshiyuki 、 Yongjing Hefeng, etc ), Women are good for their ignorance and purity of sex .

  15. The result is , The double standard of sex divides women into two groups . namely “ goddess ” And “ Slut ”、“ Wife and mother ” And “ prostitute ”、“ Marriage partner ” And “ Play with objects ”、“ Laywoman ”( Women outside the sex industry —— translator ) And “ An expert woman ”( Women in the sex industry —— translator ) And other common dichotomy . Every real living woman , Both have bodies and souls , There is uterus and vagina . But ,“ Women for reproduction ” Deprived of happiness , Alienation is only for reproduction ;“ For happy women ” Designed to serve happiness , Alienation is far away from reproduction . A prostitute with children , It is because of disturbing this boundary that people are disappointed .

  16. “ Divide and rule ”(divide and rule) It is the iron rule that governs the rule . The dominator always separates the dominating object , Set them against each other , Never allow them to have a sense of connection . From a female perspective , It's from men “ goddess ” And “ prostitute ” The separation of domination , Plus the gap between class and race .

  17. If for a particular woman “ Seriously ”, You can't treat her as a sexual object ; conversely , If it is regarded as a sexual object , Is equal to her “ Not serious ”. This dilemma , The man himself is deeply involved .

  18. Both men and women , Marriage is an exchange of two families in alliance , The purpose is to maximize the social resources of both sides , therefore , A man looks forward to his wife's family and property . That's why , Redeem a prostitute and marry him as a wife 、 Having an affair with a maid will make up for marriage and other acts , All are lost “ Maximize resources ” The fool's act of opportunity .

  19. The story of Cinderella, an unidentified woman who can climb the class ladder simply by virtue of her beauty , It's just a modern fantasy , It is impossible in a real identity society .

  20. A society with misogynia as its core mechanism , It is called patriarchy .

  21. Up to modern times, there are various practices of inheriting family property that are popular among civilians , Such as the matrilineal inheritance of the eldest daughter 、 Raise an adopted son 、 Female heads of household and so on , Meiji civil law and registered residence law, which are all valued by men, have erased traces .

  22. Mother's unhappiness , Mix with your inability to change the status quo , Mother cursed her life , On the other hand, he imposed the same life on his daughter , Attract the daughter's disgust . The daughter regards her mother as “ Don't want to be like that ” The opposite teacher , But at the same time, I also know that if I want to release my mother, I must rely on others ( Man ) Power of , I feel powerless about this kind of life that can only be committed to others , and , She also had a premonition , The man who committed himself , Maybe it's the same as the father who controls his mother unreasonably , Fear and anxiety for this . In vain, you can't see the endless cycle of exports .

  23. One side of society congratulates women who become mothers , Women who are not mothers are not considered “ adult ” treat , But he didn't share the burden of his mother at all . Women may be happy to be mothers , But be aware of the cost , After the baby is born .

​ Of course , There must be a condition here , namely , stay “ Modern family ” Under the system . Before modern times , Women in the ruling class just have sex , After the baby is born, someone will naturally raise it ; And the children of the lower class don't need to spend time and trouble , It will grow up naturally . Women in pre modern times , Probably not as much trouble as women after modern times . and , After everything is decided 、 A daughter can only have the same life as her mother in society , Mother and daughter don't have to compete with each other . Maybe you could say , Women in pre modern times have toil , But no distress .

For the price you pay , The mother wants the child to compensate . If it's a son , The compensation method is simple and lively , namely “ rise head and shoulders above others ”, Save my mother from my rude father , Lifelong obedience and filial piety . Under the patriarchal system , Mother's ultimate victory and maximum reward , That is to cultivate my son into a child with Oedipus complex , Let the son inherit the family business , Board yourself “ The mother of the heirs ”, That is, the position of the Empress Dowager .

And the daughter ? Sooner or later, the daughter will get married and become “ People in other people's homes ”, The investment in my daughter is just thrown into the gutter for nothing , You can't expect a return on your investment . But , such “ common sense ” It's a matter of a little ago . Now? , The daughter is the property of her mother all her life . Not because of getting married , The daughter can exempt her parents from the nursing obligations of the elderly , Mother also expects her daughter to take care of herself . in the past 10 In the year ,“ Hope to receive nursing ” In the order of family members , The first one changed from daughter-in-law to daughter , Corresponding to this , In fact, the proportion of parents with daughters has also increased .

therefore , There is a mother who depends on her daughter in reality 、 The phenomenon of verbal denial . Some daughters take care of their mothers instead of their older brothers , Mother has been sighing all her life :“ Let your daughter take care of herself , I'm so pathetic .” What the daughter heard was her mother's lament , Instead of being thanked , But I have to continue to take care of it , It's really sad .

  1. Few girls enter engineering and Economics , This is because the mother generation had the experience of office white-collar workers before marriage , They understand deeply , In professional fields that require collective collaboration , There is no place for women . therefore , They persuade their daughter to seek a career that she can do alone as long as she is qualified .

  2. meanwhile , For mothers , The daughter only realized “ Value gained by oneself ” It's not enough. . If the daughter doesn't get “ Others ( Man ) Value given ”, Mother's ambition has not been completed . The reason why mother is mother , Because she realized the value of being chosen by men ( Even if not satisfied ). If the daughter does not realize this value , No matter how capable and promising she is , Mother can never regard her as an adult all her life . Here's the irony , Don't treat your daughter as an adult , At the same time, it is also to confirm that the daughter is still in her own territory . A daughter who has not become a mother , That is, there is no daughter who bears the hardships of being a mother like herself , Mother will never admit that she is a real adult .

  3. Vladimir Nabokov's novel 《 Lolita 》 by “ Lolita complex ” The origin of the word , In this novel ,12 Lolita, 19, is described as seducing men by fawning “ Bad Girl ”, This description provides an excuse for men :“ It's the child who seduces me , I can't resist it .” A novel 《 Read Lolita in Tehran 》, It describes the theft of English literature by female teachers and female students in Tehran under Islamic control 《 Lolita 》 The story of . Young female readers in Iran did not fall into Nabokov's “ Men's words ”, They accurately see :“ Isn't this a sexual harassment novel ?” For one 12 Year-old girl , When she was placed in the home of a man who showed an explicit sexual interest in herself , Is there any other survival strategy ? She was just in a forced environment “ Cleverly ” Just act . But afterwards , The man accused “ That child is a bad girl ”, Call it a “ Seducer ”

  4. She said , Women don't have children because childbirth is painful . See this 30 The truth of a woman in her teens , I can't help thinking : Ouch! , It's against the rules to say such words . She said so , In fact, it is a kind of self concealment . say “ I hate having children because I'm afraid of pain ”, To make people shake their heads “ Women's reasons are so boring ”. Her sincere words should be “ Don't need or want children ”, And this is the real “ Taboo ”. because , Women who don't want children have always been regarded as unqualified to be women . In the essay and contribution column of the newspaper , The proper words are :“ No matter how painful , At the sight of the child's face , All of a sudden, it vanished .” A woman who hates children is a defect without motherhood , Once you're a mother , Ideas will naturally change —— It should be .

  5. therefore , For famous girls' schools , Co learning is not a welcome choice . and , The environment of women's school culture could naturally cultivate the enthusiasm and leadership of girls , This advantage is also lost due to co learning . Famous girls' schools hesitate in the face of the choice of learning bad things together , That makes sense

But , Women's schools are not a social vacuum . Girls know , Just take one step away from school , All around is “ Coeducation culture ” Surround . So they have to change their sports clothes into school uniform skirts after school . More Than This , Inside the girls' school , We can't imagine a pure garden full of girls' carefree laughter . In there , Unfold around “ womanliness ” Hegemony struggle . Different from men, same-sex Society , The hegemony struggle in the world of women is more distorted .

  1. In the world of men , The value standard is one yuan ,“ Let men fall ” Man , Women will also fall for it . Money and power , It is the clearest and understandable measure of men's value . Men like money and power , Women like men with money and power , That noble words of Horie river “ Women follow money ”, Sincere words .

  2. But , The value women give women , Compared with the value men give women , Ranked second . Sakai calls unmarried women “ Loser dog ”, There is this consciousness behind it . namely , Women have two values , One is earned by oneself , The other is by others (= Man ) Given to , The latter is more valuable than the former , therefore , Unmarried women are called “ Loser dog ”. because , Marriage is the registration certificate that a woman is elected by a man .

  3. “ Academic scores ” And “ Female scores ” Often inconsistent . More Than This , In the study of school culture, we also found , There is a difference between these two scores “ Division begets ” The relationship between .“ Female scores ” Tall girls , Her studies were not expected around , Because she already has what it takes to survive “ Alternative resources ”. Simone Beauvoir's autobiography , She was compared with her beautiful sister by her parents since childhood , Have been taught :“ An ugly girl like you , What else can I do if I don't study hard ?” Academic scores are expected to be right “ Female resources ” Make up for lack . conversely , Girls with low academic scores try to “ Female scores ” by “ Alternative resources ” To stand on top of girls with excellent studies . For girls with good grades , They laughed at it “ Female resources ” poor , Ridicule them is “ Ugly woman ”“ Don't understand men ”, At the same time, they actively invest in fashion cosmetics and so on “ Female resources ”, however ,“ Female scores ” I didn't earn it by myself , In the final analysis, it is chosen by men ( Become the object of men's sexual desire ), The value given by men , therefore , Young girls in spring tend to be sexually precocious , Go beyond the norms of school culture . Thus, a “ contradiction ” The phenomenon , It looks like a precocious girl who resists school culture , But it has become a sexual object that has been abandoned in men's society .

  4. Academic scores 、 Female scores 、 Scores accepted by women , The relationship between the three is distorted . The world of women is separated by these scales . Because of that , Women don't build a man like that 、 The same-sex social world measured by the monistic value scale , Nor can it be established .

  5. “ The Equality Act ” Later women , You must succeed as an individual and as a woman , If we don't realize both , It must not be regarded as a complete adult female .

  6. People will think , The amount of prostitution is the price marked on the prostitute . But , The opposite of selling prostitutes is buying prostitutes . The money men pay , It is also the price that men pay for their prostitution . Pay to A Son 5000 Men in yen , Not only for A The price of sex 5000, In turn, they also bid the same price for their sexuality . Yes “ The poor sexual desire of a man who wants to be satisfied ”,A Sub bid 5000 The price of yen . What we see here , It's her sympathy for men who have to rely on women to such an extent for the satisfaction of sexual desire .

For men who don't pay , Prostitutes will never let them do . Even like “ Throw it into the gutter ” Sex , It's not free . Giovanna franca de la Costa is 《 Labor of love 》(The Work of Love) A Book pointedly points out , The wife's name is “ Unpaid labor ”. Compared with wives who can't say no to the government , Never let men do prostitutes for nothing , They refuse to be exploited by men 、 An independent person with dignity . At this time , The price that prostitutes bid for themselves , At the same time, it is the price for men .“ Can't throw out so much money to hit me in the face , You can't do anything to me .” For prostitutes and clients , The price of sex has a completely different meaning .

  1. On the one hand, women are reduced to sexual organs , On the one hand, we have to rely on women to satisfy our desires —— The most cursed structure of men's sexual desire is that of cocooning itself , Actually, it's the man himself .

  2. Professional prostitutes are “ sex ” Add “ The story ”, To improve “ sex ” The added value of .

  3. Celebrities and rich people, or senior call girls , Or buy female models and artists with money . If we take this behavior as the price they bid for their sexuality , That makes sense . They show ( Tell yourself )“ I only love women with added value ”, Come to yourself ( And other men ) prove , Their sexuality and those “ Free sex ” Dissimilarity ( Your sexuality is advanced ).

Women have a better understanding . Want to sell yourself at a high price , Whether it's a lifelong contract or a one-time consumption , Same nature . Women who want to marry celebrities and rich people overestimate “ The value that men give women ”. Because they overestimate , So even if you encounter domestic violence , Nor will I step back from that position . They are afraid that once they withdraw from that position , I am nothing .

It is said that , A social indicator of a man's success is having “ Beautiful wife ”. Actually, to be more precise , yes “ A wife who spends money ”. This is for men to show off : My sexuality is not easily satisfied , Women who satisfy my sexuality need to spend so much money on maintenance . In the U.S. , This is known as “ Vase wife ”(trophy wife), Is the reward of victory . therefore , Rich wives should spend money tirelessly on beauty 、 Maintenance clothes , Because that's the indicator of husband's status . In this way , Prove that she is the woman who matches her husband . Giving value to the husband , It's herself .

The same is true for women with high one-time consumption unit price . Sell yourself at a high price , Women overestimate “ The value that men give women ”. They want to show “ I'm not a woman who sells herself cheaply ”, No matter what men pay in cash 、 Expensive brands or French cuisine , The nature is all the same . They experience the pleasure of letting men pay for themselves . This kind of behavior is to confirm their value by the price that men give themselves . Anti speech , It's women who give men the price .

  1. As Michel Foucault said , Sex is classy .

  2. So let's go back to what Tongye said “ All kinds of reasons to become a prostitute ”, You will find out , That's all “ Explanation of men's perspective ” Variants . Who objected to Sakano's explanation “ Female readers ”, First point out “ Sakano is on the side of men , It's not like that ”, then , She proposed “ yes A Zi is pricing men “ The explanation of .

  3. Their purpose , Because that kind of confession will make the other party think they understand , So you can not expose your heart more to strangers .

  4. Want to “ Sexual recognition ” To explain that girls sell prostitutes “ motivation ” Of , Who is it ? Is to “ Seek sexual recognition ” The girls of “ Give recognition ” The men of . The existence of women “ Give recognition ” Of , Always men . from “ Sexual recognition ” The most comforting explanation of , It should be given to many prostitutes “ recognition ” Gongtai himself .「 notes :“ Sexual recognition ”—— About the motives of girls selling prostitutes , Gongtai proposed another explanation :“ Sexual recognition ”. He said , A girl who cannot find her place at home and school , From men's needs for themselves , Has been recognized at home and school . I mentioned what Tongye said earlier “ All kinds of reasons to become a prostitute ”, Gong Tai pointed out that the girl's motivation to sell prostitutes conforms to the following two :“ I want to sell at a good price while my body is worth money ”“ Because of the excessive inferiority complex, I want to confirm my self-worth by giving it to men ”.

  5. But that doesn't mean that men's sexuality is like “ Animal desire ” commonly , It's an animal instinct . On the contrary , This means that men's sexuality is a cultural product so conditioned .

Men who buy prostitutes don't buy Women , It is “ A woman ” This symbol . Just because men are in heat for symbols 、 Ejaculate on symbols , So buying prostitutes is one kind of masturbation .

So what do women who sell prostitutes sell ? They sell “ Become an object of yourself ”( Or say “ Be yourself who belongs to others ”). adopt “ Become an object ”, Women will go to “ goods ” The man who ejaculates disintegrates 、 Also because of simple sexual desire . So men hate prostitutes , Prostitutes despise their clients .

  1. Shunko Sakai 《 The barking of a defeated dog 》 A book tells us : Women have two values , What you earn and what others give , Only one is insufficient : Of these two values , The latter seems to be considered higher than the former . Dongdian female staff is in a state of being separated by these two values . Even if it's not a female employee of TEPCO ,“ Law on equal employment between men and women ” Later women , Have you experienced this kind of separation .

But , If we think about it again, we will find , These two values , Not all of them “ The value recognized by men ” An alias for ? As “ Father's daughter ”,A I want to stand out in the company like a man , Hope to be called “ A strong woman ”; meanwhile , She longed to be like a woman , Being chosen by men as sexual objects . No matter what kind of desire she has , Men are in “ Give recognition ” The location of .

and “ Give recognition ” Its own paradox , That's right. “ Seek recognition ” Deep and helpless dependence . Men hate women because they understand this paradox thoroughly . So-called “ Anorexia ”, Isn't it a synonym for men's hatred ?

  1. You bet , Whether it's profit or loss , The premise is to be in “ A woman ” In the category of , To become “ A woman ” It's conditional .“ A woman ” Conditions , Is to become the object of men's sexual desire ; Those who fail to meet this condition , It's not “ A woman ”. Menopausal women are not women ; Women who lose breasts and wombs are not women ; Ugly women are not women and so on . These women , Were expelled “ A woman ” The category of

When do women become “ A woman ”?“ The girl ” Become “ A woman ” The transformation period , It's Spring Festival . Kazuko Okakura is right “ Spring Festival ” Under the wonderful definition , In my words , namely : When you consciously realize that your body has become the object of men's sexual desire , It is the beginning of the girl's Spring Festival , It's not about age . therefore , There are girls who know how to flirt at the age of seven and enter the Spring Festival . after that , In the long life , A woman's body has been evaluated by men . It is said that , A woman suffering from anorexia is entering 30 After the age of , I feel that my body has lost its value to men , She began to eat at ease , Finally gained weight . For her , Age and weight have become withdrawal “ A woman ” Category strategy .

  1. Sex between orthodox heterosexual couples , Thus placed in a privileged position . The privileged sex between husband and wife has brought about two changes . One change is , Sex that originally existed inside and outside marriage , Limited between husband and wife ; Another change is , In a conjugal relationship , Sex is not an essential bond , But now it is placed at the core , namely ,“ Sexual family ” The birth of .

By the way , Before modern times , Among the general definitions of marriage , Either way , Sexual relations between husband and wife are not necessary . No sex , The relationship between husband and wife continues ; No children , The position of the wife will not be shaken .

  1. Between husband and wife “ Sexual intercourse obligation ”, After the modern marriage law . No , This statement is not accurate . actually ,“ Sexual intercourse obligation ” It has not been written into the legal provisions as a necessary condition for marriage ( So there is really no need for the present “ Asexual couple ” Make a fuss ), however , When the husband and wife divorce ,“ The other party doesn't accept the request of sexual intercourse ” Considered a legitimate reason for divorce . We are only from the example of this judicial judgment , Reverse presumption “ Sexual intercourse obligation ” The existence of . Of course , Only to “ Sexual intercourse obligation ”, Is not “ The obligation to give sexual satisfaction ”…. . .

This phenomenon can be called “ Sexualization of husband wife relationship ”(sexualization), however , I personally prefer to use “ The pornographic relationship between husband and wife ”(eroticization) This term . Because I feel , Sex between husband and wife is not only privileged , There is another major change , It's sex between husband and wife “ Pornographic ”(eroticize) 了 . talk about “ happy ” The words of , From here

The control of rights over sex , Through the management of happiness , namely “ Pornography of power ”, That's the core . Foucault called “ Sensualization of power ”(sensualization of power), Here “ sensory organs ”(sense) There is no other righteousness , Direct reference “ Erotic senses ”(erotic sense).

  1. “ Privacy of sex ” It doesn't mean sexual repression , But to make it privileged , And combine with personal personality .

  2. Since the privacy of sex ,“ About privacy ” become “ About sex ” The pronoun of . Family becomes “ Sexual family ”; Husband and wife become “ Sexual ties ” The pronoun of ; Marriage becomes a social license for sex ;“ wedding night ” Declare the beginning of a sexual relationship ;“ asexual ” Regarded as a relationship between husband and wife “ Pathology ”…. . . What we know today about marriage and couples “ common sense ”, From this .

  3. therefore , For the strong , So-called “ privacy ” It means being free from public power 、 Discretionary space ; For the weak , Will become unable to get the intervention and protection of a third party 、 Full of fear 、 Places that must be obeyed .

“ privacy ” Who is protected ? It's the strong . Victims of sexual harassment and domestic violence 、 Sexually vulnerable people answer this .

  1. But , In modern sexual concepts , But it contains “ The pornographic relationship between husband and wife ”, namely “ The rights and obligations of sexual satisfaction ”.

  2. Happiness replaces power , Can achieve the ultimate male domination . But , about “ Pornography of power ”, We should not understand it as “ Porn has replaced power ”, The correct solution should be “ Power appears in the form of pornography ”, Or vice versa ,“ Pornography appears in the form of power ”.“ Pornography of power ” A word expresses , It is such a “ Modern times of sex ” The form of .

  3. A couple becomes a symbol of gender relationship , It is a phenomenon after the establishment of monogamous marriage system in modern society . In a society where bigamy is taken for granted , Marriage is not an equal relationship at all , even “ dual ” The relationship is not . Concubine is a servant , That is, sex workers who have concluded exclusive contracts . For Japanese wives , For a long time , Sex is “ dedication ”, You can't say no “ Mission ”, It's not happiness . If those wives knew that the bourgeois marriage norm was “ The rights and obligations of sexual pleasure ”, How will they react ? Really dangerous , I almost have to say “ Bourgeois society has never been established in Japan ” Something like that .

  4. Today's crown prince married Masako as his wife , Media reports , He said so :“ I will do my best to protect you all my life .” this sentence , How many Japanese women's hearts were hit at that time ! If you are also one of the women who have been hit by this sentence , That proves that you will also “ Pornography of power ” A woman who has been physically transformed .“ Protect ” It means putting people in a fence , Dominate for life . Whether that fence is a greenhouse or a prison , It makes no difference . Sure enough , Waiting in front of Yazi is exactly “ Prisoners ” Reality . and , When a man “ Protect ” Women , His foreign enemies are often other men who are more powerful than himself .“ Protect ”, But is “ all ” Another expression of , But it became “ Love ” The pronoun of , That's exactly what it is. “ Pornography of power ”. I didn't mean to laugh at the crown prince . The young crown prince should sincerely use this word to express his honest love , But “ Protect ” The meaning of the word clearly shows , Man's love , It can only be expressed in the form of ownership and domination .

  5. For men , Heterosexual order is a device to prove that men are sexual subjects . Under the heterosexual device , Men and women are not equal “ a pair ”. Men are in the position of the subject of sexual desire , Women are in the position of the object of sexual desire . This relationship is asymmetric between men and women . Heterosexual order is a “ command ”, Men are required not to take men of the same sex as the object of sexual desire , The object of his sexual desire can only be “ Non man ( Women )”. On the other hand , People who are regarded as the object of sexual desire by men , It becomes “ Non man = A woman ”. If that object is a man , He was feminized , Be regarded as “ Men like women ”. ad locum ,“ A woman ” Is defined as the object of male sexual desire . therefore , Women who can't arouse men's sexual desire , Not by definition “ A woman ”.

  6. The core of heterosexual order is misogynia .

  7. As long as there is power asymmetry in gender relations , Even if the bond between women exists , It is also different from the bond between men . because , The male group is compared with the female group , The difference in power resources that can be obtained through assimilation with same-sex groups is overwhelming . Who is willing to take the initiative to assimilate with disadvantaged groups ? Even if there is continuity between women's homosexual social desire and homosexuality , It's just an unfavorable choice to be at a disadvantage . Compared with , Women might as well accept the role of the object of sexual desire . Belong to the male group , Seek the distribution of power resources through this way . Although this approach is only indirect , But it is more efficient , As long as women are still placed around men ( Chosen by men ) In the potential competitive relationship , Even if the same-sex social ties between women exist , It's also very fragile . This can explain , Why is a woman's jealousy not towards a man who has betrayed herself , It points to women of the same sex .

  8. There are two ways to surpass female anorexia . One is the path of women , One is the path of men .

About the previous path , I want to explain a widely circulated misunderstanding , namely “ Feminists also have misogynia ” The said . For this , We nodded and said yes , There is no reason to deny . One of the reasons , Born and raised in this misogynistic society , Women who are not infected by misogynia may not exist . Two of the reasons , Feminists are people who are consciously aware of their misogyny and are determined to fight it . If a woman has no misogynia at all ( Such a woman, if any ), Then she has no object of struggle , It will lose the reason to become a feminist . If a woman has no misogynia at all , Fight only to change society , that , Feminism is no longer “ Self emancipating thoughts ”. But only “ Changing society ” The props of . Such a struggle , It's just a “ Imposed justice ”, It can almost be called the collision of different cultures , There is not only no dialogue between the two , Instead, it will end up with the suppression and elimination of the majority party and the minority . Originally , What is misogynia , Only those who know can judge . Many women just know what misogynia is , Just feel angry and painful about it .

  1. Andrology points out , Men also suffer from the bondage of gender , however , That's not the latter kind of self loathing , namely “ Not enough men ” The pain of ? Weak sex 、 Not liked by women 、 be unemployed 、 Autistic and so on “ Male problems ”, It shows the right to deviate from the male group “ specifications ” Terror and pain .“ Deviation from specification ” Of men can't find their place , Increasingly isolated , Is understandable . Excluded by same-sex groups “ Failed to be a man ” People of , It is impossible to unite with each other .

  2. because , No matter how unpleasant , We can't close our eyes to the reality , There exists . And because , We also know , No matter how hard , As long as we know the reality , There is the possibility of changing it .

  3. Afterword of the translator :“ Male homosexual social desire ” Not alone , But with “ Anorexia ”(misogyny)“ Homosexuality abhors ”(homophobia) It's one thing , The three elements together constitute the gender order . Here are three main points .(1) The bond between men , It's a kind of “ Male homosexual social desire ”.(2) In order to maintain the subjectivity and superiority of the men's group , Women need to be “ Otherness ”, As the object of desire , Despise . This is it. “ Anorexia ”.(3) In order to ensure the dominant position of each member of the men's group , And strictly eliminate homosexuality . Because homosexuals regard gay men as objects of desire , Will make men become the object of desire , Disturb the order of the men's group , It's very dangerous . This is it. “ Homosexuality abhors ”.

The breakthrough of this Trinity interpretation is , People usually think “ Heterosexual gender binary mechanism ” It's a relationship between a man and a woman , But Sedgwick told us , In the wrong , Is not “ male - Woman ” The relationship between , It is “ male - male - Woman ” The relationship between . An alliance between men , Women are outside the men's group , Its function is to make men become “ Sexual subject ”. however , As Ueno emphasized in the book , When men place women in the object in order to maintain their subjectivity , There is a paradox hidden in it : The subject cannot exist alone , We must rely on the object to get the confirmation of the subject status , therefore , Men have to rely on women while disdaining them , Resentment against this dilemma , This is the deep entanglement of men's misogynia .


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