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Body mass index program, entry to write dead applet project

2022-07-07 01:13:00 Jinan medical applet champion

Because one person has his own rhythm , you , My rhythm is obviously slow ? It's a beat slow , Then I feel normal rhythm , I was wrong .


 #region  0.1  Body mass index program , Entry applet project 
            double height = 1.78; //  Height variable , The unit is rice. 

            int weight = 75;// Weight variables , The unit is kilogram  

            double exponent = weight / (height * height); // BMI Calculation formula .0.1   Basic entry business logic code , Realize the function of the code  
            Console.WriteLine("--------- Introduction to height quality index small business project -----------");

            Console.WriteLine(" Your height is :" +height);
            Console.WriteLine(" Your weight is :"+weight);
            Console.WriteLine(" Your BMI The body mass index is :" +exponent);
            Console.Write(" Your weight belongs to : ");

            //if  If you judge 
            if (exponent<18.5)
            {//  Judge BMI Whether the index is less than  18.5 
                Console.WriteLine(" Underweight ");

            else if(exponent>=18.5 && exponent <24.9)
            {//  Judge BMI Whether the index is greater than or equal to 18.5, And less than 24.9 
                Console.WriteLine(" normal range ");

            else if(exponent >=24.9 && exponent <29.9)
            { //  Judge BMI Whether the index is greater than or equal to 24.9, And less than 29.9 
                Console.WriteLine(" Overweight ");
            else if (exponent >= 29.9)
            {//  Judge BMI Whether the index is greater than or equal to  29.9.  If the above conditions hold , Just execute the code in braces , Otherwise, execute the code of other options . 
                Console.WriteLine(" obesity ");
            Console.ReadLine();//  Stop at the cursor position , According to the content  






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