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Fundamentals of C language

2022-07-05 07:54:00 Soy sauce;

One . Preprocessing

1.c Code compilation process
1. Precompiling of header files , Preprocessing
When the compiler compiles the source code , The header file will be compiled first , Make sure that each header file is compiled only once .
In the pretreatment stage , Compiler will c All the contents of the header file referenced in the file are written to c In file .
2. Lexical and grammatical analysis ( Error checking )
3. compile ( Assembly code ,.obj file )
.h Put function declaration , Will go to the current folder in the project .c Find out the equivalent function definition
It's converted into a sink code , This kind of file is called the target file . The suffix is .obj.
4. link ( Binary machine code ,.exe file )
Converting assembly code into machine code , Generate executable files .

During the compilation process ,.h Everything in the file will be written to the .c In file , And all under the current folder .c The document is in a common main Function as the entry to the executable program .
stay .h The function implementation written in the file can still be compiled and executed normally , Equivalent to all of .h The content of the book was written in the end main.c In file . But for the sake of logic 、 Ease of maintenance and some other purposes , Generally in .h Write the function declaration in the file , stay .c The realization of writing function in file . Generally, macro constants , Macro functions , Structure , Template declaration , data type , Declare external variables , Declare function declaration . Put header file (.h)

2. precompile , What is the first thing to do in the compilation process ?
Or what is preprocessed

answer : compile # Instructions beginning with words , Such as Copy #include Included header file code ,#define Replacement of macro definitions , Conditional compilation ifndef

3. When to precompile ?
answer :
① Large code that is often used but not often changed .
② The program consists of several modules , All modules use a standard set of include files and the same compilation options , Precompile all include files into one “ Precompiled translation head ”.

4. c In language # And ## The difference and function of
answer :# : Change the macro parameter into a string ;
## : Connect the two macro parameters together ( Only two. )

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ONE 1 //1. The most common is  # Parameters will not be replaced , Only replace the corresponding characters ; 
#define toString(str) #str //2. Macro parameter to string 
#define hehe(x,y) x##y //  Macro parameters to connect 
int main()
	printf("%d\n",ONE);				//# Parameters will not be replaced , Only replace the corresponding characters ;
	printf(toString(123456));		// Output string "123456"
	printf("\n %d \n",hehe(1,2));	// Output  int 12
	char string[]="hello world!";  
	return 0;

Output results :

hello world!
hello world!

**3. How to avoid repeated inclusion of header files when calling ? **

answer : resolvent : application #ifndef #define #endif

/* How to explain  !: // The first time did not define perform include, The second time has #define Unqualified  ( On the condition that notdefine, And already define 了 ) So don't execute include*/
#ifndef _STM32F10X_GPIO_H
#define _STM32F10X_GPIO_H

#include "stm32f10x.h" // Here is the content of the header file 


Two . keyword

1. static The role of keywords ?
answer :static The main function is hide , Second, because static Variable storage Put it in the static storage area , It has persistence and the default value is 0
① Hiding effect , Variables and functions with the same name can be defined in different files .
For variables , Keep variables persistent , The variables in the static data area will be completed just when the program is running initialization , It's also the only initialization ; Stored in the static data area .
There are only two variables in static storage ( whole Local variables and static Static variables ).
Default initialization is 0x00, The same properties as global variables
, Reduce the programmer's workload .

2. static What's the difference between global variables and ordinary global variables ?

Global variables ( External variables ) Before the description of static It's a static global variable .

Global variables themselves are static storage , Static global variables are also static storage . There is no difference between the two in the way of storage .

The difference between the two is that the scope of non static global variables is the whole source program , When a source program consists of multiple source files ,** Non static global variables are valid in all source files . Static global variables limit their scope , That is, it is only valid in the source file where the variable is defined , It cannot be used in other source files of the same source program .** Because the scope of static global variables is limited to one source file , Can only be used for functions within the source file , So you can avoid causing errors in other source files .
static Can only be used when calling your own function .
static Global variables are initialized only once , Prevent references in other file units ;

3. const The role of keywords
answer :① Limiting variables cannot be modified , Constants must be initialized at the same time as they are defined .
②const Use with pointer , const int *p1; int const *p2; int *const p3; In three cases , The third kind of pointer is read-only ,p3 The value of itself cannot be modified ; The first two cases , The data pointed to by the pointer is read-only ,p1,p2 The value of can be modified , But the number pointed It cannot be modified .
③const Use with function parameters Use const To define variables individually, you can use #define Command substitution ,const Usually placed in function parameters . If the parameter is a pointer , To prevent modifying the data pointed to by the pointer inside the function, you can use const To limit .

4. volatile The role of keywords ?
Introduction to compiler optimization : Memory access speed is far less than cpu Speed of processing , To improve performance , Introduce cache from hardware cache, Speed up access to memory .
The methods of compiling optimization are : Cache memory variables into registers ; Adjust the order of instructions to make full use of CPU finger Make the assembly line . Do not access memory , Access registers , Save time .

answer : Because accessing registers is much faster than accessing memory cells , The editor will optimize to reduce access . When using volatile When declaring function variables , The system always rereads data from its memory . Encountered the variable declared by this keyword , The compiler no longer optimizes the code that accesses the variable , Thus, it is suggested that For stable access to special addresses ;( Prevent code from being optimized ) If not used valatile, The compiler will optimize the declared statement , To avoid mistakes .

5. extern The role of keywords ?
answer : What is in the function is a local variable Variables defined outside the function are global variables , Static storage , The life cycle is the whole program , The valid range is Define the position of variables from the beginning to the end of this source file .

a. If you want to reference this global variable before definition , You should add extern As “ Declaration of external variables ”.
b. If a project with multiple source files wants to reference an external variable of a source file, it is only allowed to add extern Keyword to declare , However, you can modify the value of its variables in the referenced module , Use with caution .
c. extern “C”: C++ Code calls C The language code . stay C++ Used in the header file of .

6. sizeof The role of keywords ?( a key )

answer :sizeof stay Compile phase processing , The function is to get an object ( Data type or data object ) Of length ( That is, the size of memory , With 1 Bytes are units ).
① Pointer can be regarded as a kind of variable ,32 Bit operating system sizeof The hands are 4, Example : int *p; sizeof§ =4; sizeof(*p) = sizeof(int )=4;

② For static arrays ,sizeof You can directly calculate the size of the array , example : int a[10]; char b[ ]= “hello”; Sizeof (a) = 4 * 10 =40; Sizeof (b) = 6; ( When calculating the length of a string, add the string terminator /0)

③ When an array is used as a function parameter , Array name as pointer Use , example : Void fun (char p[ ]) { Sizeof § ; // The result is 4 }

7. sizeof And stelrn The difference between :
*sizeof It's the operator , strlen For the function ;
sizeof You can use type as a parameter , Such as int char; Add \0
strlen Only use char
( Generally used for Strings ) Make parameters with \0 For the end
*sizeof For array , No degradation , Pass to strlen The array will be degenerated into an orange pointer , The calculated size is not calculated \0

3、 ... and . Structure

1. Assignment method of structure :
① initialization : Such as : Struct st{ Char a; Int b; }x={ ‘A’, 1 };

② Assign values by field after defining variables , Such as : Struct st{ Char a; Int b; }; Struct st x; X.a = ‘A’; X.b = 1;

③ Assignment of structure variables , Such as : Struct st { Char a; Int b; } ; Struct st x,y; X.a= ‘A’; X.b=1; Y=x;

2. The structural domain
Bit field type : char, short,int Can be carried (signed perhaps unsigned)
Definition of bit field : struct st{
Unsigned char a:7; // Field a Take up one byte 7bit( position )
Unsigned char b:2; // Field b Take up one byte 2ibt( position )
Unsigned char c:7; }s1;

Benefits of bit fields :
① You don't need full bytes , Save storage space , Simple processing ;
② It is convenient to decompose a variable by bit field ; But it is not conducive to the transplantation of the program !!

3. Calculate the size of a structure ,sizeof(struct s1)
① The concept of structure offset : The offset in the structure refers to the distance between the actual address of a member and the first address of the structure .

② Calculation method of structure size : The structure experience involves byte alignment ,( The purpose is to make the computer read quickly , Exchange space for speed ), That is, the size of the last member + The offset of the last member + Number of filled sections at the end .

③ In structure offset rules
First step : The offset of each member must be an integer multiple of the memory size occupied by the current member , If not An integral multiple , The compiler will fill in bytes before .
The second step : When all member sizes are calculated , The compiler will determine whether the current structure size is the widest An integer multiple of the size of a structure member , If it's not an integer multiple , The compiler fills in bytes .
example :Struct s1{
The size of the member Offset of member
int a; 4 0
char b; 1 4
int c; 4 5+3( Fill bytes )
long d; 8 12+4( Fill bytes )
char e; 1 24
Sizeof(s1)=24+1+7( Fill bytes )
(24+1 It's the total size , Want to be with 8 The comparison is an integer multiple )

4. Structure member array size
①Struct st { Int a; Int b; Char c [ 0 ]; }st_t; sizeof(st_t) = 8
②Struct book {
Char name[5];
Float price;

sizeof[book]=24; although book It also refers to the first address, but it refers to a whole, so 24
sizeof[&book[0]]=4;// The memory space of a single first address is always 4, Regardless of data type , Because there are four cells in the memory
Sizeof( book[1] ) = 12; A single calculation is 12
Sizeof (book[2]) = 12;

First step : The elements whose structure members account for a large number of bytes are sizeof ( float ) = 4; Then use 4 To allocate other member ;
The second step : The array is more than four bytes , Continue with line break , Which byte left is not enough float Type data use , Then line break

Four . Interviews are common

1. The difference between reference and pointer :
① References must be initialized , Pointers do not have to be initialized
② The reference cannot be changed after initialization , But the pointer can change the object it refers to
③ There is no reference to null value , But there are null pointers

2. .h Header file , ifndef /define /endif The role of
① Prevent the header file from being called repeatedly

3. include<file.h> and includ”file.h” The difference between ?
① The former looks for files from the library functions provided by the compiler , from Standard library path Start searching for files
② The latter is to find files from customized files , Can't find. Go to the library function to find the file

4. The difference between global and local variables ?
① Global variables -> Stored in Static data area , Occupy a static storage unit
② local variable -> Stored in In the stack , Only when the function is called does the allocation of storage units begin a key

5. What are the causes of stack overflow ?
① Function call level too deep , When a function is called recursively , The system should keep the line when the function is called in the stack Process and generated variables , Recursive call too deep , Will cause stack overflow , This is recursive and cannot be returned .
The dynamic application space is not released after use . because C There is no automatic garbage collection mechanism in the language , because This requires programmers to actively release the dynamic address space that is no longer used .
Array access out of bounds
,C The language does not provide array subscript out of bounds checking , If the array appears in the program Mark access is out of array range , There may be memory access errors during operation .
Pointer illegal access , The pointer holds an illegal address , Access the address pointed to through such a pointer Memory access error will occur .

6. The difference between queues and stacks
The same thing : Stack and queue are restricted to insert and delete only in the table “ Endpoint ” Linear table for Difference : Stack elements must “ First in, then out ”, queue Element must “ fifo ”

7. Can a local variable have the same name as a global variable ?
can , Local variables will mask Global variables , To use global variables , Need to use ”::”;
Local variables can have the same name as global variables , When you refer to this variable within a function , You use local variables with the same name , Instead of using global variables

8. How to reference a defined global variable ?
① use extern Keyword mode
② Use reference header file , The premise is that there can only be one of them C The initial value of this variable is assigned in the file , At this time There will be no mistake .

9. Can a global variable be defined in multiple .c The file contains the header file , Why? ?

Sure , In different C In the document, use static Declared global variables , Variable names may be the same , however Their respective C The scope of the global variable in the file is the file , So don't interfere with each other .

10.Do…while and while …do The difference between ?

①do …while : Cycle once and then judge
②while …do : Judge first and then cycle

11.static The key word in Global variables 、 local variable 、 Difference of function ?
Global variables +static : Change scope , change ( Limit ) Its scope of use . Initialize only once , Prevent references in other file units . The scope of a global variable is the entire Source program , It is valid in each source file , And the scope of the global variable after adding static Limited to In a source file .
local variable +static : Change how it is stored , That is, it changes its survival time .
Ordinary function +static : Different scopes , Only in this document . Functions used only in the current source file should be described as internal functions (static), Internal functions should Describe and define in the current source file , For functions that can be used outside of the current source file , It should be in a The header file says , The source file to use these functions should contain this header file .

12. Program memory allocation ( Regular examination )
Preface :c Language program .c The file is compiled and connected to form a compilation 、 Binary image text formed after linking The piece is made up of Pile up ,、 Stack 、 Data segment ( Read only data segment , Uninitialized data segment BSS, Initialized data segment three part )、 Code segment composition

① The stack area (stack): Managed by the compiler , Automatic allocation and release , What is stored is that the function has been called Various parameters in the process , local variable , The return value and the return place of the function site .
② Heap area (heap) : It is used for dynamic application, allocation and release of space ,malloc and free, The programmer The space requested should be released after use , The program automatically retracts .
③ overall situation ( static state ) Storage area : It is divided into DATA( Already initialized ),BSS( uninitialized ) paragraph ,DATA The segment stores global variables and static variables ; BSS( uninitialized ) Store uninitialized global variables and Static variables . Automatically release after the program runs , among BSS( All uninitialized areas ) The system will automatically Zero clearing .
④ Text constant area : Store constant string , Released by the system at the end of the program .
⑤ Program code snippet : Store the binary code of the program .

13. explain ” Pile up ” and ” Stack ” The difference between :
notes : When asked this question, you can elaborate from these aspects
① Application method
② System response after application
③ Request memory size limit
④ Application efficiency
⑤ Store content
⑥ Distribution method

① Application method
: Strack( Stack ): Released by the compiler's own allocation , Stores the parameter values of the function , Local variables, etc . Heap( Pile up ): Programmers apply for , And name the size –>malloc function .
② System response after application Strack( Stack ): As long as there is space left in the stack > Space requested , Will provide . Heap( Pile up ): The operating system has a linked list of free memory : Received the application -> Traversing the linked list -> seek -> Heap of application space node
③ Request memory size limit Strack( Stack ): The result of extending data to low addresses , Continuous memory area , Stack Get less space . Heap( Pile up ): Extended to high address , Discontinuous memory area ; The traversal direction of the linked list is ( Low address -> High address ). Stack to obtain flexible space , There's a lot of space .
④ Application efficiency Strack( Stack ): The system is freely distributed , Fast . Heap( Pile up ): Slow speed , It is easy to generate memory fragmentation .
⑤ Store content Strack( Stack ): First into the stack : The address of the next instruction in the main function --> The parameters of the function , Parameters from right to left Into the stack .–> A local variable of a function ( Static variables are not stacked ). After call , In reverse order , Local variables first out of stack . Heap( Pile up ): The programmer arranges it himself
⑥ Distribution method Strack( Stack ): Stack There are two ways of distribution , Static and dynamic allocation . Static allocation is done by the compiler , For example, Bureau Allocation of partial variables , Dynamic allocation is made by alloca Function to allocate , But the dynamic allocation of stacks is different from that of heaps , Stack dynamics Memory is released by the compiler , No need to do it by hand . Heap( Pile up ): The heap is all dynamically allocated , No statically allocated heap .

  1. The difference between a structure and a consortium :
    **① Structures and consortia :** Are composed of members of different data types , But at the same time , The consortium has only stored one Selected members ( All members share one address ); And structure members exist ( Different members have different storage addresses ). Example : * In the consortium abc in , Shaping quantity i And character m Share a memory location . * When a consortium is described , The compiler automatically generates a variable , Its length is the largest variable length in the consortium
    ② Different members of the consortium are assigned , Will override... For other members , The value of the original member will not exist . The assignment of different members of the structure does not affect each other

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