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What is Bezier curve? How to draw third-order Bezier curve with canvas?

2022-07-05 07:33:00 Front end watermelon brother_

Hello everyone , I'm brother watermelon .

Today, let's talk about what Bessel curve is and its principle , And talk about how to use Canvas Technique to draw a third-order Bessel curve .

What is the Bezier curve ?

Bessel curve , It is a parametric curve that describes a curve through several simple parameters .

Bessel curve is composed of Pierre · Bessel Invented , The purpose is to assist in the main body design of the car , Now it has been widely used in computer aided design and computer graphics systems .

How is Bezier curve drawn ?

Bessel curve needs to provide parameters of several points , First of all Start and end of curve .

And then offer Any number of control points .

  • If the number of control points is 0, We call it linear Bessel ;
  • The number of control points is 1, Is the second-order Bessel curve ;
  • The number of control points is 2, It is a third-order Bessel curve , And so on .

We have set the starting point 、 After the end point and control point , How does Bezier curve calculate the curve through these points ?

Bessel curve algorithm will follow the starting point 、 The control points 1、 The control points 2、…、 Sequence of endpoints , Two adjacent points are connected in turn , produce n A straight line ( This is also n The origin of the nomenclature of the order Bessel curve ).

Then we will start from the beginning of each line at the same time , Move towards the end and get a point proportionally . Then connect these points , produce n - 1 A straight line .

That's it , We continue the same operation , Until it becomes a straight line , Then we take a point proportionally , This point is the point through which the curve passes .

When our proportion increases a little ( from 0 To 1), You get all the points in the middle of the curve , Finally, draw a complete curve .

Second order Bezier curve drawing animation , From wikipedia :


Third order Bezier curve drawing animation , From wikipedia :


The use of visual design

In visual design , The most commonly used is the third-order Bessel curve , Occasionally, second order .

Photoshop、AI And other graphic design tools provide tools for drawing Bezier curves , And was named “ Pen ”、“ curve ” Names like that , Because it can be better remembered .

The next step is Photoshop On the use of “ Pen ” The tool draws a third-order Bezier operation demonstration , Just draw the curve of the above third-order Bessel animation .


You can see , When doing visual design , In fact, you don't need to know the principle of Bessel curve . All you need to do is adjust each point , Until you feel “ It should be OK ” until .

Of course, a Bessel curve cannot complete a complex curve , We need multiple third-order Bessel coordination . In order to make the connection smooth , Usually, the control point of the previous curve 2 And the control point of the latter curve 1 yes Point symmetry Location relationship of .

Generally speaking , The fewer Bezier curves are used for curves , It will be more exquisite, high-end and magnificent . Because it is the ultimate simplicity , Without a trace of redundancy .

Take drawing an egg as an example :


Whew, whew, whew , Just two Bezier curves make an egg ( Maybe mango ) It's done .

use Cavans Draw a Bezier curve of third order

Canvas Provides bezierCurveTo() Method to draw the third-order Bessel curve .

ctx.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y);

bezierCurveTo Accept 6 Parameters , It is the third order Bessel curve The control points 1、 The control points 2、 The end of x and y coordinate .

EH , Where is the starting point coordinate ?

In fact, the starting point is The current position of the brush . This position may be the last time I passed moveTo() Arrive at a location , It may also be the coordinates of the end point reached after the last Bezier curve was drawn .

Here is an example code for drawing a third-order Bessel curve :

const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

ctx.translate(100, 40);

const p1 = [0, 80]; //  The starting point 
const p2 = [200, 80]; //  End 
const cp1 = [-10, 0] //  The control points  1
const cp2 = [110, 0] //  The control points  2

//  Set line style 
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
ctx.lineWidth = 2;

//  Draw the Bessel curve 
ctx.moveTo(p1[0], p1[1]); //  The brush first falls to the starting point of the curve 
ctx.bezierCurveTo(cp1[0], cp1[1], cp2[0], cp2[1], p2[0], p2[1]);

//  Draw Guides 
drawPoint(p1, ' The starting point ');
drawPoint(p2, ' End ');
drawPoint(cp1, ' The control points  1');
drawPoint(cp2, ' The control points  2');

function drawPoint([x, y], text) {
  ctx.lineWidth = 1;
  ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
  ctx.arc(x, y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);

  const OFFSET_X = 6;
  ctx.fillText(text, x + OFFSET_X, y);


Most of them are logic for setting styles and drawing points .

The core code for drawing third-order Bessel curve is :

ctx.moveTo(p1[0], p1[1]); //  The brush first falls to the starting point of the curve 
ctx.bezierCurveTo(cp1[0], cp1[1], cp2[0], cp2[1], p2[0], p2[1]);

The result drawn is :



Bessel curve is an expression of curve trend .

It's very simple , Can use a few points to describe a variety of curves , It is widely used in the field of visual design .

At the same time, it has also become a basic module in computer graphics , Many graphic standards, such as SVG、Canvas There are both third-order and second-order Bessel curves API standard .

I'm brother watermelon , Thank you for reading .


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