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Ugnx12.0 initialization crash, initialization error (-15)

2022-07-05 07:18:00 After reading thousands of books, you can pick them up and put

Install a software these days , Acting helpless . installed 5 6 Time , At first I thought the path was wrong (Initialization-CO;;APSE), later , A lot of information , I thought for a long time. , Will it be unrecognizable because the file name under the user name contains Chinese , Finally, it really is , I'm overwhelmed . If you don't want to change your user name, you can try it :
 Insert picture description here
① Now the system disk , That is to say C Create a new file on disk , And named it TEMP
② Search in the lower left corner of the computer : Control panel
 Insert picture description here
Click system and security
 Insert picture description here
③ Click System  Insert picture description here
④ Point advanced settings
 Insert picture description here
⑤ environment variable
 Insert picture description here
⑥ Click on TEMP and
newly build  Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
license (-15) error
 Insert picture description here
1. find Lmtools( From the bottom left corner of the computer , Can't see the point unfold ) Double-click on the run
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
find lmgrd Click it again
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
The rest is the same (browse——splm)(browse——splm_ugslmd.iog) Find the corresponding file and click again , Then click save service
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 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Wait for the reaction to finish
 Insert picture description here
Then appear  Insert picture description here
became , Just restart the software .


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