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[shutter] statefulwidget component (bottom navigation bar component | bottomnavigationbar component | bottomnavigationbaritem component | tab switching)

2022-07-02 21:10:00 Programmer community

List of articles

  • One 、BottomNavigationBar Components
  • Two 、BottomNavigationBarItem Components
  • 3、 ... and 、BottomNavigationBar Bottom navigation bar code example
  • Four 、BottomNavigationBar Bottom navigation bar selected state switching code example
  • 5、 ... and 、BottomNavigationBar Bottom navigation bar switch tab interface
  • 6、 ... and 、 Related resources

One 、BottomNavigationBar Components

BottomNavigationBar The component is the bottom navigation bar , Used to set to Scaffold Component's bottomNavigationBar Field ;

Here is BottomNavigationBar Component constructor source code , The optional parameter list of the constructor is the field property that can be set ;

class BottomNavigationBar extends StatefulWidget { 
      /// Creates a bottom navigation bar which is typically used as a  /// [Scaffold]'s [Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar] argument.  ///  /// The length of [items] must be at least two and each item's icon and title  /// must not be null.  ///  /// If [type] is null then [BottomNavigationBarType.fixed] is used when there  /// are two or three [items], [BottomNavigationBarType.shifting] otherwise.  ///  /// The [iconSize], [selectedFontSize], [unselectedFontSize], and [elevation]  /// arguments must be non-null and non-negative.  ///  /// If [selectedLabelStyle.color] and [unselectedLabelStyle.color] values  /// are non-null, they will be used instead of [selectedItemColor] and  /// [unselectedItemColor].  ///  /// If custom [IconThemData]s are used, you must provide both  /// [selectedIconTheme] and [unselectedIconTheme], and both  /// [IconThemeData.color] and [IconThemeData.size] must be set.  ///  /// If both [selectedLabelStyle.fontSize] and [selectedFontSize] are set,  /// [selectedLabelStyle.fontSize] will be used.  ///  /// Only one of [selectedItemColor] and [fixedColor] can be specified. The  /// former is preferred, [fixedColor] only exists for the sake of  /// backwards compatibility.  ///  /// The [showSelectedLabels] argument must not be non-null.  ///  /// The [showUnselectedLabels] argument defaults to `true` if [type] is  /// [BottomNavigationBarType.fixed] and `false` if [type] is  /// [BottomNavigationBarType.shifting].  BottomNavigationBar({ 
        Key key,    @required this.items,//  Current several  BottomNavigationBarItem  Components     this.onTap,    this.currentIndex = 0,//  Currently selected entry      this.elevation = 8.0,    BottomNavigationBarType type,    Color fixedColor,    this.backgroundColor,    this.iconSize = 24.0,    Color selectedItemColor,    this.unselectedItemColor,    this.selectedIconTheme = const IconThemeData(),    this.unselectedIconTheme = const IconThemeData(),    this.selectedFontSize = 14.0,    this.unselectedFontSize = 12.0,    this.selectedLabelStyle,    this.unselectedLabelStyle,    this.showSelectedLabels = true,    bool showUnselectedLabels,  })}

Two 、BottomNavigationBarItem Components

BottomNavigationBarItem Components are BottomNavigationBar Of items field value , You can give the items Set multiple fields BottomNavigationBarItem Components ;

BottomNavigationBarItem Common settings of components :

  • Default status icon : icon ;
  • The title displayed under the icon : title ;
  • Icon of active state : activeIcon ;
  • The background color : backgroundColor ;

BottomNavigationBarItem Component constructor source code :

class BottomNavigationBarItem { 
      /// Creates an item that is used with [BottomNavigationBar.items].  ///  /// The argument [icon] should not be null and the argument [title] should not be null when used in a Material Design's [BottomNavigationBar].  const BottomNavigationBarItem({ 
        @required this.icon,	//  Default status icon     this.title,	//  The title displayed under the icon     Widget activeIcon,	//  Icon of active state      this.backgroundColor,	//  The background color   }) : activeIcon = activeIcon ?? icon,       assert(icon != null);}

3、 ... and 、BottomNavigationBar Bottom navigation bar code example

Code example :

        //  Bottom navigation bar  BottomNavigationBar  Set up         // items  You can set multiple  BottomNavigationBarItem        bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(items: [          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.red,),            //  Set title             title: Text(" Home page ")          ),          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.red,),              //  Set title               title: Text(" Set up ")          )        ],),

Complete code example :

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class StatefulWidgetPage extends StatefulWidget { 
      @override  _StatefulWidgetPageState createState() => _StatefulWidgetPageState();}class _StatefulWidgetPageState extends State<StatefulWidgetPage> { 
      // This widget is the root of your application.  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) { 
        //  Text component style  ,  Can be set to  Text  Text component     //  Set font size  20,  The color is red     TextStyle textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: Colors.red);    return MaterialApp(      title: 'StatefulWidgetPage  Component example ',      theme: ThemeData(        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,      ),      home: Scaffold(        //  Top title bar         appBar: AppBar(title: Text('StatefulWidgetPage  Component example '),),        //  Bottom navigation bar  BottomNavigationBar  Set up         // items  You can set multiple  BottomNavigationBarItem        bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(items: [          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.red,),            //  Set title             title: Text(" Home page ")          ),          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.red,),              //  Set title               title: Text(" Set up ")          )        ],),        // Container  Container usage         body: Container(          //  Set the decorator of the container  , BoxDecoration  Is the most commonly used decorator           //  You can check it by yourself  BoxDecoration  Properties that can be set in           decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),          //  Set up  child  How the sub components are centered ,  Center           alignment: Alignment.center,          //  Child components ,  The subcomponent is set to a  Column  Components           child: Column(            // Column  Child components ,  Set up here  Text  Text component             children: <Widget>[            ],          ),        ),      ),    );  }}

Running effect :

 Insert picture description here

Four 、BottomNavigationBar Bottom navigation bar selected state switching code example

BottomNavigationBar Bottom navigation bar each BottomNavigationBarItem There is a selected state , adopt StatefulWidget You can change the state of the page ;

Set a member variable , Identify the currently selected index value ;

  ///  The currently selected bottom navigation bar index   int _currentSelectedIndex = 0;

take BottomNavigationBar Component's currentIndex Set to _currentSelectedIndex Member variables ;

        //  Bottom navigation bar  BottomNavigationBar  Set up         // items  You can set multiple  BottomNavigationBarItem        bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(          //  Set the currently selected bottom navigation index           currentIndex: _currentSelectedIndex,        )

Set up BottomNavigationBar Component's onTap Callback events , Pass in an anonymous callback function , Callback in this anonymous method StatefulWidget Component's setState Method of setting state , Modify the currently selected index , after BottomNavigationBar The component will automatically update the currently selected tab ;

        //  Bottom navigation bar  BottomNavigationBar  Set up         // items  You can set multiple  BottomNavigationBarItem        bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(          //  Set the currently selected bottom navigation index           currentIndex: _currentSelectedIndex,          //  Set the callback event of clicking the navigation bar at the bottom  , index  The parameter is the index value of the click           onTap: (index){ 
                //  Callback  StatefulWidget  Component's  setState  Method of setting state  ,  Modify the currently selected index             //  after  BottomNavigationBar  The component will automatically update the currently selected tab             setState(() { 
                  //  change  int _currentSelectedIndex  The state of the variable               _currentSelectedIndex = index;            });          },        )

Complete code example :

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class StatefulWidgetPage extends StatefulWidget { 
      @override  _StatefulWidgetPageState createState() => _StatefulWidgetPageState();}class _StatefulWidgetPageState extends State<StatefulWidgetPage> { 
      ///  The currently selected bottom navigation bar index   int _currentSelectedIndex = 0;  // This widget is the root of your application.  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) { 
        //  Text component style  ,  Can be set to  Text  Text component     //  Set font size  20,  The color is red     TextStyle textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: Colors.red);    return MaterialApp(      title: 'StatefulWidgetPage  Component example ',      theme: ThemeData(        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,      ),      home: Scaffold(        //  Top title bar         appBar: AppBar(title: Text('StatefulWidgetPage  Component example '),),        //  Bottom navigation bar  BottomNavigationBar  Set up         // items  You can set multiple  BottomNavigationBarItem        bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(          //  Set the currently selected bottom navigation index           currentIndex: _currentSelectedIndex,          //  Set the callback event of clicking the navigation bar at the bottom  , index  The parameter is the index value of the click           onTap: (index){ 
                //  Callback  StatefulWidget  Component's  setState  Method of setting state  ,  Modify the currently selected index             //  after  BottomNavigationBar  The component will automatically update the currently selected tab             setState(() { 
                  //  change  int _currentSelectedIndex  The state of the variable               _currentSelectedIndex = index;            });          },          //  entry           items: [          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.red,),            //  Set title             title: Text(" Home page ")          ),          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.red,),              //  Set title               title: Text(" Set up ")          )        ],),        // Container  Container usage         body: Container(          //  Set the decorator of the container  , BoxDecoration  Is the most commonly used decorator           //  You can check it by yourself  BoxDecoration  Properties that can be set in           decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),          //  Set up  child  How the sub components are centered ,  Center           alignment: Alignment.center,          //  Child components ,  The subcomponent is set to a  Column  Components           child: Column(            // Column  Child components ,  Set up here  Text  Text component             children: <Widget>[            ],          ),        ),      ),    );  }}

Running effect :

 Insert picture description here

5、 ... and 、BottomNavigationBar Bottom navigation bar switch tab interface

BottomNavigationBar On the bottom navigation bar onTap Callback method , Set the currently selected tab index , Modify according to the index value Scaffold Component's body Corresponding components , If the tab index is 0 , According to the component 0 , If the tab index is 1 , Then display components 1 ;

Set up body When the field value , According to the current index value of the selected option card , Determine which component should be displayed ;

body: _currentSelectedIndex == 0 ?  Components 0 :  Components 1 ,

Components 0 :

        Container( //  Corresponding to the bottom navigation bar main interface tab           //  Set the decorator of the container  , BoxDecoration  Is the most commonly used decorator           //  You can check it by yourself  BoxDecoration  Properties that can be set in           decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),          //  Set up  child  How the sub components are centered ,  Center           alignment: Alignment.center,          //  Child components ,  The subcomponent is set to a  Column  Components           child: Column(            // Column  Child components ,  Set up here  Text  Text component             children: <Widget>[              Text(" Main page tab ")            ],          ),        )

Components 1 :

        Container( //  Corresponding to the bottom navigation bar settings tab           //  Set the decorator of the container  , BoxDecoration  Is the most commonly used decorator           //  You can check it by yourself  BoxDecoration  Properties that can be set in           decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),          //  Set up  child  How the sub components are centered ,  Center           alignment: Alignment.center,          //  Child components ,  The subcomponent is set to a  Column  Components           child: Column(            // Column  Child components ,  Set up here  Text  Text component             children: <Widget>[              Text(" Set up page tabs ")            ],          ),        ) , //  This setting is related to  _currentSelectedIndex == 0?  Corresponding , ?:  Ternary operator 

Complete code :

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class StatefulWidgetPage extends StatefulWidget { 
      @override  _StatefulWidgetPageState createState() => _StatefulWidgetPageState();}class _StatefulWidgetPageState extends State<StatefulWidgetPage> { 
      ///  The currently selected bottom navigation bar index   int _currentSelectedIndex = 0;  // This widget is the root of your application.  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) { 
        //  Text component style  ,  Can be set to  Text  Text component     //  Set font size  20,  The color is red     TextStyle textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: Colors.red);    return MaterialApp(      title: 'StatefulWidgetPage  Component example ',      theme: ThemeData(        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,      ),      home: Scaffold(        //  Top title bar         appBar: AppBar(title: Text('StatefulWidgetPage  Component example '),),        //  Bottom navigation bar  BottomNavigationBar  Set up         // items  You can set multiple  BottomNavigationBarItem        bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(          //  Set the currently selected bottom navigation index           currentIndex: _currentSelectedIndex,          //  Set the callback event of clicking the navigation bar at the bottom  , index  The parameter is the index value of the click           onTap: (index){ 
                //  Callback  StatefulWidget  Component's  setState  Method of setting state  ,  Modify the currently selected index             //  after  BottomNavigationBar  The component will automatically update the currently selected tab             setState(() { 
                  //  change  int _currentSelectedIndex  The state of the variable               _currentSelectedIndex = index;            });          },          //  entry           items: [          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.home, color: Colors.red,),            //  Set title             title: Text(" Home page ")          ),          //  Set the bottom navigation bar entry ,  Each entry can be set with an icon           BottomNavigationBarItem(            //  The default icon             icon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.grey,),            //  Icon in active state             activeIcon: Icon(Icons.settings, color: Colors.red,),              //  Set title               title: Text(" Set up ")          )        ],),        // Container  Container usage         body:        _currentSelectedIndex == 0 ?        Container( //  Corresponding to the bottom navigation bar main interface tab           //  Set the decorator of the container  , BoxDecoration  Is the most commonly used decorator           //  You can check it by yourself  BoxDecoration  Properties that can be set in           decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),          //  Set up  child  How the sub components are centered ,  Center           alignment: Alignment.center,          //  Child components ,  The subcomponent is set to a  Column  Components           child: Column(            // Column  Child components ,  Set up here  Text  Text component             children: <Widget>[              Text(" Main page tab ")            ],          ),        )        :        Container( //  Corresponding to the bottom navigation bar settings tab           //  Set the decorator of the container  , BoxDecoration  Is the most commonly used decorator           //  You can check it by yourself  BoxDecoration  Properties that can be set in           decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white),          //  Set up  child  How the sub components are centered ,  Center           alignment: Alignment.center,          //  Child components ,  The subcomponent is set to a  Column  Components           child: Column(            // Column  Child components ,  Set up here  Text  Text component             children: <Widget>[              Text(" Set up page tabs ")            ],          ),        ) , //  This setting is related to  _currentSelectedIndex == 0?  Corresponding , ?:  Ternary operator       ),    );  }}

Running effect :

 Insert picture description here

6、 ... and 、 Related resources

Reference material :

  • Flutter Official website : https://flutter.dev/
  • Flutter Developing documents : https://flutter.cn/docs ( Strongly recommend )
  • official GitHub Address : https://github.com/flutter
  • Flutter The Chinese community : https://flutter.cn/
  • Flutter Practical tutorial : https://flutter.cn/docs/cookbook
  • Flutter CodeLab : https://codelabs.flutter-io.cn/
  • Dart Chinese document : https://dart.cn/
  • Dart Developer website : https://api.dart.dev/
  • Flutter Chinese net ( unofficial , The translation is very good ) : https://flutterchina.club/ , http://flutter.axuer.com/docs/
  • Flutter Related issues : https://flutterchina.club/faq/ ( It is recommended to watch it at the introductory stage )

Blog source download :

  • GitHub Address : https://github.com/han1202012/flutter_cmd ( Keep updating with the progress of the blog , There may not be the source code of this blog )

  • Blog source snapshot : https://download.csdn.net/download/han1202012/15484718 ( The source code snapshot of this blog , You can find the source code of this blog )


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